I sipped my beer as I gazed around the backyard. Matt Thompson had thrown a backyard barbecue for the executive level staff at the company, so his backyard was filled with a few dozen co-workers and their families. Being the wholesome prick that he was, he'd made it kid friendly, too. The in-ground pool on the west side was filled with them plus a handful of nervous mothers making sure none of the brats drowned.
Personally I couldn't stand Thompson. I'd had a nice thing going before he took over as Vice President of Accounts about five years ago. I'd gotten away with murder before he showed up, but the little goody two shoes was soon butting his nose all over the place. Soon almost all the stuff I did for fun became taboo. Even wound up having to take a sexual harassment class because apparently putting your hand on a secretary's ass wasn't politically correct any more. Fucking bullshit.
I put up with his meddlesome ways for a year before I started looking for ways to get him canned. Unfortunately , Thompson didn't make it easy. He was a squeaky clean guy, so there wasn't much dirt to find. He also managed to save the company some serious dough with his new cost controls, so the board of directors loved him. Consequently, they'd likely bend over backwards to help the guy rather than cut him loose.
By the time I found some juicy leverage, the whole thing started to become moot. Scuttlebutt had it that Stevens was going to retire next year and that Thompson was on the short list to succeed him. So I kept my mouth shut, he'd get promoted and move to the Oregon office a thousand miles away. If I used my leverage, I risked him losing the promotion but sticking around to annoy my for years to come. Not worth it.
Still, I wanted to get some measure of payback from the guy before he left. Then it occurred to me that I didn't necessarily have to use my leverage against Thompson direct. And when it came to getting my pound of flesh, who better than Candace Thompson?
Candace was the youngest of the Thompson children. She'd been just a spindly 13-year-old when I first met her - cute, but hardly worth notice. In the intervening years, she'd blossomed into something incredible. Both her parents were tall, so no surprise that she shot up like a weed. By the time she was a junior in high school, she was taller than many guys. This gave her a stellar pair of legs that terminated in a delightfully rounded ass. She shared her mother's blue eyes and pale blonde hair; she wore it long, the platinum waves cascading down past the middle of her back.
However, the feature which first attracted my attention was her rack. Candace had little more than mosquito bites on her chest, but within the space of a year she was easily the size of her mother. Each subsequent year, her breasts continued to expand outward. Exactly how much became harder to tell, because Candace began dressing in attire that deemphasized her bosom. Of course, given that she looked huge already, the knowledge that her loose clothing and minimizer bras might be masking inches more of her delightful orbs....
Candace was also a paragon of the type of woman that never gave me the time of day. Even when I was younger and didn't have the slight beer gut I do now, my middling height kept me out of the running. I wrestled in high school and college,but girls wanted the tall, lanky athletes. I looked more like a fire hydrant with my squat build, so any girl over 5'6" invariably have me the brush-off.
Consequently, the circumstances seemed perfect. Candace was now 18, so fair game for my attentions. She was also every bit the goody two shoes her father was, so I felt certain she'd do anything to protect him. Anything at all.
I waited till I was able to get Candace by herself the party so I wouldn't be overhead. "Candace? Remember me? Jacob Trask - I'm the VP of Sales at the company. That's right. Say, if you've got a minute, there's something I'd like to talk with you about. Why don't we step over there where we can talk in private?"