Decadents and Dropouts IC

Trunfor Blackheart

He decided to take her advice. He went back to the corner, but he didn`t go to sleep. The recent activities had made him restless and not in the mood for sleeping. So he sat down and started examining his left wing and especially the scar on it.

He also wondered what she meant by having a celebration. Well he`d have to wait until then.
Phyliss Ovida

Phyliss had well noticed Gryphs reservation against Trunfor. She hoped he was just careful and sceptic, and not jealous. She had not thought of that before, but this was a problem that could occur in future, even among "monsters". Maybe they just needed time to get used each other. She turned out the little lamp. "Goodnight, Gryph." "Goodnight, Trunfor." She thought for a moment if she should kiss Gryph good-night in the dark: "No, not yet. Don't rush things." then she went for sleep.

"Sleep well Phyliss"

He got up and sat down in the corner where his back pack was, keeping a weary eye on Trunfor. Maybe he was a bit overzealous, but he had found that it was best to be weary and careful than to just trust everybody.

"Good night Trunfor"
Phyliss Ovida

Once again, there was the small village with the nice little houses made from grey stone, the green hills, and the old, large tower that nobody dared to even approach. She turned back. "Daddy, daddy, please... It is me... don't you know me?"But the old man, dressed like a peasant, moved backwards against the wall, his eyes widened in terror. No, No! This cannot be... Go away! You are not my daughter... you...MONSTER!"
"I hate peasants." murmured Phyliss half in sleep. "Again this nightmare". she thought as she woke up. It was morning now. She looked around, now she had two friends. "Good morning" she said as warm and friendly as possible. She looked over to the bowl. How would the boys react if she was going to wash herself? They better got used to it or get their own rooms. She pused the blanket to the side, to get up.

Dawn broke and shortly afterward Phyliss woke up, he greeted her and got up. Walking over to the smaller creature he picked him up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind them. By now he was sure Trunfor was awake and he set him down on his feet

"Let's see about breakfast while the lady prepares herself, I am sure that we will get a lot of time to clean ourselves afterward"
Phyliss Ovida

Phyliss was grateful that Gryph had understand her wink. She washed herself very carefully, did her makeup and put on some perfume. She took the same dress she wore yesterday, becaus it was practicable then the others, and still elegant. She still worried about Gryphs gold. She was as good as out of money, and if Gryph would let himself getting stolen, they were in real trouble. She locked the room carefully and went down to see her friends.
Trunfor Blackheart

He was careful to disguise himself from the locals. He was eating with Gryph down in the main common room. He got to like the guy, he was obviously loyal and couragous.
He saw Phyliss come down the stairs and nodded to her. Trunfor began to reflect on his childhood.

He got up when Phyliss approached their table and waited for her to sit down, before he sat and continued with his meal. Though not saying much, he was sure that by now Trunfor knew him to be more than just some stupid beast. Well you win some and you lose some, he wondered if the omen was still valid or if they have staved it off.
Phyliss Ovida

The gorgon set down two them. They were really a strange crowd, but nobody dared to object. A good start. She looked around, but could not find Verialyn, Kanut or Relic.
"So, let us have breakfast. Maybe then we go around the forges and see if anyone heard of our friends. If not, we must leave some messages. Everyone will renember us, I think."

"That would not be difficult, a gorgon, a human with fangs who was joined by a human...or am I mistaken as to what the people see when they look at you Trunfor?"

He drank some of the milk in his bucket like glass and gave Trunfor a grin, revealing his dragon-like fangs.

"You still smell of magic, what was the cost of this illusion?"
Trunfor Blackheart

Trunfor looked up at Phyliss,"Whatever you say Phyliss."

He sat back and pulled his book out of his backpack and started reading. Once they were ready, he`d head out with them
Phyliss Ovida

"To be honest, this disguise isn't so perfect." said Phyliss. "I guess it is more done the conventional way then with magic."
Trunfor Blackheart

OOC: Sorry my posts are irrregualr, my computer is going really slow.

"I have no illusions on me Gryph. I cover myself in robes to hide mt heritage. The magic you smel is from my heritage. Magic runs in my blood since I have fiendish heritage."
Phyliss Ovida

"Still, I am quite interested in your magic possibilities as well, Trunfor." she took some of the breakfast. "And another thing, yesterday I thought of sharing a riverboat. What do you two think about that?"
Trunfor Blackheart

OOC:I have to log off, my computer is messing up. But I`ll be back in an hour and a half.

Trunfor loked up and said "I`m fine with anything you guys want. My oath to Phyliss binds me to follow her commands."
Phyliss Ovida

"But I like you to want and like it yourself. We would be quite a time together on the boat, until we might reach a better place... WHat do you think of it, Gryph?" she looked over to him.

He had listened in silence so far, he only looked up when Phyliss directed her question at him.

"I think it would be a good idea, but it will have to have many compartments to suit all the strange needs that exists among us"
Phyliss Ovida

Phyliss smiled. "Oh yes, maybe we would need to transform many things inside. But building up our own home would be a nice work. We just have to find a boat, for sure. What do you think if we go around in the city now? It might be a bit adventurers, but I think we are not so weak by now."
In fact, she felt like being well protected now. But this came with a price. No nobleman or rich merchant would open his house for her, if she appeared with this two guys at her side. But true friends were still more then the hospitality by some perves, who were just looking for a exotic toy to play and brag with.

"We can go out and start looking, but first I must find myself a hooded cloak, I feel exposed here. The hood should help and then I can even act as your body guard"

He chuckled at the thought

"The rich gorgon noble lady with her own protection"
Phyliss Ovida

Pyhliss laughed. "Noble I hope. But rich is certainly wrong." She looked at Gryph. "But maybe we can do something about your clothing." she went to the landlord and he gave her some places were clothing and armor was made. And she instructed him to inform her, if anybody appeared, who looked like the descriptions of the two assasins that were seen by Trunfor, or her lost friends. Then she came back, to see if Gryph could improvise anything like a hood.
Trunfor Blackheart

Trunfor followed stayed with Gryph so as to get to know him better. He explained how he could use magic but only certain magical abilities were granted some of which include; a blast of hellfire, striking fear into an opponent, ability to heal wounds, and the ability to send a bolt of lightning on an enemy.

However casting those spells cost energy so uing them a lot iat one time could leave one fatiguedd or exhausted.

He looked up as Phyliss came back towards them and he smiled, "So what do we do now?"
Phyliss Ovida

"For a start, we go through the city and ask for some friends. Then, if Gryph likes, we will go to get him some more clothing. And then we ask for the harbor and have a look if there is any suitable boat. And if you can think of anything more, just tell me." The gorgon grinned. "Sometimes your talking makes me feel like a queen."

Thrunfor smiled at her comment, "Well I`ll follow you. I don`t trust the lcals in the city. Someone might try to attack you."

He got up and prepared to follow Phliss and Gryph.
Phyliss Ovida

Phyliss had moved alone in similar cities before. She had encountered hostile, sometimes very dangerous situations, very few cities had such a strange population, that the inhabitants had seen it all and were quite tolerant, but pested with dangerous criminals, muderers and rapist. The City of Forges (what was indeed her name) was something in between. She would have managed alone, but it had been a little scary. With her two friends, nobody did dare to touch her, but many people, to whom she could have talked if she had been alone, simply turned and hurried away when they saw the three of them. So they did not learn anything about their missing friends, although cobalds and drows were not extremely rare here. She turned around.
"We could either split and try to find out anything we could. Or we could go order some new clothing for booth of you, if you like to."
Trunfor Blackheart

He nodded to her but was nervous, she might be attacked. Then he shook his head, she was a gorgon, she could handle herself.

"We`ll meet back at the inn in about, two hours, to check up on what we learned." said Trunfor.

He headed off towards the most common gathering places and tried to gather information. Luckly he had wrappedhimself up in enough robes to not be notice as being a half-fiend.