Keep in mind, these humongous, covert amounts of American taxpayer $$$ are over and above the billions of official American taxpayer $$$ given to the Afghanis overtly as "aid"...
...also consider the millions of American taxpayer $$$ the Taliban are receiving at the very same time, too.
Will there be any wonder that ex-Talibani Karzai will die a multimillionaire, thanks to $$$ most Americans didn't even know was subtracted involuntarily from their paychecks to gift him with...
...just like the terrorist Arafat did?
(And pay apt attention to how much - or I should say, how little - of those billions ever make it to the people of Afghan themselves...
...for a clue, just consider how poor the Palestinians as a people still are).
“The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan,” one American official said, “was the United States.”
The truth is that the President and both chambers of Congress are fully aware this "corruption" is taking place...
...because, in fact, that's exactly how the USSA operates in this world.
And, it sure doesn't seem like the lemming American people mind all that much, either...
...too bad because you cannot practice corruption as a nation without corruption eating your nation's very soul, too.
There came a day when I decided I could not swallow this kind of sh!t any longer, that I could not value truth if I did not actually honor it...
...and I figured-out there's only one way to legally live free in my native country and no longer contribute to the heaping pile of this kind of sh!t.
Others can stroke themselves with the fantasy that this type of chronic corruption can be collectively rectified some day, some way...
...but history exhibits absolutely no evidence that that utopia can ever be anything but just that.
Meanwhile, to sate whatever lifestyle they wish to maintain, American lemmings (progressive and conservative alike) will toil more than enough to fully fund the corruption their country is fully guilty of...
...happy swallowing, USSA.
...also consider the millions of American taxpayer $$$ the Taliban are receiving at the very same time, too.
Will there be any wonder that ex-Talibani Karzai will die a multimillionaire, thanks to $$$ most Americans didn't even know was subtracted involuntarily from their paychecks to gift him with...
...just like the terrorist Arafat did?
(And pay apt attention to how much - or I should say, how little - of those billions ever make it to the people of Afghan themselves...
...for a clue, just consider how poor the Palestinians as a people still are).
Karzai’s Office Gets Bags Full of C.I.A. Cash
KABUL, Afghanistan — For more than a decade, wads of American dollars packed into suitcases, backpacks and, on occasion, plastic shopping bags have been dropped off every month or so at the offices of Afghanistan’s president — courtesy of the Central Intelligence Agency.
All told, tens of millions of dollars have flowed from the C.I.A. to the office of President Hamid Karzai, according to current and former advisers to the Afghan leader.
“We called it ‘ghost money,’ ” said Khalil Roman, who served as Mr. Karzai’s chief of staff from 2002 until 2005. “It came in secret, and it left in secret.”
The C.I.A., which declined to comment for this article, has long been known to support some relatives and close aides of Mr. Karzai. But the new accounts of off-the-books cash delivered directly to his office show payments on a vaster scale, and with a far greater impact on everyday governing.
Moreover, there is little evidence that the payments bought the influence the C.I.A. sought. Instead, some American officials said, the cash has fueled corruption and empowered warlords, undermining Washington’s exit strategy from Afghanistan.
“The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan,” one American official said, “was the United States.”
The United States was not alone in delivering cash to the president. Mr. Karzai acknowledged a few years ago that Iran regularly gave bags of cash to one of his top aides.
- full piece here:
“The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan,” one American official said, “was the United States.”
The truth is that the President and both chambers of Congress are fully aware this "corruption" is taking place...
...because, in fact, that's exactly how the USSA operates in this world.
And, it sure doesn't seem like the lemming American people mind all that much, either...
...too bad because you cannot practice corruption as a nation without corruption eating your nation's very soul, too.
There came a day when I decided I could not swallow this kind of sh!t any longer, that I could not value truth if I did not actually honor it...
...and I figured-out there's only one way to legally live free in my native country and no longer contribute to the heaping pile of this kind of sh!t.
Others can stroke themselves with the fantasy that this type of chronic corruption can be collectively rectified some day, some way...
...but history exhibits absolutely no evidence that that utopia can ever be anything but just that.
Meanwhile, to sate whatever lifestyle they wish to maintain, American lemmings (progressive and conservative alike) will toil more than enough to fully fund the corruption their country is fully guilty of...
...happy swallowing, USSA.