
warrior queen

early bird snack pack
Jul 17, 2003
I'm flying early tomorrow, and because of a stupid inherited blood disorder, I have to inject Clexane for two days before and two days after I fly to prevent DVT.
Normally not a problem, but today for some reason I did the injection a little 'wrong' and now I am going to end up with a massive black bruise :( (Clexane makes the skin black if you don't get the injection exactly right.)
What's so annoying about it? I'm travelling to a nice warm place and have packed a bikini..... which I now won't be able to wear as the injection site is on my tummy!
And I'm not at home so I can't change it for a one-piece :mad:

Anyone else here have to take blood-thinners before flying?
I'm flying early tomorrow, and because of a stupid inherited blood disorder, I have to inject Clexane for two days before and two days after I fly to prevent DVT.
Normally not a problem, but today for some reason I did the injection a little 'wrong' and now I am going to end up with a massive black bruise :( (Clexane makes the skin black if you don't get the injection exactly right.)
Black is stalking you.
I'm flying early tomorrow, and because of a stupid inherited blood disorder, I have to inject Clexane for two days before and two days after I fly to prevent DVT.
Normally not a problem, but today for some reason I did the injection a little 'wrong' and now I am going to end up with a massive black bruise :( (Clexane makes the skin black if you don't get the injection exactly right.)
What's so annoying about it? I'm travelling to a nice warm place and have packed a bikini..... which I now won't be able to wear as the injection site is on my tummy!
And I'm not at home so I can't change it for a one-piece :mad:

Anyone else here have to take blood-thinners before flying?

Nope but I have several friends who have to every day, one who got a blood clot flying which broke off and went into their lungs, and they have only 60% lung capacity.

I would be more likely to have a bleed than a clot.
I had to take a blood thinner when I had a blood clot in my lung.
wear the bikini anyways. it's not like you have to worry about paparazzi.
Arnica is great for bruises. One of the Lit people in another section put me on to it.

But yeah, who cares anyway? It's sort of a holiday and honestly no else is going to notice. You're just feeling self conscious about it. Besides, even if someone was to comment, it would only be out of concern. Relax and enjoy the sun.
Arnica is great for bruises. One of the Lit people in another section put me on to it.

But yeah, who cares anyway? It's sort of a holiday and honestly no else is going to notice. You're just feeling self conscious about it. Besides, even if someone was to comment, it would only be out of concern. Relax and enjoy the sun.

These are not standard bruises. I think it's the medication that discolours the skin somehow.
Doesn't happen every time..... only when I get it very slightly wrong.
At those times it stings like a bitch too, so I know that within an hour or so the skin will go purple and then black over the following day.
And it's disproportionately large for such a tiny needle.
I was on the injections for a while after some major surgery. Now Im on blood thinners every day. Forget the bruise and go and have a great time. If someone asks say "thanks for asking I had to take a shot" and go on your way.
That's what you get with free healthcare. They treat you for stuff that might kill you, just to be safe.
Fork out the dough and buy a new suit! Remember that healthy new payday coming.
I know! Get one of those temporary tattoos and cover over it. :D
You could a rashy. Save yourself flashing the bruises and sun smart.

And skin tight clingy wet material is sexy.
Skip it and just take aspirin. Warfarin is scary shit.

I was on asprin when I flew to Sydney in 2004.
Unfortunately, I developed a clot that went to my lung. THAT'S scary shit! I felt like I was going to die! I now have scarring in the lower right lobe.
Since then I've been doing the injections whenever I fly or if I have to drive more than 4 hours

All the girls in my maternal family line have this disorder - Pro Thrombin Gene Mutation Type 1.
We all clot really easy.
Man. It's almost like there are beach stores near beaches that you could buy a 1 piece from or something.
Man. It's almost like there are beach stores near beaches that you could buy a 1 piece from or something.

What makes you think a meat/ chocolate tycoon could afford a new one-piece?