Could someone please come over and make dinner?


bootie shaker
Jul 11, 2002
I mean, I've got all the stuff to make chicken with garlic and rosemary, roasted new potatoes with paprika, green beans, and salad. And it's all organic. It's just, my feet are killing me, and I really just wanna keep sitting here. But I'm getting hungry, and Mr. Keen will be home soon.
If I lived closer I would.

I am a decent cook and like cooking, you are sweet, Id help you out just to be nice if you were closer. honest.
Yeah, I know. There's nothing to be done but get up off my ass and go do it. *sigh* What kind of wine shall we have, islandman? I have a nice Chilean Merlot. I know it's not the best match for chicken but I figure we can probably finish the bottle before it's ready...
peachykeen said:
Yeah, I know. There's nothing to be done but get up off my ass and go do it. *sigh* What kind of wine shall we have, islandman? I have a nice Chilean Merlot. I know it's not the best match for chicken but I figure we can probably finish the bottle before it's ready...

sounds lovely. I'm thinking rosemary chicken with roated potato. It's relatively light, easy to make, and delish as leftovers.
pretty_lil_stranger said:
I like to cook. What happens after? ;)

Christ, here is how pathetic I am today: an offer like that, and the only answer I have is, we lay on the sofa and stare blankly at the TV.
peachykeen said:
What the Stuarts did For Us at 8:30

Coupling at 9:30

Six Feet Under at 10

You forgot Buzzcocks at 9.00.

Nice Australian Cabernet Sauvignon for me.
Sure I'll hop right over. You live in a pond don't you? What're we having? Mosquitos and flies I hope. Yum!
No sorry Romeo. I live ACROSS the pond. And dinner was 2 hours ago. But you are welcome to hop over and sit on the edge of the tub.
peachykeen said:
I mean, I've got all the stuff to make chicken with garlic and rosemary, roasted new potatoes with paprika, green beans, and salad. And it's all organic. It's just, my feet are killing me, and I really just wanna keep sitting here. But I'm getting hungry, and Mr. Keen will be home soon.

Are there no delivery places close-on?? Crikey!!! Stop that tiresome whining!! All you do is sit here at LIT and type nonesense.......

Queue up to the next pub!!!! And buy me a beer love!!!

Re: Re: Could someone please come over and make dinner?

LordLucan74 said:
Are there no delivery places close-on?? Crikey!!! Stop that tiresome whining!! All you do is sit here at LIT and type nonesense.......

Queue up to the next pub!!!! And buy me a beer love!!!


oh arse! after I was just saying how nice you were and everyfing. What are you like?
Re: Re: Re: Could someone please come over and make dinner?

peachykeen said:
oh arse! after I was just saying how nice you were and everyfing. What are you like?

I am nice....We are still queuing to the pub, eh?? I will bring my hot pic on exit 60a/b on the NJ Turnpike
Let me stretch my legs a bit and I'll be right there. You don't happen to own an Egret or a Pelican do you?