Crossed Paths?


Literotica Guru
Apr 6, 2002
I have discovered my life has previously intersected with several other Litsters at one time or another. Has anyone else found this to be true?

Without revealing names here are mine:

#1 - His son was in the same class, same school with my daughter for several years -- the kids were in band together also. I met this Litster after he moved his family about 50 miles away.

#2 - graduated from a rival high school of mine in the same school district. We both excelled in the same extracurricular activity and had attended the same district/regional meets and clinics.

#3 - His son swam in the same league as my daughter. We attended the same meets.

#4 - Active politically at the same time I was and in the same circles. (This one actually looked the most familiar to me when I met him) I know we've been at many many of the same functions and meetings.

#5 - Attended the law school I worked at. While not at the same time, we knew many of the same people.
pretty wild stuff there Someplace!

LTR and I ate at the same eatery in the mall...unfortunately not at the same time

The funny thing is thinking that there IS probably someone here you know's a small freekin world
I think it just shows that MOST of the people on Lit are just regular folk, living everyday, ordinary lives. I moved around the country a bit for a while, which increased my odds of exposure I think. The above things happened in Texas, Virginia and Ohio.

Surely I am not the only person this kind of thing has happened to...
someplace said:

Surely I am not the only person this kind of thing has happened to...
oh, they'll come out of the woodwork...

..and stop calling me surely :)
Starfish said:
Nothin. Not a thing..... *phew*

Are you sure? Have you had a chance to talk to every single one of us yet?????? Hummmmmmmmmmm?
Thank you for instilling that much needed daily dose of paranoia, that I didn't need. :D
Well it has not happened to me yet, but one never knows whats just around the corner.:)
Look, if I can laugh about this, certainly you can. Remember, I'm the one who's Dad is lurking around here somewhere. I still have THAT shoe waiting to drop. (Thankfully I'm fairly sure we don't frequent the same areas of Lit...)
someplace said:
Look, if I can laugh about this, certainly you can. Remember, I'm the one who's Dad is lurking around here somewhere. I still have THAT shoe waiting to drop. (Thankfully I'm fairly sure we don't frequent the same areas of Lit...)

My son and daughter in law lurk here too :eek:
Yeah, but you guys all KNOW about each other being here. This one's still a secret. (sssssshhhhhhhh)
I canNOT believe that others of you haven't discovered some previous connections. There are two people I've seen here who attended high school together. Come on, people!
Maybe we just need T shirts......

That say something like,

Are you a Member of LIT?

Morning Someplace!

Bumping because I was mentioning it to someone and thought I'd give some others another crack at it. Don't be shy!
Not a LIT story, but similiar

About 15 years ago, my then wife and I went to a swing club.......LaTrapeze in NY......we were lying next to a couple.....My wife touching him.......his wife touching me.......

I was exchanging small talk with the guy......

Ocupation, sports, where you live etc.......

It turns out......that just the day wife and I were shown a house for sale by a real estate agent.......

The house was owned by THIS SAME COUPLE!!!!!!!!

someplace you are right....

I know I am forgetting a few but here is some of my twilight zone encounters...

#1 We were in the same graduating class in High School

#2 I drove her husband to my ex fiances wedding. Also my ex
fiance brother was his best man.

There also have been places I have gone to that I had found out others were there at the same time and what not. Now besides some of these flukes.... there are many lit people I have met here that have met and such. Six degrees.

The world is smaller than we know and not sure if we can ever realize how connected we all.

I met CutiePie one saturday and we had lunch together.

Other then that, I don't think I've ever crossed paths with anyone from Lit.
Nope, no one has yet to cross my path.
Somehow I don't think anyone in my area comes into Lit.
I know people from the same state as mine , but that is about it.
If I were to come across from someone in my area, I would be like... "No way !" :eek: :) :D

Wait, I just remembered that I did chat with someone who was from my area originally but had moved away. But he was only here for a very small time and no longer returned.. he was a nice guy. :)
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I'm actually petrified that that will eventually happen. I have a hogher cance of running acros someone I've met here in Texas thna from Highschool. I grew up in the north. But still that would be too weird for me.
I need to add a #6 to my list. One of the litsters here has been a customer in the shop I used to have and there's a very good chance that I actually waited on her before. (Where's that Twilight Zone music?)
And a certain litizen's mother and my mother are friends. :D


(someone remind me to show her the "my mom visits lit" thread. lol

(thanks somey! :kiss: )
someplace said:
(Where's that Twilight Zone music?)
You need an mp3, or can I just hum it to you on the phone?

Not that I've ever called you, or anything, not that peopel should go making assumptions, I mean, it's just that I don't actually HAVE it in mp3 format, see? I mean, hey, how would I even know your number?


Move along, people.
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