Deborah! Its for you...


Corrupted Innocent
Dec 26, 1999
Collage, Ravenloft? You mean, like, cutting pictures of assholes out of magazines and pasting them on construction paper? Hmmmm.

Deborah-- you're the best.
Hi Deborah!

We all know this universal truth that Women are more talkative than Men. When I asked one of my friend the reason. He said "Because Men have TWO lips, Women have FOUR". What a true statement. But seeing everywhere your postings on this Message Board, whether it was needed or not. I can say that, you sure know how to use your FOUR LIPS as well as your FOUR Cheeks and THREE Mouth's opening. DEBORAH! What a talking intelligent cunt you are. I'm really impressed.
A man who attacks has run out of arguments. Deos anyone think that's true? I do.
Of course. If I had anything worthwhile to say on my own, I wouldn't spending my time insulting a group of people I claim I hate.
I never said I hate anybody, you self-important shitbird. Don't give yourself too much credit. DANCE FOR ME BITCHES! Like puppets on a string. FAKE NAME FAN CLUB
duck and cover? talk about an understatement! trust me, it will not do any good to duck and cover. even if you do, when you come up the radiation will still kill you !.....I mean all of that with the utmost respect Deb (you crazy bitch)

oops forgot to put the smiley face on it...please deb, don't turn me into a toadstool

[This message has been edited by hawksview (edited 02-25-2000).]
Poor Deborah.
So many admirers, so little time.
C'mon you can spank me for free.
tongue.gif not take that attack personally. With all the people here who truly like you, you don't need him.

Anyways...curious_boy, I would think that this past week would have taught you something, but apparently you are not paying attention. There is no reason to call names and launch attacks on people. All this is going to accomplish is more arguing. There is a time and a place for's called Jerry Springer...we are not on that show, therefore, KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!

How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? One, but he has to WANT to change.

(Love them light bulb jokes)

How many Teamsters does it take to change a lightbulb? Fourteen, you gott'a problem with that?

Welcome to Non-Sequitor Day.
I just see this building until one day every post on the BB will be done under the "Fake Name".

I'm crushed that no one got the South Park reference from my "Duck and Cover" post...("That's right.....It's a volcano...).