Crispy critters


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
Capitalism doesn't just abuse, degrade, and exploit workers, and make their lives a living hell-- sometimes it outright KILLS workers. Case in point: the factory explosion in North Carolina which just killed two workers. The enormous blast at a factory which makes medical supplies in Kinston, N.C., also left three missing and at least twenty injured. The plant was cited for fifteen safety violations just last year, including seven which were deemed serious, meaning potentially life threatening. State officials noted the "plant's safety problems were not particularly flagrant"-- meaning many other plants in that state (and no doubt elsewhere) are death traps for the workers. For all their serious safety violations, the owners were fined a paltry $10,863, which was later reduced to $9,075. That shows how little the lives of workers are valued by our capitalist masters! The owners and managers of this factory should all be charged with first-degree MURDER, and if convicted, should be imprisoned for the rest of their lives.

Workers: how long will you continue to put up with a system which values the profits of a greedy few above your very lives?
Factories in communist countries don't blow up?

We ought to steal that technology from them.
Problem Child said:
Factories in communist countries don't blow up?

We ought to steal that technology from them.
why not... we are already thievin' bastards.

mornin pc.
I count 22 dead Chernobyl workers, in the first three years after it happened. I weeded out the ones that no cause of death was given for, as well as the ones that died of heart disease, because there's no way for me to link the heart condition to the 'accident'.

What was the 'punishment' for that one?
Problem Child said:
In the paraphrased words of killswitch..."prove it".
and playing with your words in response...

"may i wank you endlessly?"
Problem Child said:
Factories in communist countries don't blow up?

We ought to steal that technology from them.

Didn't you hear? Chernobyl was caused by a technican listening to rock and roll. It's ALL our fault.
One of the worst horrors of uncontrolled capialism...

was the Bhopal disaster.

Just to remind some and educate others:

"Midnight 2-3 December, 1984.

Over 40 tonnes of highly poisonous methyl isocyanate gas leaked out of the pesticide factory of Union Carbide in Bhopal.

Thousands died in the immediate aftermath. At least 10,000 have died in the years that have passed, and 10 more are dying every month due to exposure-related diseases."

Warren Anderson, the CEO at the time fled back to America where he disappeared among rumours that he was given sanctuary and a new identity by the US Government.

"In February 1989, the [Indian] Government sold out the people it claimed to represent, by agreeing to a settlement of just US$ 470 million with the Corporation. Despite concrete evidence that the tragedy occurred due to unsafe design and reckless cost-cutting, it has lacked the will to take any action against the Corporation. It continues to ignore the repeated directives of the Bhopal court to extradite senior officials of Union Carbide who face charges of manslaughter and other criminal offences."

Here are a couple of links but be warned you will need a strong stomach to view the second one:

The Bhopal Express

Bhopal: Amedical Appeal

REDWAVE's right...give Corporations an inch and they'll take a thousand miles...

Safety & unions

The most unsafe workplaces are in areas where labor unions are the weakest. Gee-- I wonder if there's some connection there?
Re: Safety & unions

The most unsafe workplaces are in areas where labor unions are the weakest. Gee-- I wonder if there's some connection there?

The Soviet Union, Cuba, and North Korea had/have tons of labor unions.


Note how the reactionary defenders of capitalism not only have expressed absolutely no concern about the three workers killed in North Carolina-- murdered by the bosses, I say-- but their only response is to bring up irrelevant bullshit. Their callousness and heartlessness are exceeded only by their hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Didn't you hear? Chernobyl was caused by a technican listening to rock and roll. It's ALL our fault.

Surely you don't mean this guy? I had no idea he was Russian!


pagancowgirl said:
What was the 'punishment' for that one?

Ohhhhh RedRum???? Could you please enlighten me?
Re: Irrelevant

Their callousness and heartlessness are exceeded only by their hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty.

Hmmm. Is this coming from a man who advocates violence and murder as a means to a political end?
Chelyabinsk, the capital of the Chelyabinsk province in Russia, is located at the eastern foot of the Ural mountains and has a population of 1.3 million. The province has a land area of 90,000 sq. km and a population of 3.6 million.

Chelyabinsk was one of the former Soviet Union's main military production centers, which included nuclear weapons manufacturing. Accidents, nuclear waste disposal and day to day operation of the Mayak reactor and radiochemical plant contaminated a vast area of the province.

In the early 1950s there were so many occurrences of death and disease from the nuclear waste dumping in the Techa river that 22 villages along the river banks in a 50 kilometers zone downstream from Mayak were evacuated.

In 1957, a nuclear waste storage tank accident released radiation double the amount released by the Chernobyl accident. This accident was kept secret and 10,700 people were evacuated.

The severe environmental contamination of this region led to dramatic increases in cancer rates, birth defects, and sterility.

Over the past 33 years, there has been a 21% increase in the incidences of cancer, 25% increase in birth defects and 50% of the population of child bearing age are sterile.
Re: Irrelevant

Note how the reactionary defenders of capitalism not only have expressed absolutely no concern about the three workers killed in North Carolina-- murdered by the bosses, I say-- but their only response is to bring up irrelevant bullshit. Their callousness and heartlessness are exceeded only by their hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty.

The only thing irrelevant here is the link you try and draw between capitalism and worker safety. It's irrelevant and highly ironic because the system you propose as a replacement has a much worse record on worker safety, historically speaking.

Unions have flourished in countries that have democratic governments, not in communist (read totalitarian) states.