Daily Motivation


What fresh Hell is this?
Apr 19, 2010
Fresh (or frozen) Fruit
= = =
Medium bananas
MANGO (you get used to the taste)

= = =
You can't go wrong with a nice variety of vegetables.
I like some, and hate others (even the healthy ones like spinach)

** Avoid most commercial salad dressings **

= = =
Steel cut oats
Rolled oats
(Sweeten it up with some of the fruit listed above)

Cold Cereal
Cascadian Farm O's
Kashi Whole Grain Nuggets
Kashi Whole Grain Puffs

(add fruit!)

** Avoid highly-processed oatmeal **
**Avoid sugary cereals **

= = =
Whole-grain / whole wheat bread

** Check the ingredients before buying **

= = =
One is usually enough to start your day (cook the whole thing!)

= = =
Almond Butter

** Most brands are pretty decent in this category (and you can always make your own) **

= = =
Almond Milk

** Be careful which one you buy. Avoid added sweeteners **
** Can be expensive, but it's worth it **
** Avoid coconut milk **

= = =
Plain Greek

** Avoid sugary yogurt **
** Avoid flavored Greek Yogurt **

= = =
Skinless chicken

** Avoid processed deli meats **

Fruit Smoothies
= = =
(You'll need a blender... duh)
Plain Greek yogurt
Fruit (fresh or frozen)
Wheat germ (sounds weird, but you don't even notice it)
Almond milk (or water)

** Avoid commercial fruit juices **
** Make this a treat. Don't overdo it with the fruit **

Water w/ fruit
Green tea

** Avoid soda (especially Diet soda) **
** Avoid sugary iced tea drinks **
** Avoid commercial flavored water **

If you have a beer, don't kill yourself workout out the next day thinking you just have to burn it off.
It's okay once in a while... just don't binge drink. Make it your weekend reward.
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It is important to make sure not to jump right into something that your body can't handle yet. If you haven't been active for years, doing an hours worth of medium/high intensity cardio will hurt more than help.

It might seem silly to have to talk to a doctor about your current physical condition, but smarter decisions like that will really set you on the right path.

Plan it out.

Set realistic goals.

Don't say to yourself that you'll lose 40 pounds in 2 days.

Cleanse your body and give it the proper nutrition it needs.

Start off slow and increase your comfort level.

Doing too much too fast will burn you out, and you'll fall right back into the mindset of:

"Well, maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I'm no good at this."

Once you're in the comfortable zone of eating right and staying active, you'll be thinking:

"I can do this. I feel a lot better. This isn't so bad. Maybe next month I'll go for 2 miles instead of 1."

Disclaimer: This does not include idiotic acts, such as jumping off cliffs. Please do not attempt what may actually kill you.
Peeking in on your thread now as I get healthier. I would like to know how much wheat germ to put in my smoothie though.
Perhaps if you could post that. Could I make that into a protein smoothie as well? It would be greatly appreciated...thank you
Peeking in on your thread now as I get healthier. I would like to know how much wheat germ to put in my smoothie though.
Perhaps if you could post that. Could I make that into a protein smoothie as well? It would be greatly appreciated...thank you

Serving size is usually 2 tablespoons. You can do slightly more / slightly less. I don't measure it out exactly.