Could someone please give Bojo his pinky and make him Shut The Fuck Up?


Literotica Guru
Nov 10, 2020
Every channel I click on, I see him explaining to us things that we already know: "it is a war crime , the brave brave Ukrainians."

He also adorned his twitter account in blue and yellow, with 'Slava Ukraini' under his avatar.

With all his faults, Biden has been acting in a far more dignified manner.

Was pinky an auto-correct?

Or is that what you call a pacifier in your world?
He triggered you pretty bad, may. Maybe get some ointment for that.

Was pinky an auto-correct?

Or is that what you call a pacifier in your world?

btw. For me (and I suspect many others),
it's not just the outrage part. Altho there definitely is that "meh" "yuck" part. Ukrainians are being slaughtered, and Bojo is throwing populist tea parties and dressing up his twitter.

It's also the woke/PC social phenomenon.

I recall an interview from six weeks?? ago. This British journalist was interviewing Bojo. Obviously shaken by what she'd seen, she asked him first "Why don't we do a fly zone?" then "If not a no-fly zone, why don't we at least take in more refugees? We keep rejecting them.' '
--- Her first suggestion was of course a no-no, the second legitimate, but that's not the point. The point was seeing how Bojo replaced his inability to come up with an answer, with a flood of "brave, brave Ukrainians, Russians are doing a terrible thing, we all are with the Ukrainians" flowery talk.

That's what, I think, people (Trump, Merkel, Macron included) liked about Russians and Putin: they just don't do PC talk. (Who would have envisioned that behind that charm, lied such psychopathy?)

And Ukrainians are getting impatient too. They recently told Germans: "We don't need just your 'thoughts and prayers' 'The West supports you' talks. We need practical support. For example stop financing Putin's army, by importing gas from him.

I also imagine that there are many gays and lesbians among Ukrainians too.
To what extent are they now benefitting from the West's pro-trannies militant movements, homophobes hunting and safe spaces at Uni?
Every channel I click on, I see him explaining to us things that we already know: "it is a war crime , the brave brave Ukrainians."

He also adorned his twitter account in blue and yellow, with 'Slava Ukraini' under his avatar.

With all his faults, Biden has been acting in a far more dignified manner.
Who is BoJo?