DDlg DomDaddy & LittleGirl Fetish


Jun 10, 2011
So i recently found out this was a thing, without the HARD DOM rough/pain/bdsm part. It can be many things & have many elements but this new Dominant Daddy & little has a loving nurturing element along with the little often prefering to agelay and be treated like a teen, preteen or child. And this has nothing to do with pedophillia, it has to do with power and submission, control & strength, in a roleplay scene. Is there any spot here on LIT for this fetish??
And anyone want to discuss their experiences??
I have been doing this for a while & never knew it was so popular...
There is a Daddy thread around here, and it sort of relates, but not so much with the age play like you're talking.

How young do you like to play?

I know some girls really get into it, with pacifiers and the whole nine yards... that stuff holds no appeal to me personally.
A road smash between fantasy and reality!

So i recently found out this was a thing, without the HARD DOM rough/pain/bdsm part. It can be many things & have many elements but this new Dominant Daddy & little has a loving nurturing element along with the little often prefering to agelay and be treated like a teen, preteen or child. And this has nothing to do with pedophillia, it has to do with power and submission, control & strength, in a roleplay scene. Is there any spot here on LIT for this fetish??
And anyone want to discuss their experiences??
I have been doing this for a while & never knew it was so popular...

Wrong post.
Chalk and cheese

I may be over simplifying something quite complex, but there has to be a starting point:
I am a strong intelligent male and a lifetime leader of others. I have only recently discovered my commitment to this lifestyle recently, but I have already realized just how fragile, complex and completely interdependent these relationships are.

Your stated perception of this type of relationship as role play is not only offensive, but is dismissive of a whole group of generally intelligent, committed and highly interdependent and loving people, in a lifestyle where the responsibilities, pure joy and rewards for them far exceeds that of other relationship styles and I include marriage in that, particularly from the responsibility aspect.

I would suggest that your particular current pastime is well catered for in the sexual role playing board.
Of course it is role play, you're playing a role. Just because something may be pervasive and long-term doesn't mean it isn't role play. And for those people for whom it isn't anything other than an 'occasional' thing it's definitely role play. I can't believe you would take offence at something like that. You must be an absolute bundle of joy to be around.

I didn't take offense laddie, I found the post shallow and offensive. As for being a bundle of joy, think all you like-if it doesn't hurt to much that is.:D