"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies" and sex


Aqua Vulva
Nov 11, 2000
By accident both occured simultaneously this morning. Of course, I started laughing and ruined it. What's the strangest song you've had sex to?
Hi Myst. :)

I don't know if this is strange, but I get turned on by cult-religion sounding music, like Enigma, Dead Can Dance and the sound track to The Mission.

Is that odd?
I can't even play my DCD cd without getting turned on.

I haven't heard Delerium, Myst. Should I put it on my list for Santa?
Oh, I think you'd like it. Karma is there best album so far, though Monk likes their earlier stuff.
Fuck, just talking about it turned me on and now I'm listening to it.

I'll check it out - thanks, Myst. :) Good to see you, babycakes.
I was with my old fwb on his birthday last year - we'd gone to his room and were really going at it good for about 30 minutes when suddenly his roommate blasted (and I mean blasted) the Happy Birthday song. Nothing can take you out of the moment faster than some weird noise or music coming on suddenly. I was laughing so hard, we couldn't even continue for about 15 minutes.
I have had sex to Luciano Pavoratti's music including and not limited to Ave Maria
"Do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel"

Like I could take sex seriious listening to that.

Laughter during intercourse can be kind of fun, though.

You know, all that bouncing and giggling.

Cute idea for a thread, Myst