Dear Litster...

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luv1 said:
Dear Lister

That has to be the daftist thing I've heard today. you can't get in to the car and drive it you silly thing........We still haven't found the keys have we :rolleyes:
Dear Litster,


Daft... back atcha... who needs keys?! we don't even know how to drive!!

vrrooom vroooooooooooooooooooom!!

:nana: :nana:
sirgary said: are a scource of a constient know that sugar...

... :rose: :rose: ...
Thanks hon :kiss: Glad I made your day. Guess I did his, too :rolleyes: Long time, no see, BTW. Come say hi sometime.
asian_princess said:
Dear Litster,


Daft... back atcha... who needs keys?! we don't even know how to drive!!

vrrooom vroooooooooooooooooooom!!

:nana: :nana:

Dear lister

You bring up a good point. Let's do some drifting :nana: :nana:


Weeeeeeeee! I almost fell out the car! :nana:
Dear Litster,

You'll know who you are when/if you read this. Thank you for starting a thread that resembles the Isolated Blurt ones but allows for more extended blurts (Bluuuuuuurts, I guess).

Dear Litster #1 -

Thank you for the gift of YOU. Thank you for finding me today, and reminding me again, how very special you are to me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for the gift of a happier today. Thank you for your sweet voice, your words, your sighs. Thank you for finding me, and keeping me for your very own.

You are handsome :heart:
You are hot :p
You are my own HDF (no APpy, not High Definition, but close) ;)
You make me happy. :kiss:

I'm pretty sure I love's ya! Come kiss me, whichever way you want to spell it...either works. :devil:

Dear Litster #2

Good Lord, Louise. The calls we have. I misbehave and you laugh at me. Only making me behave even worse (is that possible?) You encourager! Well, I suppose I do the same to you. :eek:

Talking to you always brings me away happy. We both know someone else that does this for us. So I get a double dip!

'Tis a gift you have my sweet, gorgeous, Louise.

Thank you for choosing me to share it with. ILY.
I still say Photoshop! and thank you for looking after a has been marked!
Who loves ya, baby????

Dear Litster #3 (of the curvy persuasion)

I have to tell you, talks with you leave me laughing, introspective, and give me peace. You are a treasure, and a beautiful one at that. The kind of treasure that you find that doesn't even need polishing, it shines, just because it can. ILY sweetest P.
SirGary's mental board meeting

Dear Litster...

As you the customer, I will strive to deliver the lackluster service you have come to expect.

All attempts to become "normal" are in place and averagedom should be achieved shortly. The rules will be observed and the mission statement will be one you will find acceptable.

Please accept my apologies for any inconveniance my personality has caused.

Dear Litster #1 (& #2)

I'm not sure what game it is you play, but I no longer want to be a part of it. I wish you (and yours, however many that may be) the best life has to offer. I hope you learn how to appreciate it.


Dear Litster #3

Dear Sweet Thelma...encourager? Me? :eek: I'm pleading a 5th on that! :p

You pull me up by the boot straps better than anyone. Thank YOU for that!! And those spankings....hellofuzzy...I'm starting to like them! :catroar:

And I gots your back ready with a can opener to open up a can of good old fashioned GRITS whoop ass if needed!

'Do you need help?' indeed....wonder that rock she crawled out from under? :rolleyes:

Love YOU!


Dear (former) Litster #4,

Thank you, for accepting my just the way I am. :kiss:


Last, but certainly not least...

Dear Litster #5,

Thank you for still caring for me. :kiss:

Dear Litster:

This describes you almost perfectly, except Kipling got the gender wrong. Thanks for sticking by me.



The Thousandth Man - Rudyard Kipling

One man in a thousand, Soloman says
Will stick more close than a brother
And it's worthwhile seeking him half your days
If you find him before the other.
Nine hundred and ninety-nine depend
On what the world sees in you
But the Thousandth Man will stand your friend
With the whole world round against you.

Tis neither promise, nor prayer, nor show
Will settle the finding for thee
Nine hundred and ninety nine of them go
by your acts, your looks or glory.
But if he finds you and you find him
The rest of the world don't matter
For the Thousandth Man will sink or swim
With you in any water.

You can use his purse with no more talk
Than he uses yours for his spendings
And laugh and meet in your daily walk
As though there had been no lendings.
Nine hundred and ninety nine of them call
For silver and gold in their dealings
But the Thousandth Man he's worth them all
Because you can show him your feelings.

His wrong is your wrong, his right your right.
In season or out of season.
Stand up and back it in all men's sight.
With that for your only reason..!
Nine hundred and ninety nine can't bide
The shame or mocking or laughter
But the Thousandth Man will stand by your side
To the Gallows' foot - and after!
Dear Litster,

I wish I had a box full of magic that I could reach into and make everything in your life right. It breaks my heart that you are having to deal with this. I wish I could be there to give you a hug and reassurance that everything will be ok. But since I can't be there, I want you to know that I will always be within a phone call, IM or email.

You have lifted me up, you have listened to my pity parties and you have jumped for joy when I am happy. Thank YOU, for that!

{{{{{{{{{{{SSOM}}}}}}}}}}}} :rose:

Dear Litsters,

The four hardest tasks on Earth,
are neither physical or intellectual feats.
They are spiritual ones
they are:

To return love for hate
To included the excluded
To forgive without apology
To be able to say I'm sorry
and I was wrong.​

Dear Litster #1,

Today was a gift. A beautiful morning, a wonderful man.

Dear Litster #2,

your email, S, never apologize. It came from your heart, and it was written in concern and love. As I told you, your candor and truths are forever appreciated by me. You ask good questions. Thinking questions backed with that concern and love, gentleness and a pure heart are never bad questions.

I wanted to thank you too, for thinking enough of me, to think of the questions.

:heart: K
Dear Litster

Does anone know a good place to buy spair shoulder and back muscles? I seem to broken mine.
luv1 said:
Dear lister

You bring up a good point. Let's do some drifting :nana: :nana:


Weeeeeeeee! I almost fell out the car! :nana:
Dear Litster,


I may have given you a little push. Wanted to see how you're doing with those butt sliding lessons :nana: :p

SHall we just attach wheels to our butts?
asian_princess said:
Dear Litster,


I may have given you a little push. Wanted to see how you're doing with those butt sliding lessons :nana: :p

SHall we just attach wheels to our butts?

Dear Litster

I have got in touch with Claims Direct and they said I have a very good case for compensation as being pushed out of a moving car while drifting is not good for you under Health and safty. So told me by a man in a hard hat.

I thank you for the good idea of attaching wheels on our butts, but I have a queston. Can I have crome spoiler fitted too? Coz that would be so cool. Pimp our butts.
Dear Litster..

You amaze me and inspire me. I am grateful for your part in my life. I cannot think of a happier way to be than with you

M :kiss:
Dear Litster
Please make him care. I don't want to fight any more. I don't want to feel angry or hurt or used or neglected.
He seems so good at it - maybe if you can't make him feel something then just make me feel nothing.
Dear Litster,

Thank you for being so incredibly sweet and amazing. Thank you for just accepting me for who I am and encouraging me to remain that way. It means everything. :rose: :heart: :rose:
Dear Litster,

May all who find the person they were destined to be with be blessed with a life of happiness. May all those who continue to search be blessed with the knowledge that the right person is out there and looking for them at the same time.
Dear Litster,

15 years ago, we said 'I do'. And despite all our ups and downs, we're still together, stronger than ever.

I love you baby.

luv1 said:
Dear Litster

I have got in touch with Claims Direct and they said I have a very good case for compensation as being pushed out of a moving car while drifting is not good for you under Health and safty. So told me by a man in a hard hat.

I thank you for the good idea of attaching wheels on our butts, but I have a queston. Can I have crome spoiler fitted too? Coz that would be so cool. Pimp our butts.
Dear Litster,

Sounds like we have a case...against me.. :confused:
Oh well, lets take the money and head to vegas, bayyyyybeeeeeeee!!!!!!
... that would save the whole having to pimp our butts thing..

Though chrome butt crack???
Enterprenurial genius... i think...perhaps.

While you're there, i wanna little fluffy dice.
Dear Litster,

Keep those I care about close and safe. Bring comfort to the ones who are hurting, healing to those who are sick or injured, strength to the ones feeling weak, and friendship and love to those who are lonely.

Thanks for listening!
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