Creative partners (non-sexual)


Good men did nothing
Aug 13, 2022
My boyfriend just had a photo of his included in a exhibition. Just a small local thing, but still.

We all write. What do your wonderful partners do? Paint? Sing? Create gastronomic wonders? Have the best flowers in your neighborhood? Something else?

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My husband is a very talented banquet chef who knows pretty much everything there is to know about jazz, blues and soul music.

(but you knew that, didn’t you, Emily? ;) )
My husband is a very talented banquet chef who knows pretty much everything there is to know about jazz, blues and soul music.

(but you knew that, didn’t you, Emily? ;) )
I have this amazing insight into people sometimes 😉.

C is a retired graphic artist who has won international awards for her book designs. Since retiring 16 years ago she's been refreshing her interests in general art, including glass in various forms, oil painting, mixed media, and jewelry making. Together we built a serious art studio, but the recent dog adoption is interfering with her ability to spend much time there. We are trying to fix that.

Which reminds me... I promised to build a table for her small glass and enameling kiln - two years ago. Oops.

She tried clay and ceramics for a while, and it was not her forté at all - there was one episode where she had a pot on the wheel, flinched, and the lump of pot was suddenly stuck to the wall next to her. I was able to (nicely) convince her it wasn't her medium on pointing out the small tray she had on the vanity in the bathroom was roughly the quality of a summer-camp ashtray.
I've had a "starter" wife, a "cheater" wife, and now have a "keeper" wife.

She spends every waking minute spoiling me and our pups. Her talents are all-encompassing, but her cooking has to rank high on the list.
My wife isn't artistic at all. Very left brained. A jig saw puzzle is more her speed.
My lady love and I make music together. (points at sig) I'm a decent drummer and bassist and I delude myself into thinking I have a good hand with sound design while she is hands down the better songwriter between us. She's done the majority of melodies and chord progressions on the "Sonic Journey" album, only "Ignition" is wholly my own thing. For all other songs, I've built the rhythm tracks and helped program the synthesizers to sound like she liked them - note the John Carpenter-like bell layers on "Sunrise In Dystopia" and a few other songs as well.
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In my fantasy universe, my various partners have helped me out as muses, editors, beta readers, and visual aids for certain projects. Some of my real life partners have done the same. I won’t go into detail here.
My lady love and I make music together. (points at sig) I'm a decent drummer and bassist and I delude myself into thinking I have a good hand with sound design while she is hands down the better songwriter between us. She's done the majority of melodies and chord progressions on the "Sonic Journey" album, only "Ignition" is wholly my own thing. For all other songs, I've built the rhythm tracks and helped program the synthesizers to sound like she liked them - not the John Carpenter-like bell layers on "Sunrise In Dystopia" and a few other songs as well.
Sorry about your situation.

[This was meant to be on reply to a post you made on another thread - I got muddled 👱‍♀️👱‍♀️👱‍♀️]


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My hubby's engineer/finance professional persona might seem dry, but he's also a fabulous cook, mostly savory, but he does make a creme brulee to die for. Makes our deck a floral oasis. Before we downsized from an old farmhouse he was the living embodiment of this old house. He's also my IT support, and, believe me, I need it.
But you can chuck all that, most importantly, he makes me laugh.
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