Couples Erotic Massage


Apr 15, 2002
Has anyone ever done this, as a couple, gone to have an erotic massage together?

We are looking at doing it, and have all the usual questions, my lady is very interested as it will allow her to explore some of her "bi tendencies" in a safe and controlled environment....

Essentially the massuese joins you in a spa bath, then after about 15 minutes or so of relaxation you all hop out, and take turns having her massage you, including a naked "body slide", as the other watches or helps......after you have both been done it's playtime, and as I understand it the nature and participants in that pay are up to the couple.....although the massuese does not have intercourse with the male.....

So it all seems fairly safe, but exciting.

We are interested to know if any of have actually done it, and what it was like, what should we expect etc etc.......
Not the way you have described

"We" hired two female massuese who came to our room

It was wonderful
Richard49 said:
Not the way you have described

"We" hired two female massuese who came to our room

It was wonderful

We may get to that, but at this stage the experience is more for her benefit than mine.......(Not that I won't enjoy watching) but she is to be the focus of attention......:)
Okay, Raven, you keep this up and you are going to get all the BFs and husbands in trouble for not providing such wonderful experiences for their ladies.

And btw, great new AV. Akaska has great taste. You have a very delicious bum. :p
Haven't tried this so I really can't say.

I do know I'm doing something wrong because EVERYTIME I give the wife a massage, she ends up falling asleep. Its kind of hard to give someone what I thought was an erotic massage when I relax her into sleepy-bye land. :D

I should point out she loves my massages, but somehow she's missing the point somewhere.... :p
Imi said:
Okay, Raven, you keep this up and you are going to get all the BFs and husbands in trouble for not providing such wonderful experiences for their ladies.

And btw, great new AV. Akaska has great taste. You have a very delicious bum. :p


Thanks Imi...... but as you know, she does plenty for me....;)

I don't like the pic to be honest, I was trying to do Gillybean a favour, by removing my "cunninglinguist" one.....but my arse is far more attractive than my face I suspect! :D

:rose: :kiss: :rose:
Bobmi357 said:
Haven't tried this so I really can't say.

I do know I'm doing something wrong because EVERYTIME I give the wife a massage, she ends up falling asleep. Its kind of hard to give someone what I thought was an erotic massage when I relax her into sleepy-bye land. :D

I should point out she loves my massages, but somehow she's missing the point somewhere.... :p

:) We've done each other plenty of times, and haven't had that happen yet, but I am sure it's only a matter of time.....may be try when she is full of beans and doesn't actually need one, if you are doing it becasue she needs help to relax you are being a great partner, but may be contributing to your own problem? ;)
ozraven said:
:) We've done each other plenty of times, and haven't had that happen yet, but I am sure it's only a matter of time.....may be try when she is full of beans and doesn't actually need one, if you are doing it becasue she needs help to relax you are being a great partner, but may be contributing to your own problem? ;)

Could be. She was in a bad accident a number of years back and tends to end up with a lot of muscles knotting up. So most of my massages are designed to help her relax most of the time. A few times however I've tried to be more erotic and less theraputic and still I put her to sleep. Oh well. I don't really mind all that much and if a massage can help her ease the pains in her neck so she can sleep, more the better. I just thought it was funny.

Another interesting thing I learned, and so did she, she loves to have her feet massaged. I had read how there are nerve endings in the feet which can be quite erotic when massaged, I can't seem to find them, but I do find the "Relaxed and sleepy" nerve endings all the time. :D
Bobmi357 said:
Could be. She was in a bad accident a number of years back and tends to end up with a lot of muscles knotting up. So most of my massages are designed to help her relax most of the time. A few times however I've tried to be more erotic and less theraputic and still I put her to sleep. Oh well. I don't really mind all that much and if a massage can help her ease the pains in her neck so she can sleep, more the better. I just thought it was funny.

Another interesting thing I learned, and so did she, she loves to have her feet massaged. I had read how there are nerve endings in the feet which can be quite erotic when massaged, I can't seem to find them, but I do find the "Relaxed and sleepy" nerve endings all the time. :D

It would appear to me you are doing just fine........:)

Well peoples, this supposedly liberated group of people has never done it, or wishes to discuss it???????:confused:
ozraven said:
It would appear to me you are doing just fine........:)

Well peoples, this supposedly liberated group of people has never done it, or wishes to discuss it???????:confused:


Does that make us the pilot program???????:)

We are booked in for tomorrow night, $300, it had better be at least interesting ;) :devil:
ozraven said:

Does that make us the pilot program???????:)

We are booked in for tomorrow night, $300, it had better be at least interesting ;) :devil:

Palm Pilot <grin>

Keep us posted please
Damn, you've booked already.

Too late for me to take a crash course in erotic massage I guess.... :rolleyes:
Test Pilot Preliminary Report

Fantastic, wonderful experience to have together, if you love and trust your partner, GO FOR IT! ;) :devil: