Corruption of Innocence


Really Experienced
Mar 10, 2013
Corruption of Innocence

The party was in full swing. Kyle Kelly had rented the county park for the weekend, using his mother's credit card and father's influence with the County Parks Supervisor. It was nice growing up with a silver spoon in your mouth.

There were at least three hundred people here. Most of them were classmates from Kyle's high school, while other were recent graduates, home from college for Spring Break or taking a day of rest from their work-'til-you-die lives. Others were friends of Kyle and the others, here from all over the state.

But one thing that they all had in common -- the skiers, the swimmers, the sand volley ball players, the sun bathers -- was that they were the In Crowd: the jocks, the babes, the rich, the popular. Kyle looked about himself, and all he saw were people who were the best -- or, in some cases, the worst -- at what they did.

One of those Worsts gave him a wave and hurried up to him, practically jumping into his arms as she pressed her mouth to his. Gloria Beeham was the sluttiest of sluts, but she pulled it off with such grace and skill that she had become what just about every other girl in Harrison High wanted to be. She was beautiful, built, rich, and -- if the mood suited her and the effort benefited her -- your bitch for a night of climactic fun in the sun.

She pulled her mouth away from his, ranted about the party as she very noticeably pressed her ample flesh against his body. Wearing just a pair of swimming trunks, he could feel the warmth of her against him ... and as a result, she could feel the growth down below against her, causing her to smile widely.

"Fuck me," she whispered, looking off toward the Yurts that the weekend rental had included. "I'm leaving for San Diego Sunday. It'll be our last chance 'til Fall."

Kyle followed her gaze to the little permanent tent buildings, about to say Fuck, yeah ... when he saw her. He couldn't remember the girl's name, but he remembered her from after a recent basketball game. She'd been standing all alone in the stands as the rest of the students flooded the floor to congratulate the team -- which Kyle led, of course -- on a stunning upset victory over their arch rivals.

She was averaged height for a high school age student, petite but with definite curves, with a head of red that just made Kyle melt. Since losing his virginity to a red headed cousin, he'd always had a thing for that color ... that fair skin ... those freckles. My god, but they -- but she -- were simply so alluring to him, and even now -- with Glory B pressing the flesh, he couldn't help but want to be close to the new girl instead.

He'd asked around about her after the game, but no one had been able to tell him much more than she was new this year, she didn't seem to have a boyfriend, and -- likely wishful thinking by the male of the high school species -- she was probably as pure as the now long gone snow.

"Are we doing this?" Gloria asked, an annoyed tone in her voice.

Kyle looked back to her and realized that she had caught him ogling the new girl. He kissed her full on the mouth again, then pulled away from her, saying, "Later tonight, GB. I have to attend to the party."

Gloria stared into his eyes for a moment, then step back -- and slapped the shit out of him before turning away and stomping off toward the beach. Laughter to Kyle's left drew his attention, and -- seeing some of his Bro's cutting loose -- he responded, "Just not enough of me to go around, boys."

They all gave him approving gestures; like Gloria was to the hungry girls in school, Kyle was to the horny guys. But Kyle saw nothing, having already turned away to head for the beautiful redhead ... the girl he had every intention of spending some quality Yurt time with before the weekend was through.
‘What am I doing here?’ Amy asked herself for the third time that evening. There was practically no one that she knew among the crowd of the popular kids, the jocks, and the uber rich.

After moving to town last summer, it was a struggle to try and fit in. She wasn’t rich. Her father was a scientist who worked for the local chemical plant and brought in a modest living. Her mother had passed away three years earlier, leaving Amy to take care of the house while her father worked longer and longer hours.

She wasn’t a jock either. Never in her life had she been blessed with any sort of athletic ability. Her legs were too long and unwieldy to run, her fair skin a little too delicate for the sun, and her interest in learning the rules of any sport was next to nothing.

She was a book worm. Her GPA was her greatest honor and she was on course to be the class valedictorian. History was her love at the moment and it seemed that the deeper she got into her studies, the less the boys were interested. Honestly, that suited her fine. High school relationships were messy and definitely not something that she wanted to get involved in.

Glancing around as she picked up an icy Dr Pepper, she popped the top and watched all the beautiful people around her drinking and laughing with one another. Flipping her long red hair over her shoulder, she reached down and made sure that the black sarong tied around her hips was still secure.

She’d come with Becky Thomas, a sweet cheerleader who she had helped to tutor in English for the last semester. Becky was nice and went out of her way to make Amy feel special. The invitation to come to the party had been about as surprising as Becky making her wear the pink bikini that exposed miles of pale flesh. The sarong had been a last minute addition to her outfit and it still made her feel exposed and vulnerable.

So, that was how she had ended up at the party to end all parties. Surrounded by people that she didn’t know. Lost in a sea of bodies that swelled and ebbed just like a tide. Glancing around for Becky, she had every intention of leaving early when she saw him staring at her.

Kyle Kelly was one of the most handsome men she had ever seen in her life. He was like a Greek god in the flesh and the thought of him made many girls quiver with need. Amy felt a blush heating her cheeks at such thought and forced herself to look away, focusing down on the drink that was in her hand as she started to come up with a way to exit quickly and gracefully.
Kyle made his way to Amy's side in a very round about fashion, stopping to visit with more than a dozen classmates -- inconspicuously asking them for the name of the redhead -- before he finally found one who knew.

"Amy, right?" he said, seeming to startle her a bit as he stepped up from behind. He stood a bit closer to her than she'd probably liked; he could see it in her uncomfortable expression. Kyle had a way of politely invading the personal space of others, males and females alike. It was his modus operandi, and standing this close to her, he could smell the soap or perfume or what ever it was that was making her ... so tasty to him. He reached out and took her hand without asking, lifting it before him and kissing the back of it in a far too friendly way as he said softly, "Kyle Kelly ... where have you been all my life?"

He knew it was corny, but it was his way. His looks, his charisma, his money, his style ... his reputation; it had made acting this way work for him since long before he should have been wooing girls.

But to be safe, he did such things -- said such things -- in a way that would often leave people wondering whether he was being flirtatious or humorous. That way, if someone was put off by him, he could always say he was just joking around. He also did it that way because occasionally in the past, he'd made the mistake of hitting on another guy's girl, and despite his reputation for being a terror on the football field or basketball court, Kyle didn't like fights. He had a little too much respect for his thousands of dollars of dental work that gave him that perfect winning smile that made girls wet themselves for him.
Searching for Becky had proved fruitless. It seemed that her friend had disappeared into one of the Yurts and wouldn’t be seen for a while after. She let out a sigh, glancing around at anyone else she might know to give her a ride home.

A voice from behind her saying her name made her jump, a startled shriek leaving her lips as she turned to find Kevin right behind her. Her bright green eyes looked up into his for a moment before she cleared her throat and took a step back to put some space between them.

“Yes, I’m Amy.” She stammered out, a dark blush crossing her cheeks as he took her small hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing the back of it in an extremely familiar way.

This man was a charmer, a tempter, and it seemed that he had his sights set on her. She knew better than to get involved with a man like him, but it still made her belly flutter with a secret thrill that he was putting the moves on her. She should have played it safe and excused herself to escape, but she found herself unable to move.

“I…um…I’m still pretty new around here.” Jesus, Amy…it was a hypothetical question, not one that required an answer! She blushed again, her pretty green eyes fluttering downwards to escape his intense gaze.

“Um…congrats on winning that basketball game. I heard you guys made it to state.” There you go, lead in with an easy question and start a conversation. Not that she cared about basketball at all, she’d actually been dragged along by Becky, but it seemed that it was something that they could both talk about easily.
“Um…congrats on winning that basketball game," she said, her face almost afire with the blood rushing through it. "I heard you guys made it to state.”

"Four years running," he bragged, not sure whether as a new student she would realize that the team -- his team, the team he'd lead even as a Freshman -- had made it to State all four years of his high school career. With her hand still in his, he turned and pulled her behind him, laughing and saying with excitement, "C'mon! I want to show you off."

Kyle could sense hesitation in Amy, but that didn't stop him from pulling her off toward the nearest group of friends as he called out to them. He looked back to her, his gaze conspicuously dropping to her breasts, so well displayed by the bikini top in which she seemed uncomfortably exposed. His lips widened as he said suggestively, "You should be shown off."

He turned his attention to those near and, without concern about whether she wanted to be or not, began introducing Amy to the others.
A small little smile started to spread across her face as he bragged about getting to state four years running. She supposed it was a large achievement, one that would probably be hard to duplicate, but she really wasn’t that into sports to care. Still, she could appreciate that he was proud of his feat.

“What?” Amy gasped as he laughed and pulled her after him when he exclaimed that he was going to show her off. “Oh, no…”

She pulled on his arm, struggling to pull him to a stop as he pulled her towards the nearest group of people. They were the rich kids, the ones that drove flashy cars and wore the latest designer clothes. She couldn’t possible be a part of their clique and she was afraid that they would shun her, no matter of who was showing her off.

When he turned back to her, she sucked in a deep breath and blushed as his gaze strayed to her breasts so perfectly hugged and displayed by the pink bikini top. “I…I don’t want to be shown off.”

She was in a near panic as he pulled her to his side and slipped his arm around her bare shoulders, introducing her to all the people in the group that she’d never thought she’d meet in her entire life. She stared at them like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car, managing to squeak out a hello without looking like a total loser.
Kyle's friends -- from jocks to cheerleaders to rich kids to the dealer of the best pot in town -- were polite to his new friend, but it was all a show. He knew them well enough to know that they were only humoring him ... or, humoring his lust for what they assumed was his next claimed cherry.

Kyle had a way of sniffing out a pure pussy. He'd claimed the innocence of at least a dozen virgins, as well as partaking of at least twice that many experienced girls and women. While some guys would rather spend their time with a lover who knew her way around a bed, Kyle yearned to be the first man to part a woman's thighs.

The others said their hellos and asked questions that Amy could answer or not; they didn't really care, because -- they knew -- the only reason the girl was here was to give her a taste of what it felt like to be friendly with the in crowd. They were the elite; they knew it, others knew it, and -- surely -- this little Amy knew it. Everyone wanted to be them, or at least be with them.

But ... there was a price to be paid for hanging out with this group. Parted thighs...

Without notice, Kyle suddenly turned Amy away from the group, saying, "Have fun, all! There's a keg due at dark ... after the prying eyes are gone."

The others laughed or cheered the announcement, then quickly went back to their fun as if Kyle and Amy had never even been there.

Kyle slipped his hand around Amy's waste, pulling her close to him ... very close, considering they'd known one another less than ten minutes. He pointed toward one of the Yurts and leaned in close to her, whispering, "I want to show you something."
Amy was surprised as those other kids that she thought so little of were actually nice to her. She knew it was probably because Kyle was showing her off, showing an interest in her, or maybe in some small part due to the little bikini that she was wearing. Still, she was a little in awe that the popular people were actually talking to her.

She answered their questions when they asked, mostly about where she was from and where she lived. There were a few glances cast as she told them and it made her feel small compared to the lavish lifestyles that they were leading. She was happy with her little life and she was determined to make sure that they didn’t make her feel any less of a person because of that fact.

When Kyle suddenly spun her away from the ground, giving them a parting goodbye, she was surprised yet again. Looking up at him, she nibbled on her lower lip, a shiver racing up her spin as his hand snaked around her waist and pulled her close. It was such an intimate moment, the feel of his hand on her bare skin making her burn. That burn was apparent on her cheeks as he pointed towards one of the Yurts and whispered against her ear that he wanted to show her something.

“What?” She asked him, her freckled nose wrinkling in question as his arm held her a little tighter and he started to guide her towards the little hut. “You know, I really think I should find Becky. She’s my ride and it’s getting late.” She excuses poured from her lips, but he wasn’t the kind of man to take no for an answer.
“You know, I really think I should find Becky," Amy said, her tone sounding hesitant to Kyle. "She’s my ride and it’s getting late.”

"I saw her earlier," he lied, "With some guy having a laugh. You don't want to interrupt your friend's fun, do you?"

He knew what it was like to be getting somewhere with a girl and have someone come up and interrupt the flow. He hoped that Amy would understand that as well. But just in case it was the whole my ride thing that was going to bring an end to his fun, Kyle quickly added, "I'll get you home. No worries. I have you covered."

He'd no sooner finished what he was saying then he guided her in through the open door of the Yurt. It was nice, an adobe-like wall structure with a peaked tent roof that could be pulled back, allowing the occupants to view the stars after dark. It was barely ten feet across, intended for a short stay for a couple or small family. A fair size bed was in the curve to the left of the door, and a small dining room area -- with table, chairs, and counter tops for meals -- to the right. It was, essentially, tent camping ... without all the poles and ropes but with a regular, comfortable home style bed.

"Nice, huh?" Kyle asked. "There are ten of them rented for the weekend. This one's mine."

He took her by the hand and pulled her closer to him, slipping both hands over her bare skin to her back to pull their bodies together. As he leaned in to kiss her, he said, "Just mine ... and yours, if you want."
The offer of a ride from Kyle was both nice and malicious at the same time. He smiled like a shark with the scent of blood in the water. Amy wondered if she were about to become his prey as he ushered her into the Yurt.

The inside was nicely decorated and comfortable, but it was much too isolated for her liking. “Yours?” Amy asked as Kyle looked down at her with his pearly whites showing.

When his hand looped around her waist again, she gasped at the feel of his body pressing so intimately to hers. Her eyes were wide and she pressed her hands against his strong chest, sucking a deep breath as his hands spread over her bare skin. He leaned close, the smell of his skin filling her senses.

He was going to kiss her. The way he was leaning into her body, she knew that he was going to kiss her. Was she ready for that? She wasn’t sure. Her tongue peaked out from mouth, wetting her suddenly dry lips as he whispered to her that the Yurt could be hers as well….it she wanted.

“I’m…not sure.” She said, the fear thick in her voice as she pressed against his chest, pushing him away from her to give her the space to think.
Kyle wasn't surprised at her resistance. He had come on pretty strong, she didn't know him, and -- if his information was correct -- she wasn't at all experienced with the type of hound that he was.

He held his hands out in an apologetic gesture, but his words weren't as sorrowful. "Sorry. I thought you liked me ... liked my friends. Thought maybe you wanted to hang with us ... you know ... go to the best parties ... meet celebs ... have a fan-tastic time."

He meant it to come out like an ultimatum, but he couldn't tell from her expression whether or not she was getting the message: you wanna be with the in crowd, you BE with their leader. As he waited for her response, he backed away from her, jumping up into the air and landing on the bed playfully.

"Listen, he said in a softer tone, knowing that Amy was likely at that intersection of Flee and forget them and What harm could come from just kissing him? "I didn't mean anything. I just ... I just wanted to kiss you. No harm, no foul."

He patted a hand on the mattress and smiled. He said playfully, "C'mon. The worse that could happen is you find out I'm a bad kisser ... which ... by the way, I'm not."
Amy watched him silently for a long moment. He was certainly smooth and self confident. The idea of hanging out with his friends held a certain appeal, but she wasn’t sure that she wanted to compromise who she was just for the privilege. What he wanted from her might far out weigh the price that she was willing to pay.

Then he flopped on the bed playfully, another grin on his face as he softly explained to her that he wanted a kiss. A simple kiss. As she tried to remain impassive, she had to admit that her lips tingled at the thought of kiss him. She’d never kissed a boy before in her life and here the most popular one in school was wanting just that from her.

Amy had long been told that she was very pretty, but when she looked in the mirror she didn’t see it. Her skin was covered in freckles and her skin was almost too pale to be considered beautiful. Her hair was a riot of curls most days and hung down her back, hopelessly thick and a dark color of red. What was hidden by her bikini bottoms was just as red as well. What she saw was a girl too skinny, too hopeless, to ever gain the attentions of a boy.

“Your not a bad kisser…” She said, her statement meant to be a question but it almost sounded like she were trying to convince herself that it were alright.

“Just one kiss, right? Nothing more than that.” She said as she dared to step towards the bed.
“Just one kiss, right?" Amy asked, looking for assurances that this wasn't going any further than she wanted it to go. "Nothing more than that.”

"One kiss," he lied, reaching his hand out to her. "That's all."

She was hesitant to say the least but after a moment she took Kyle's hand. Playfully he pulled her hard toward him; she fell atop him and he rolled her to her back quickly, laughing, trying to keep the moment light.

What he did next was anything but light. He pressed his mouth to hers -- closed lips but still passionate -- then, as the moment passed, urged her lips apart with a gently extended tongue ... and caressed his hand up her side to her back, to pull their bodies tight together.
Amy was amazed at how large his hands were as he circled it around one of hers, tugging her towards the bed with a hard pull. She let out a gasp, jerked towards him in an unexpected motion that had her sprawling on top of him. Her soft breasts pressed against his muscled chest and the feel of his body against hers made her shiver intensely.

Then he was flipping them over. A cry left her lips as she was suddenly looking up at him through a cloud of her own red hair. He pressed down against her, his laughter light and free as his head dipped and suddenly she was kissing a boy for the first time.

She whimpered, her full lips pressing against his in a kiss that was anything but innocent. Her fingers curled into the sheets on the bed, her body squirming with the new emotion that was coursing through her. Then he started to urge her lips apart, his tongue slipping between her lips to touch hers as his hands caressed up her back and pulled her closer.

She let her eyes flutter close as he showed her what kissing a man was like. Her senses swam and her head felt heavy. The most delicious heat pooled between her thighs and she wanted this kiss to go on forever. Then, it was like everything became crystal clear and she was pushing against his shoulders, trying to separate his lips from hers.
For a moment Kyle was able to use his strength and position to keep their bodies and lips together, but eventually their mouths parted. Amy almost sounded like she was gasping for air.

Kyle only smiled and laughed, asking, "What's wrong...? I thought you wanted a kiss?"

He slipped his hand further behind her body, sliding it to the small of her back, trying to pull their faces together again.
The first cool draw of air between her lips had Amy panting. She watched as Kyle smiled down at her and laughed, asking her if anything were wrong. She parted her lips to speak but found herself still unable to make the words form. The feel of his hands tracing down her back had her trembling and she whimpered as he pulled her forward yet again.

“I’ve never kissed a boy…” She admitted, her fingers successfully moving to cover his lips, stopping the second kiss as they stared at one another. “I don’t want to be another notch in your belt. I’m not that kind of girl.”
"Notch...?" he laughed. "I don't have notches. Sure, I've had a couple of girl friends..."

A couple of dozen would have been more accurate, but -- as the son of a famous lawyer -- he knew the difference between speculation and evidence.

"...but if you heard otherwise, ignore that. It's just guys talking big."

He turned his head a bit and kissed the long fingers of the hand that had been trying to cease his kisses. He continued his line, whispering convincingly, "I've had my eye on you for months. I saw you at my football games last fall ... in the halls at school ...and the game Friday. Remember the January Jam...? I wanted to ask you to dance, but I was afraid you would say no. So many guys wanted to dance with you, and I didn't want to embarrass myself by being shot down by someone so ...beautiful."

In all honesty, he'd only noticed her at the dance enough to know she'd been there; he'd had no interest in getting to know her at the time, and the guys who'd been hitting on her were a bunch of losers that Kyle and his type stayed across the room from, if not farther! Even Amy had probably turned them away with a polite no thank you, despite being new to the school at the time.

Kyle pressed closer to her again, whispering, "Amy, I've wanted to kiss you be close to you since the day I met you. And I swear ...since that night of the dance ...seeing you so lovely in that--" He started to say blue dress, but suddenly couldn't remember whether it had been blue, or green, or polka dot for that matter. That would have been about as intelligent as calling a girl another girl's name during sex. Instead, he skipped the color and went straight to, "--dress that you made look so good ...I swear that I haven't been with another girl ...just waiting for my chance to be this close to you kiss you hold you in my arms..."

As he was rambling his come on, his face was getting slowly closer to hers, and with his last word, his pressed his mouth again to hers in a soft yet erotic kiss ...and slid his hand slowly down Amy's back ...toward that round, firm ass that he was so anxious to soon be pounding his groin again, doggy style.
A couple of girlfriends? That was the understatement of the century and she knew it. Becky liked to talk and she knew for a fact that Becky had been with Kyle shortly before Christmas break. So had half the girls on the cheerleading squad and most of the girls on the basketball team. He got around and Amy certainly knew that he was a ladies man.

She let out a soft sigh as he turned his head and kissed her slender fingers. It made her heart leap and she nibbled on her lower lip with her teeth, struggling to control the emotion that wanted to burst forward. Keep it cool, Amy.

“You saw me at the dance?” She asked in a hushed tone as he continued on about being afraid to ask her to dance. She would have said no. She’d said no to everyone except James McClure and the only reason she danced with him was because she owed him a favor after he’d helped her and her dad move into their house.

She hadn’t wanted to go to the January Jam. It had been another party that Becky insisted she go to. She wasn’t much for dancing or loud music, but Becky had put her in that short blue dress and silver heels and styled her hair to perfection. She could have had her choice of anyone that night, but she felt so awkward that she stayed permanently against the wall, waiting for the night to end.

“Since you met me?” She was just repeating what he said. She’d met him the first day at school. He was driving that slick looking little sports car and she’d pulled up next to him in her father’s Prius. They hadn’t said a word to one another as they both slid out of their cars at the same time, but a few of his buddies, crowding around the new little sportster had certainly made comment with wolf whistles and obscene gestures.

He wanted to kiss her again. She wanted him to kiss her again, but there was something so wrong about his words. He was just saying that to get into her pants. She knew it just as much as he did, but the moment that his face drew close to hers, she let out a whimper and sighed as his lips pressed against hers again in a soft kiss.

His hand trailed down her back again, fingers clenching around her rounded bottom and squeezing the flesh there until she let out a moan. This moment was so unlike anything she’d ever experienced in her life and she was unsure what to do. Where did her hands go? How should she respond? It was all so new…
She's mine...

Amy was melting in Kyle's arms, her lips meeting his ever movement, her tongue -- though tentative -- obviously wanting to play with his. He'd grasped her firm buttock, and instead of push or slap or knee him, she'd simply allowed him to pull their bodies tighter together.

But Kyle wasn't an idiot, and while he'd gotten this far relatively quickly, he knew that he had to get her temperature to boiling point before he began stripping away that little bikini that was separating his hands -- and dick -- from those parts of her no man had likely ever handled.

He moved his mouth to her neck, kissing her erotically, as his hand continued to grasp her buttock, pulling their groins hard together. Kyle was hard as a rock, and through the thin fabric of his two hundred dollar high fashion beach trunks, he had little doubt at all that Amy was feeling his erection pressing into her belly and thigh.
Amy let out a whimper as Kyle’s lips pulled from hers, kissing down the slender column of her neck. She shivered, her fingers clenching in the sheets of the bed beneath her as his hands pulled her hard against the hard bulge that had formed in his shorts. She moaned, her hips flexing against his momentarily before her eyes widened and she finally realized where they were.

“Kyle…I’ve…I’ve never done this before. I can’t.” She murmured, her hands going to press against his shoulders once more. She needed space, to get away from the burning heat that he was igniting inside her body.
"It's okay," he assured her, whispering softly into her ear, then kissing it, her cheek, and again her lips. Between passionate kisses, he wooed her with, "You're safe with me ... I'll be gentle ... I'll make you feel like you've ... never felt before ... trust me ... all I want is to make you happy..."

As he's been kissing her passionately on the lips, then cheek, then down to her collar bones ... whispering his sweet assurances to her softly ... he'd also been slowly ... casually moving atop her, gently slipping one knee between her thighs, opening them. He shifted his hands to under her shoulders, supporting his weight above her on his elbows as he brought his second knee to between her thighs...

... and pressed his erection hard against the triangle of her tiny bikini.
He was wooing her gently with whispered words against her ear. Amy shivered as he pressed a kiss against the shell of her ear, her cheek, her lips. Each promise made her relax a little bit and she whimpered as he told her that he wanted to make her happy. Did he really want to make her happy or did he just want to get into her pants? He seemed so sincere in everything that he was saying and the way that her kissed her with such passion did a lot to lessen her apprehension.

Her hands slowly moved from his shoulders to his hair, her fingers clenching tightly as he kissed down her collar bones, the breath in her chest coming in quick, heated pants. She moaned softly as he slowly moved atop of her, his knee slipping between her parted thighs and pressing his erection hard against her heated core.

“Oh!” She cried out in surprise, her eyes widening as she looked up at him.

It took only moments before her cheeks blazed red and she started to shiver beneath him. Did she want this? She didn’t know, but damned if he wasn’t making the decision difficult for her.
"It's okay," Kyle whispered, almost so softly as to not be heard. "It's okay ... all I want to do is make you happy ... make you feel good..."

His lips were making their way down her, from neck to collar bone to the soft flesh of her breast; and again, attempting to be a smooth as could be, he'd slipped his knees up under her thighs to support his weight as first one hand slipped to the small of her back, seeming to lift her body to lips but in reality allowing his second hand to find and pull loose the string bowed at her back.

He deftly used his lips and tongue to push her biking top downward, and before she could do anything about it, he was suckling one of her hardened, pink nipples between warm, wet lips...

(OOC -- If I went to far in this one, begin your post with where she would have reacted. Seriously! Don't let me take it farther than your character would have allowed.)
Amy was squirming in his arms, sighing as he trailed his lips from her neck to her collarbone and beyond. She whimpered as his lips traced along the tops of her breasts, the firm flesh jiggling each time she moved and squirmed. He slipped his knees under her thighs to support them both and she felt his hand slipping up her back again. A tug on her bikini was followed by the loosening of her bikini top.

She gasped loudly as his lips pushed the material down, his lips wrapping around a hard pink nipple. She let out a shriek and pushed hard on his shoulders, rolling from beneath him and to the edge of the bed. Panting harshly, she turned her head to look over the shoulder at Kyle, her hands covering her bared breasts.

“What do you think you’re doing!” She cried out, her brow furrowing tightly in concern and a little bit of anger.
Well, fuck! Way to go Speedy Gonzalez.

Kyle bad pushed her too quickly, eager to get her hot, naked, and de-virginized. He almost laughed, surprised that she'd let him get this far, but -- always on the make -- donned a sorrowful expression and said, "I'm sorry, Amy. I thought it was what you wanted. To be with me be my gjrlfriend."

My girlfriend, he'd said, trying to imply some longevity to what she was likely assuming -- and rightfully so -- was going to be a one time, wham, bam, thank you ma'am fuck. Kyle held his hand out to her, not moving toward her in fear that it would send her running. "I'm sorry, Amy, really. Let me tie you up--" He laughed, short and hard, correcting himself, "Your bikini, I mean. Let me tie it back ...and if you want, you can leave."

He gave her just a second to consider it before quickly adding, "You don't want to hang out with someone like me ...with my kind of friends anyway you...?"

He said the last with a very sincere tone, not a threatening one; he wanted her to hear I'm not the guy for a sweet thing like you, not get it on with me ...or kiss the In Crowd goodbye... But, of course, he wanted her to take the second one to heart ...and lose that damn bikini.