Death Penalty for the Sniper / Snipers


Literotica Guru
Jan 26, 2002
So if they catch this piece of human trash and there is a conviction, What would be an appropiate punishment? I vote death :mad:
bored1 said:
So if they catch this piece of human trash and there is a conviction, What would be an appropiate punishment? I vote death :mad:

Yes Sir..... me too and slow and painful.
bullet to the back of the head...just like child molesters and killers
Put him on a firing range and tell him to run for it... He'll never know where it is coming from.
Shoot on sight. No trial. No defense. No lawyers. No Bullshit. Bang! It's over.
Plug in the electric chair...

Put them in it till well done! Of course after the trial, and no appeals. I just heard they may be domestic terrorists, Lee Malvo is 17, and Jamaican. Armed and dangerous. :D
Re: Plug in the electric chair...

Nope, no electric chair, no lethal injection, no hanging. If the punishment should fit the crime, then a firing squad is the only logical choice.
Ice Cold said:
Put him on a firing range and tell him to run for it... He'll never know where it is coming from.
I like this one. Let the friends and families of the victim try to pick his ass off with an AR-15.

The one who hits him wins his $10 million.

Shooting the "it" is to damn quick and painless for it.

Put it in prison for the rest of it's life and treat it like utter crap every day. Let the person feel some pain and fear similar to the families of the victoms are.....

Make it very slow and very painful.....
i would gladly pay for a slice of bread for it to eat for breakfast for the rest of it's life in jail, if it is to suffer there.....
bored1 said:
So if they catch this piece of human trash and there is a conviction, What would be an appropiate punishment? I vote death :mad:

Hunt him then kill him.
People, believe me:

killing this guy would be a tremendous relief for him. He's disturbed, and would really struggly with his conscience after the vicitims were humanized to him (ie, when a victim's family member testified in court).

Anyways, it looks like terrorism, and I vote a firm 'no' on the death penalty, as death is the least painful punishment for him.

Life in jail, a bi-weekly ass-rape, and living with whatever psycholigical problems he has on top of a very burdened conscience is FAR more punishment than a simple execution.
BenFranklin said:
People, believe me:

killing this guy would be a tremendous relief for him. He's disturbed, and would really struggly with his conscience after the vicitims were humanized to him (ie, when a victim's family member testified in court).

Anyways, it looks like terrorism, and I vote a firm 'no' on the death penalty, as death is the least painful punishment for him.

Life in jail, a bi-weekly ass-rape, and living with whatever psycholigical problems he has on top of a very burdened conscience is FAR more punishment than a simple execution.

hmmmm, if the "person of interest" is their prime suspect, it appears he's Muslim. With the exception of a Federal Prison, he'd be accepted by a Muslim Gang and would be subject to their protection.

I'm in favor of some unique punishment offered by George Carlin in his comedy routine.

1. Deep Fry a Felon: Dip the guy in batter and slowly dunk him in a vat of boiling oil.

2. Beheading during half-time of the MNF Game: Use a guillitine and let his head roll down a small hill with 3 holes at the bottom. Let people side bet on which hole it goes in.
HeavyStick said:
hmmmm, if the "person of interest" is their prime suspect, it appears he's Muslim. With the exception of a Federal Prison, he'd be accepted by a Muslim Gang and would be subject to their protection.

Living with the guilt of killing fellow humans, coupled with whatever serious psychological disturbances he already has, added on top of the daily stresses/boredom of prision life is far more punishment than injecting him and have it all be over.

As a matter of fact, I'm almost positive that this individual will choose death over imprisionment: he'll killhimself if cornered.
SXCRgirl said:
I think they would make an exception if they didn't.

We do.

We have the death penalty; it's probably why they've kept a Maryland Offical the head of the investigation.