Crying and intercourse: feedback needed


Really Really Experienced
Oct 21, 2002

This may sound like a strange question, but --in preparation of a chapter in a longer story-- I am looking for women's experiences with simultaneously crying and fucking.
The "feel" within the story would be a crying with relief during a scene of genuine and tender love making.
A "technical" detail would be if the physical spasming caused by crying has any particular influence on the intercourse for a woman.

Any experiences and descriptions of this would be greatly welcomed. If you wouldn't feel comfortable posting them on a public board, you can address me via email.

Thanks a lot for any help,

I cry after incredibly intense orgasms. It's mostly just tears slowly falling, not bawling... I'll smile up (or down) at him as one rolls out of the corner of my eye. I usually kiss him softly on the cheek and snuggle up beside him.

If an orgasm is powerful enough to make me cry, then it brings about a feeling of vulnerability, and it only happens when I'm with someone I can completely trust and love. I'd say it's 50% emotional.

If you have anything you'd like to ask, feel free. I'm better at answering questions.
k, strange, but I'll oblige.

I've cried GOOD tears while making love twice. Both with my current SO. The first time was the first time we made love... to be quite honest, I didn't orgasm that night. But I didn't need to... the feeling of him inside of me, the feel of his gentle hands on my body, of his heat, his sweat, of his gentle words, and of the knowledge that it was SO RIGHT and that I was safe with him... the knowledge that I loved him so much... it was perfect.. and the tears were a realization of perfection... That particular time, I don't think that there was a physical reaction to the tears.

The second time, not too long ago, was for the same reasons... it was just pefect.. but this time was a lot more active (the first time was gentle, first-time lovemaking, if you understand me).... and the active time, when I began to cry, I began to get tighter, because it was also tears of such heightened pleasure... I didn't spasm at all, just consistently grew tighter, which made honey move faster, which made me tighter, and cry a little harder.... it was incredible.
I've cried during masterbation LOL never with sex, almost did the last night I spent with my BF before he left thought. we spent a month together we mostly just fuked but that night we made love was very different, I cried that night, almost cried during sex. but hed probably have thought he was hurting me or something LOL might have ruined the moment
after a particularly intense orgasm, i cry - it's not like really crying - the tears just flow - and flow freely - when that happens it is followed with such a feeling of total release and relaxation - it is not something that is achievable everytime but when it happens, it is earth-shattering - i don't really mean "achievable" because it is not anything that i ever set out to do - it is completely involuntary when it happens - it makes for the most tender moments if you are lucky enough to have a partner that will hold you tighter with each tear that falls ~

may not be what you're looking for but i have actually wept instead of orgasmed many times, to the chagrin of my partner. if you're interested in knowing details pm me, k?

I have cried with my new SO...He thought he did something wrong at first but I had to tell him that he had made me feel so good and weak to the knees kinda thing. He never had that happened but least the next time we do something and he hits me in the right spot he will know ;)
To everyone who replied to this thread...

Dear ladies,

To everyone who showed the honesty and openness to respond to this thread, thanks so much; you all were a great help.
I will do my best to make the chapter I'm writing worthy of the impressions you all shared.

I'll post the link to the chapter here, once it's finished. That may still take a while, but the promise stands :)
Working title: "Stranger than Paradise."

