DC culture


Loves Spam
Feb 26, 2022
This clip triggered memories.


From :41 to 1:07 are the relevant moments.

I lived and worked in DC for some time years ago but even then the signs were on the wall. When you went to a party you might as well had a tag that instead of reading "Hi, I'm X" might as well have read, "Hi, I know A,B.C,.....X,Y,Z" It was all about name dropping. The foreign embassy receptions I attended were mostly the same. While I was mostly ignored, while tolerated, those that were perceived to be closer to the checkbook were fawned over. The hookers of lesser skill were pointed in my direction while the top of the line were pointed towards those closer to the checkbook. (Skill has nothing to do with looks, it was all about grooming to achieve results and results are measured in terms of information extracted that can be used to achieve goals.) I got the naive ones and that was a learning process in and of itself. Being perceived as 'supercargo' does have it's advantages.

Subsequent to my living in DC I did a lot of business in DC and not only did things not change, they've gotten worse and that should come as a surprise to no one. The greater the money involved, the greater the concentration of interests, foreign and domestic, that want to stuff their hands in the taxpayer's pocket.

Somewhere along the way we lost focus on what was the best for the nation vs what was the best for me.
This clip triggered memories.


From :41 to 1:07 are the relevant moments.

I lived and worked in DC for some time years ago but even then the signs were on the wall. When you went to a party you might as well had a tag that instead of reading "Hi, I'm X" might as well have read, "Hi, I know A,B.C,.....X,Y,Z" It was all about name dropping. The foreign embassy receptions I attended were mostly the same. While I was mostly ignored, while tolerated, those that were perceived to be closer to the checkbook were fawned over. The hookers of lesser skill were pointed in my direction while the top of the line were pointed towards those closer to the checkbook. (Skill has nothing to do with looks, it was all about grooming to achieve results and results are measured in terms of information extracted that can be used to achieve goals.) I got the naive ones and that was a learning process in and of itself. Being perceived as 'supercargo' does have it's advantages.

Subsequent to my living in DC I did a lot of business in DC and not only did things not change, they've gotten worse and that should come as a surprise to no one. The greater the money involved, the greater the concentration of interests, foreign and domestic, that want to stuff their hands in the taxpayer's pocket.

Somewhere along the way we lost focus on what was the best for the nation vs what was the best for me.
citizens United was a major factor in that nonsense. Unlimited dark money….. who thought that was a good idea?
So the OP did support “Citizens United”.

The OP is now in negative credibility territory.

This clip triggered memories.


From :41 to 1:07 are the relevant moments.

I lived and worked in DC for some time years ago but even then the signs were on the wall. When you went to a party you might as well had a tag that instead of reading "Hi, I'm X" might as well have read, "Hi, I know A,B.C,.....X,Y,Z" It was all about name dropping. The foreign embassy receptions I attended were mostly the same. While I was mostly ignored, while tolerated, those that were perceived to be closer to the checkbook were fawned over. The hookers of lesser skill were pointed in my direction while the top of the line were pointed towards those closer to the checkbook. (Skill has nothing to do with looks, it was all about grooming to achieve results and results are measured in terms of information extracted that can be used to achieve goals.) I got the naive ones and that was a learning process in and of itself. Being perceived as 'supercargo' does have it's advantages.

Subsequent to my living in DC I did a lot of business in DC and not only did things not change, they've gotten worse and that should come as a surprise to no one. The greater the money involved, the greater the concentration of interests, foreign and domestic, that want to stuff their hands in the taxpayer's pocket.

Somewhere along the way we lost focus on what was the best for the nation vs what was the best for me.


What exactly did you think a culture and a system that worships capitalism does, Ish?

the fuck did you think Cheeto's term was about?

and tell everyone when — like, in what era — the focus was on what was the best for the nation.

Would looooove to know when we missed the boat on those halcyon days, bruh.
So the OP did support “Citizens United”.

The OP is now in negative credibility territory.

*chuckle* Some POS that's never been anywhere, or done anything, projecting their notions on how the world works is the ultimate joke. If the shtf you'll be among the first culled the litter.
*chuckle* Some POS that's never been anywhere, or done anything, projecting their notions on how the world works is the ultimate joke. If the shtf you'll be among the first culled the litter.
I don’t think you want to go there. On the farm, we knock the runts in the head. Anyone that now, or has ever thought corporations are people, money is speech, is a runt…..
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*chuckle* Some POS that's never been anywhere, or done anything, projecting their notions on how the world works is the ultimate joke. If the shtf you'll be among the first culled the litter.
No, I’m thinking that would be someone who’s done nothing but sit around and write a few briefs…..
*chuckle* Some POS that's never been anywhere, or done anything, projecting their notions on how the world works is the ultimate joke. If the shtf you'll be among the first culled the litter.
"The world" isn't your anecdote about your time spent in DC in the 70s.
It's closer than anything you have to say.
I'm terribly sorry that his brief anecdote about being the claptrap to the bottom rung of DC whores in the 70s is so relatable to you as a Canadian troll. You should get out more. Or some.
I'm terribly sorry that his brief anecdote about being the claptrap to the bottom rung of DC whores in the 70s is so relatable to you as a Canadian troll. You should get out more. Or some.

You need more eyeshadow, bitch.