Debate Speaking Time Bias?


Literotica Guru
Jan 11, 2009
Well, the numbers are in.

The Obama/Biden ticket was able to speak for 9:27 longer than Romney/Ryan across all 4 debates.

Anyone surprised by that?

Meanwhile, the Green Party candidates got arrested once.
I heard a great one the other day...

Someone explained: Obama speaks slower, so he needs more time to say the same thing...

;) ;) :D

The way I see it, he needs all the help he can get.

One Johnson voter at a time!
"Meanwhile, the Green Party candidates got arrested once."

Hope it was a NORML demonstration...

;) ;)
Well, the numbers are in.

The Obama/Biden ticket was able to speak for 9:27 longer than Romney/Ryan across all 4 debates.

Anyone surprised by that?

Meanwhile, the Green Party candidates got arrested once.

The four debates totaled six hours and you want to complain about nine minutes? What did Romney/Ryan not have time to say in six hours?
Obama has ruined more relationships than internet porn. I believe that it is time that all the Obama-worshipers who abandoned their families, friends, and all reason to support Barack Obama should start their mea culpas.

I find it astounding that liberals so readily gave up lifelong relationships over a total stranger. The followers of Obama exhibited cult-like adulation that makes the followers of Jim Jones look kindergartenish in comparison.

In 2008, I lost a friend of 28 years over Obama. We had known for years that we differed politically; I am a Republican, he a Democrat. It never mattered. That is, until Obama came on the scene.

My former friend was utterly beguiled by Obama. He claimed that it was about Bush; however, it boiled down to racism. He wanted a black president at any cost.

The day it all ended was on my friend's birthday.

I flew to my friend's 50th birthday party at my own expense. I was the only "old" friend who went through the trouble. My friend is a hothead and an egomaniac, but he was my hothead egomaniacal friend. His third wife and two young daughters had finally managed to settle him down.

Other attendees were people to whom or for whom he sold houses, and there were a couple of stragglers who I think were there for the free food. The crowd was 100 percent black.

We went to our designated tables and waited on food to be served. One of the guests and I chatted for a bit about work, and, when comfortable, he asked me what I thought about Obama.

I answered honestly, and all heads turned. The room that had been comfortably warm suddenly went ice-cold. Though my friend was in another area of the restaurant, word got to him quickly that there was a traitor in the midst.

I didn't think politics was appropriate for my friend's party, and I changed the subject. However, the damage had been done. My friend's attitude was different -- so much so that I didn't even stay for the cake-cutting. I politely excused myself, went back to my hotel, and flew out on the next flight.

I checked my messages upon landing, and I was greeted with a phone call from my friend, where he asked why I ruined his party by talking politics. I'm certain that he meant "the wrong politics."

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6 hours! And no one said shit the whole time.

They knew that a lot of people tuned them out for baseball and football.

My family refused to watch.

I had to get up a Odark30 to watch it.

I will tell you this, between Romney, merc, Throb and U_D, there is no no way I am voting for Obama. They have changed my mind. Romney is clearly the lesser of all evils. Before I even finished watching it merc was trying to hammer me with his happy-happy we just won the election dance; a repeat of debates vice and 2...


I bitched about Bush for six years, and through all that time the Republicans on this board never trashed me the way the Democrats do now that "their guy" is "in charge."

They were angry when Bush was President, but they seem even more angry now that Obama is President.

Maybe it's just disappointment.

Maybe, it's who they really are and have been all along.
A_J, the Wiser
They knew that a lot of people tuned them out for baseball and football.

My family refused to watch.

I had to get up a Odark30 to watch it.

I will tell you this, between Romney, merc, Throb and U_D, there is no no way I am voting for Obama. They have changed my mind. Romney is clearly the lesser of all evils. Before I even finished watching it merc was trying to hammer me with his happy-happy we just won the election dance; a repeat of debates vice and 2...


Maybe, it's who they really are and have been all along.
A_J, the Wiser

AJ was gonna teach America a lesson by voting for Obama. Now he's going to vote for the Republican after all.

They knew that a lot of people tuned them out for baseball and football.

My family refused to watch.

I had to get up a Odark30 to watch it.

I will tell you this, between Romney, merc, Throb and U_D, there is no no way I am voting for Obama. They have changed my mind. Romney is clearly the lesser of all evils. Before I even finished watching it merc was trying to hammer me with his happy-happy we just won the election dance; a repeat of debates vice and 2...


Maybe, it's who they really are and have been all along.
A_J, the Wiser

Charlie Crist did it for me. He sat beside Michelle. He's a defrocked RINO who refuses to abandon his closets. I cant respect any man who keeps company with Charlie Crist.

Merc reminds me of a Stalin victim who writes love poems to Uncle Joe just before Joe puts a cap in his ass.
Charlie Crist did it for me. He sat beside Michelle. He's a defrocked RINO who refuses to abandon his closets. I cant respect any man who keeps company with Charlie Crist.

Merc reminds me of a Stalin victim who writes love poems to Uncle Joe just before Joe puts a cap in his ass.

Luntz focus group to Romney...

If Mitt Romney wins the presidency, expect the Democrats to complain that the Republicans bought the election — and to try to outlaw it from ever happening again.

The signs are already emerging. A New York Times column earlier this month ran under the headline “Buying the Election?” The New Yorker magazine ran a long article by the editor of Thompson Reuters Digital, Chrystia Freeland, reporting, “the Republican National Committee and Romney…hold a huge cash advantage over Obama. The biggest shift has been among wealthy businesspeople, particularly in financial services. Romney’s advantage is compounded by the advent of Super PACs in this Presidential campaign, which are not subject to the same contribution limits as parties or candidates.”

“We’re already being outspent in key battleground states,” the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s grassroots director, Angela Guzman, wrote in an email on August 30.

There’s a certain amount of hypocrisy about this charge. The same Times column that accuses Romney and the Republicans of buying the election observes that last time around, Barack Obama raised $750 million against Senator John McCain’s expenditure of about $84 million. I don’t recall a lot of Democrats the morning after the 2008 election complaining that Barack Obama or his donors had purchased the presidency.

To the contrary, when Democrats were on the buy side of these elections, they could laugh about it. At least, they used to be able to laugh about it. Senator John F. Kennedy went before the Gridiron Club in Washington on March 15, 1958 and announced, “I have just received the following wire from my generous daddy: 'Dear Jack—Don't buy a single vote more than is necessary—I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for a landslide.'"

Now that the Republicans are the ones doing the buying, though, the Democrats no longer see anything funny about it. Instead, they want to change the rules. Twenty-six senators—25 Democrats and independent socialist Bernie Sanders of Vermont—have signed on to Senate Joint Resolution 29, which would amend the Constitution to give Congress the power “to regulate the raising and spending of money and in kind equivalents with respect to Federal elections, including through setting limits on the amount of contributions to candidates for nomination for election to, or for election to, Federal office; and the amount of expenditures that may be made by, in support of, or in opposition to such candidates.”

President Obama has said, “I think we need to seriously consider mobilizing a constitutional amendment process to overturn Citizens United,” the 2010 Supreme Court ruling that struck down some of the campaign speech limits of the 2002 McCain-Feingold law. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi has said that if her party retakes a majority in the House of Representatives, she and her colleagues would approve such a constitutional amendment on their first day.

The party of "free" speech..., yeah, right...

;) ;)
Do you believe any more that some of our Secret Service agents — once the most esteemed of all professionals — on presidential assignment will not get drunk and womanize in their evening spare time? Do you believe that the grandees at the GSA — once the stern penny-pinchers that frowned when bureaucrats wanted a new bookcase — won’t flaunt the waste that they incur? Do you believe that the government will never sell assault rifles to drug lords? Or do you believe what the president, the secretary of state, and the director of national intelligence will say to us when the next embassy is hit? And do you believe that there were “shovel-ready jobs” and “millions of green jobs” that arose from the “stimulus”? And what is a “stimulus” anyway, but borrowed money, in the manner likewise of “investments”? Did any of you believe that Solyndra was the wave of the future?

We don’t even believe that a commission on presidential debates will ensure us unbiased moderators, or that the candidates will have equal time in speaking, or that the supposedly quiet crowd won’t boo or clap to affect the tempo of the exchange. From now on, will debate moderators bring preselected transcripts to the forum, wait for a key moment, interrupt one of the speakers, and then wave a piece of paper to proffer authority to contradict him — eliciting applause from the supposedly neutral and silent audience, and affirmation from the president? Do you believe First Lady Michelle Obama — of “never been proud/downright mean country” infamy — when she accuses Republicans on talking down the country?

Do you believe that the Department of Labor always assesses its data and offers disinterested conclusions? I don’t. I suspect partisan grandees, perhaps in California, will massage the data on the principle of the ends justifying the means. The same is true of Libya: the noble idea of a reset Middle East, appreciative of the unique heritage and ideology of Barack Obama and his bold attempt to reformulate America, was simply too precious to be imperiled by al-Qaedist thugs who hate us as much as ever and will kill until stopped.
Victor Davis Hanson, PJMedia
Our suspicions are not confined to what government of this era says and does. The disbelief is far greater still. There is a nihilism about that terrifies me. The Obama administration, trumping what George Bush did in four years, cares not a whit about how its $5 trillion in new debt will be paid back, other than a vague notion that those “who don’t pay their fair share” will come up with the revenue, or some clever clerk can offer a plan to inflate our way out of what we have borrowed from others. Each time Obama talks of a new student loan program, a new jobs training program, a new entitlement, I wonder whether any other Americans ask, “How can we borrow more when we cannot payback what we’ve already borrowed?” He reminds me of the farmers I knew in the early 1980s who in extremis kept talking of new equipment to be purchased, new trees and vines to be planted, new pick-ups to be had — even as their debts soared and the deadline when the bank cut them off and called in their loans neared. Have we become Greece or Argentina?
VDH continues:


Sometimes our disbelief intensifies from psychological projection. When a senator rails about the one percent and the need for higher taxes, we just assume that he made a fortune in office, or married into it, or dodged the taxes on his yacht. We assume when Barack and Michelle talk about “folks” and “paying their fair share,” they prefer the tony resort and golf links to what the rest of us frequent. When I hear of “campaign financing reform” and “no more revolving door” and “no more lobbyists,” I assume that the speaker believes that such declarations provide him with Medieval exemption, and that by voicing his disgust he can be indulge without consequence.

Why Don’t We Believe?

What are the sources of our disbelief these past four years? We have certainly had presidents who did not tell the truth — Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton most notably. But what is different this time is the attitude of the media. It is quite good at hounding right-wing fakers and dissimulators — and there are many — and so-so in going after centrists like Clinton. But once it invested in the present untruth, then our government understands that they have rolled over. The theme of this presidency is not just that the media is on its side and invested in its redistributionist vision, but that the administration is so certain of that fact that it need not worry even about the most blatant evidence of dissimulation and untruth.

That is why Candy was ready with the lie...

It is the new "norm."

:eek: 4 US
It really happened. Many of Stalins doomed victims sent him letters and poems professing their love for him as they stood on the threshhold of eternity. Thats MERC.

Nope, not a victim. And I don't blame debate moderators for my political views sinking like my friends on the right.
"If you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare voters. If you don't have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from. You make a big election about small things."
Presidential Nominee Barack Hussein Obama, 2008

Fla. Republicans receiving fake ineligibility letters aimed at suppressing their vote

The Florida Department of State’s Division of Elections is investigating a number of fraudulent letters sent to voters in the state questioning their citizenship and voter eligibility, in a possible attempt to keep them home on Election Day.

“The Florida Department of State unequivocally opposes all attempts at voter fraud or intimidation and will pursue every avenue to ensure free, fair and open elections for all eligible voters,” Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner said in a statement. “Voter fraud and intimidation can deny voters their voice in government and will not be tolerated.”

The statement alerted the public of the fraudulent letters, which claim to be from Florida election officials and imply that the recipient might be ineligible to vote.

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4es卍_4es卍_gump;42314894 said:
I will tell you this, between Romney, merc, Throb and U_D, there is no no way I am voting for Obama. They have changed my mind. Romney is clearly the lesser of all evils. Before I even finished watching it merc was trying to hammer me with his happy-happy we just won the election dance; a repeat of debates vice and 2...

Wow, after deflectin' criticism for almost 3 months by claiming to support President Obama, now we find....*SHOCK*....AJ is NOT going to vote for him after all.

And it's all SOMEONE ELSE's fault, to boot!
USA Today is picking up on the Preference Cascade...

That's no secret in the Obama era, of course, as the press's efforts to boost, and then protect, the presidency of Barack Obama have become ever more obvious. But it's still worth pointing out. It's a problem for America, and it's a problem for people on the right. But it's probably a bigger problem for people with whom the media agree. That's because they wind up living in a bubble, protected from contrary views, which means that they are perpetually caught by surprise when reality asserts itself.

We may be about to see this happen again. Though we've been told over and over again by the press that President Obama, and his policies, are overwhelmingly popular with the American public, and that challenger Mitt Romney is an unlikable loser, this may turn out not to be the case.

In recent years, we've often seen that the truth on the ground doesn't match the images presented in the press. Despite representations that it was a narrow fringe group composed of "bitter clingers," the Tea Party movement handed the House of Representatives to the Republicans in 2010. And despite claims that it was washed up, the Tea Party movement has remained a force in 2012.

Now, despite being told by the press -- and quite a few Republican pundits -- that Mitt Romney didn't have a chance, since his performance in the presidential debates things seem to be turning around. Reports of early voting and absentee ballots suggest that Republican voters are a lot more energized than we'd been led to believe. The polls are looking good for Romney, and he's picking up all sorts of endorsements all of a sudden.

This has caused some Republican enthusiasts to suggest that what we're seeing is a "preference cascade," and they may be right.

That is why all the celebration over the debate wins; it means an electoral win before the votes are even cast...
Good morning Twiddledum.

Are you jealous that Twiddledee managed to achieve your vaunted status?
4es卍_4es卍_gump;42315297 said:
Good morning Twiddledum.

Are you jealous that Twiddledee managed to achieve your vaunted status?

Good Morning to you too!

How'd you like that debate you didn't watch? Hmmmm? :cool: