DEFENSE DEPARTMENT COWARDS: No Purple Hearts for Ft Hood survivors


Jan 23, 2011
DEFENSE DEPARTMENT COWARDS: The Defense Department is actively opposing legislation pending in Congress that would award the Purple Heart to the survivors of the Ft. Hood terrorism attack by Major Nidal Hasan. Why? Because DOD doesn’t want to call Hasan a “terrorist,” according to a document obtained by Fox News.

“The Army objects to (the proposal) because it would undermine the prosecution of Major Nidal Hasan by materially and directly compromising Major Hasan’s ability to receive a fair trial. This provision will be viewed as setting the stage for a formal declaration that Major Hasan is a terrorist, on what is now the eve of trial. Such a situation, prior to trial, would fundamentally compromise the fairness and due process of the pending trial,” the document said.

I fail to see how this legislation would deny Major Hasan’s ability to receive a fair trial. He is a terrorist, and the DoD’s continuing efforts to pawn off his terrorism as “workplace violence” tells you how stupid the Obama Administration thinks the American people really are.
They should at least get free postage stamps. The guy did go postal. :)
One of the saddest parts of this mess is the guards that took down that nut have since been let go from their jobs as police officers. The woman who stopped the shooter has pictures of her with the President, but she's searching for a job. It is horrible how they treat heroes in this country. Mean time everyone is looking out for the rights of the shooter.
DEFENSE DEPARTMENT COWARDS: The Defense Department is actively opposing legislation pending in Congress that would award the Purple Heart to the survivors of the Ft. Hood terrorism attack by Major Nidal Hasan. Why? Because DOD doesn’t want to call Hasan a “terrorist,” according to a document obtained by Fox News.

“The Army objects to (the proposal) because it would undermine the prosecution of Major Nidal Hasan by materially and directly compromising Major Hasan’s ability to receive a fair trial. This provision will be viewed as setting the stage for a formal declaration that Major Hasan is a terrorist, on what is now the eve of trial. Such a situation, prior to trial, would fundamentally compromise the fairness and due process of the pending trial,” the document said.

I fail to see how this legislation would deny Major Hasan’s ability to receive a fair trial. He is a terrorist, and the DoD’s continuing efforts to pawn off his terrorism as “workplace violence” tells you how stupid the Obama Administration thinks the American people really are.

Dude. I'm so with you on this one. I posted a thread about it in Feb, but the usual anti-Americans don't appreciate any unselfish acts of unsung heroes that die on American soil. And Odumba was quick to show his "appreciation" by making false promises during a hero's welcome at the White House.
Purple Heart awarded for:

"Being wounded or killed in any action against an enemy of the United States or as a result of an act of any such enemy or opposing armed forces."

So the Army says that people accused of terrorism can't get a fair trial in a military court?

Oh yeah, I guess there is a precedent for that.
Dude. I'm so with you on this one. I posted a thread about it in Feb, but the usual anti-Americans don't appreciate any unselfish acts of unsung heroes that die on American soil. And Odumba was quick to show his "appreciation" by making false promises during a hero's welcome at the White House.

Obama lies about EVERYTHING