Corrupting the Innocent (closed)


Delver of the Deep
Aug 6, 2010

I sipped my beer as I gazed around the backyard. Matt Thompson had thrown a backyard barbecue for the executive level staff at the company, so his backyard was filled with a few dozen co-workers and their families. Being the wholesome prick that he was, he'd made it kid friendly, too. The in-ground pool on the west side was filled with them plus a handful of nervous mothers making sure none of the brats drowned.

Personally I couldn't stand Thompson. I'd had a nice thing going before he took over as Vice President of Accounts about five years ago. I'd gotten away with murder before he showed up, but the little goody two shoes was soon butting his nose all over the place. Soon almost all the stuff I did for fun became taboo. Even wound up having to take a sexual harassment class because apparently putting your hand on a secretary's ass wasn't politically correct any more. Fucking bullshit.

I put up with his meddlesome ways for a year before I started looking for ways to get him canned. Unfortunately , Thompson didn't make it easy. He was a squeaky clean guy, so there wasn't much dirt to find. He also managed to save the company some serious dough with his new cost controls, so the board of directors loved him. Consequently, they'd likely bend over backwards to help the guy rather than cut him loose.

By the time I found some juicy leverage, the whole thing started to become moot. Scuttlebutt had it that Stevens was going to retire next year and that Thompson was on the short list to succeed him. So I kept my mouth shut, he'd get promoted and move to the Oregon office a thousand miles away. If I used my leverage, I risked him losing the promotion but sticking around to annoy my for years to come. Not worth it.

Still, I wanted to get some measure of payback from the guy before he left. Then it occurred to me that I didn't necessarily have to use my leverage against Thompson direct. And when it came to getting my pound of flesh, who better than Candace Thompson?

Candace was the youngest of the Thompson children. She'd been just a spindly 13-year-old when I first met her - cute, but hardly worth notice. In the intervening years, she'd blossomed into something incredible. Both her parents were tall, so no surprise that she shot up like a weed. By the time she was a junior in high school, she was taller than many guys. This gave her a stellar pair of legs that terminated in a delightfully rounded ass. She shared her mother's blue eyes and pale blonde hair; she wore it long, the platinum waves cascading down past the middle of her back.

However, the feature which first attracted my attention was her rack. Candace had little more than mosquito bites on her chest, but within the space of a year she was easily the size of her mother. Each subsequent year, her breasts continued to expand outward. Exactly how much became harder to tell, because Candace began dressing in attire that deemphasized her bosom. Of course, given that she looked huge already, the knowledge that her loose clothing and minimizer bras might be masking inches more of her delightful orbs....

Candace was also a paragon of the type of woman that never gave me the time of day. Even when I was younger and didn't have the slight beer gut I do now, my middling height kept me out of the running. I wrestled in high school and college,but girls wanted the tall, lanky athletes. I looked more like a fire hydrant with my squat build, so any girl over 5'6" invariably have me the brush-off.

Consequently, the circumstances seemed perfect. Candace was now 18, so fair game for my attentions. She was also every bit the goody two shoes her father was, so I felt certain she'd do anything to protect him. Anything at all.

I waited till I was able to get Candace by herself the party so I wouldn't be overhead. "Candace? Remember me? Jacob Trask - I'm the VP of Sales at the company. That's right. Say, if you've got a minute, there's something I'd like to talk with you about. Why don't we step over there where we can talk in private?"

Name: Candace Thompson
Age: 18
Height: 5'10"
Cup size: 34JJ

I wasn't that big of a fan when it came to the business get-togethers that my father usually hosted. It's not that I hated his co-workers or anything; I just hated the stares that I'd get from them. I don't know, it got me feeling pretty darn uncomfortable, as it always did whether the guy (or sometimes even woman) who was eying me was my own age, or in his 50s. I hate being looked at as if I was...on display or something. I don't know, I suppose that it's difficult to explain.

My boyfriend, Tyler, felt much the same way. We've been together for two years now, but it wasn't until about a year ago where my breasts really ballooned from an already large size, into something of massive proportions. From that point on, I'd have guys constantly breathing down my neck, despite the fact that I tried my hardest to hide behind some of the most loose articles of clothing imaginable. I thought that I'd never see the day where Tyler, a 6'5 star athlete, would start feeling insecure about us.

I suppose that maybe it had something to do with the fact that I explicitly told him that we were to wait until marriage before trying any funny business. His fellow athlete buddies constantly picked on him over this, I think. But I had to stick to my morals right? I loved Tyler with all my heart, but I wasn't going to just turn on the values that I was raised on.

As for my own insecurities, well, as I mentioned earlier they were probably exclusively reserved for my breasts. I mean, how couldn't you feel the way I did when you had to wear a crazy, special-order, 34JJ bra cup? My kind of size wasn't available at your local Walmart, so I needed to go through some frustrating cycles in order to purchase a single, supportive bra. Needless to say, with my slim figure, they just seemed...too big, you know? I honestly didn't think about leaving my room during this party until my mother had convinced me to just go out and pretend that I didn't notice anyone staring.

I had to cover myself up though, unlike most of the women who were walking around the pool. I was, always, desperate to cover up my chest with my loose pink hoodie. I sat on a chair, reading a magazine with my long legs crossed, until I noticed from the corner of my eye two older men eying me bizarrely; as if I was smuggling pillow inside my hooded sweatshirt. Frustrated, I sort of just got up and walked away. I even neglected to bring my sandals in my little fit of rage, so here I was walking around barefoot. I guess that I really did stick out like a sore thumb - never mind my chest, it seemed everyone was dressed up as if they were ready to swim and I was wearing essentially a long sleeve typically reserved for fall weather and a pair of tight blue jeans.

Realizing that I left my sandals, I was right about to retrace my steps when I heard someone call me:

"Candace? Remember me? Jacob Trask - I'm the VP of Sales at the company. That's right. Say, if you've got a minute, there's something I'd like to talk with you about. Why don't we step over there where we can talk in private?"

Jacob...I think that I could faintly recall him from a few years back. I had to admit, he was a bit shorter than I remembered, but that might have something to do with the fact that the last time that I saw him, I was about...thirteen? Fifteen years old, maybe?

"Oh...Sure." I said, curious over whatever it is that he had to say. "What's up?"

I guided Candace into an empty room off the patio. Flipping on the light switch, I discovered it was a small home office.* A couple of file cabinets stood along one wall. A medium size desk with an older model PC rested near the back wall. The window behind the desk had closed Venetian blinds, but the Saturday afternoon sunlight filtering through provided sufficient illumination to see clearly. A couple of chairs faced the desk, while an ancient leather chair stood behind the desk.

I smiled as I scanned it all in. I bet good old Matt used this every month to pay the family bills. Probably did his taxes right here. I chuckled. It was perfect for what I had in mind.

I gestured for Candace to take a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk. I closed the door behind me; the sound of a dozen conversations from the crowd out back tapered off dramatically till it was a vague bassy thrumming in the background.

Our privacy established, I pushed aside a lamp and a coffee cup brimming with pens and sat atop the front of the desk. That gave me a higher seat than Candace, so she had to look up at me. She did so now, her blue eyes curious.

I started off with small talk. "So you're a senior when school starts this fall, right?* Figured out what colleges you're going to apply to?"

Candace named a handful of schools, so I followed up with some questions about each. She warmed to the subject and soon seemed quite comfortable speaking with me.* I let that continue for a moment before seguing to my true interest.

"While we're talking about your future, I want to caution you about a potential problem with your father."* I lowered my voice conspiratorily, causing her to tilt forward. Pity she wore that thick hoodie; I'd be otherwise able to gaze straight down her cleavage.

"Your father has been misreporting certain information to the federal government. Now I'm sure it's been an oversight on his part because we know what a good guy he is, but unfortunately it's still a very serious issue. I won't bore you with the technicalities, but basically it can be construed as fraudulent concealment of material facts and each instance is a Class C felony. If the Feds find out, he could be facing several years in prison. No doubt that will be a serious disruption to your entire family. Why, it might even cost you your college admission if I becomes public that you're the daughter of a felon! "

I gave her a few seconds to absorb this shocking information. After decades of negotiating deals, I knew how to read my audience. The key was to throw her off balance and give her just enough time to start to panic. If I then swooped in with a solution to her fears, I could lead her around easily.

Surprisingly, none of my tale was a lie. Matt didn’t have a background in our industry and some of regulations we dealt with were pretty arcane, so not surprising that he missed something obscure. Because we were federally regulated, such failure to report was a crime. He could potentially go to jail.

The only slightly deceptive portion was the implication that prison time was likely. This crime was too boring to attract any press coverage, so the federal prosecutors would almost certainly look for a quick plea agreement rather waste time on a trial. Matt would probably get probation an a heavy fine at most. But Candace didn't need to know that.

Once I saw the requisite amount of fear in her eyes, I intervened before she could start asking questions. "But don't worry, Candace! Your father isn't in trouble yet and there's a way to make sure the feds never find out about his mistake. But in order to do that, I am going to need your help. Can you do that, Candace? Can you help save your father?"
I followed Mister Trask, who eventually lead me to my dad's home office. I wondered just why he chose to go to that place, given that it was dusty and pretty small. I suppose, that in the back of my mind, I knew that he had something important to say, or at least something to say that he didn't want others to see. As he flipped on the light switch, I saw the old equipment that my dad used while filing papers here, or went over our taxes.

Trask gestured me to take a seat, almost reminding me of how an interviewer gestures a job hopeful to sit down. I did so and eying him curiously. What was on his mind? I heard a few voices nearby for a moment, as people were bound to pass by the corridor, but the short man closed the door and all that noise became just inaudible background noise. Well, at least there was some quiet now; I was honestly getting a headache from all the chatter outside. Trask eventually chose to sit on the desk instead of the chair, sitting right in front of me. Once more, I eyed him almost to say "So what did you bring me in here for?"

"So you're a senior when school starts this fall, right? Figured out what colleges you're going to apply to?"

That was odd. Still, I hardly had anyone to talk to about what colleges I was hoping to get into, so I suppose that this conversation wasn't all that bad. The few friends that I did have weren't doing so great as I was doing, so naturally me talking about how I wanted to get into some top colleges annoyed them.

"Oh...Yep. I was thinking of applying to Berkeley, Michigan or Cornell. Maybe Princeton, if I feel brave enough."

"While we're talking about your future, I want to caution you about a potential problem with your father."

"Problem?" I asked curiously, moving a bit closer as he leaned a bit forward as well, as if he was about to tell me some dark secret.

"Your father has been misreporting certain information to the federal government. Now I'm sure it's been an oversight on his part because we know what a good guy he is, but unfortunately it's still a very serious issue. I won't bore you with the technicalities, but basically it can be construed as fraudulent concealment of material facts and each instance is a Class C felony. If the Feds find out, he could be facing several years in prison. No doubt that will be a serious disruption to your entire family. Why, it might even cost you your college admission if I becomes public that you're the daughter of a felon! "

He explained this to be, all the while I felt my heart throb - this seemed serious and the tone in his voice pretty much confirmed that he wasn't exaggerating any detail. Years in prison? My dad? Panic rushed through my veins and I wasn't sure of what to say. I wanted to plead to Trask on whether he could help my father or not, but I didn't let it out. I wasn't even thinking about my college admissions right now, but rather of the potential fate that awaited my dad.

"But don't worry, Candace! Your father isn't in trouble yet and there's a way to make sure the feds never find out about his mistake. But in order to do that, I am going to need your help. Can you do that, Candace? Can you help save your father?"

That's when I felt the massive burden, which was suddenly dropped on me, lifted off my shoulders. I sighed in relief, placing a hand on my chest as I responded "So there is a way? Thank god. Yes! I'll do anything to help my dad out."

Yes! I'll do anything to help my dad out."

I grinned. "Excellent! I'm so pleased to hear you say that. The key to this situation is that there is one guy who could blow the whistle on your dad. If we can keep him from telling the feds, then you dad is totally in the clear. Easy peasy, right?"

I leaned down and beckoned her to lean in. "Here's the thing, Candace, "I whispered. I paused a beat to look around the room as I checking for eavesdroppers. "I'm the guy."

It took a half second for her to process this revelation. She snapped back in her chair and stared at me with huge, confused eyes.i The look on her face was so delightful that I couldn't help laughing.

"That's right, Candace. I'm the one who has the dirt on dear old dad. It just so happens that I think your father is a self-righteous meddling prick, so I'd gladly tell the feds just to watch that sanctimonious asshole suffer." I grinned maliciously at the prospect.

"Fortunately for you, I have other desires that matter more." I licked my lips and gave her an uninhibited ogling. "For example, I happen to be fond of leggy brunettes with huge tits."

She was shocked by my implication, which actually amused me even more. "That's right, sweet cheeks, I've been lusting after your hot bod for a while now, so I'm willing to take it in trade. Here's the deal: my dirt on your father is good for the next year. I agree not to tell the feds during that time, so your entire family's life doesn't get blown to pieces. In exchange, you become my willing and enthusiastic fuck buddy. For the next year, you will fuck me and suck me whenever and wherever I want."
"Excellent! I'm so pleased to hear you say that. The key to this situation is that there is one guy who could blow the whistle on your dad. If we can keep him from telling the feds, then you dad is totally in the clear. Easy peasy, right?"

I nodded in agreement. I couldn't wrap my head around who would hate my dad enough to purposely get him in trouble over something that he didn't really mean to do. My father was pretty well liked in the neighborhood, had a clean record and regularly helped people out. So, when my dad's acquaintance motioned me to lean closer the him, I simply listened as he whispered into my ear:

"Here's the thing, Candace, I'm the guy."

I sat there, completely dumbfounded for a moment. What he said then began to be processed by my head - he was the one who planned to get my dad into trouble. I moved the chair back and simply stared at him in disbelief, all the while he roared a laughter. Eventually, he settled down before going on..

"That's right, Candace. I'm the one who has the dirt on dear old dad. It just so happens that I think your father is a self-righteous meddling prick, so I'd gladly tell the feds just to watch that sanctimonious asshole suffer."

I was still too shocked for words and my mind was filled with unanswered questions; why would he be so bitter towards my dad? Why did he approach me in the first place? To mock me of my father's fate? Why did he bring me in here?

"Fortunately for you, I have other desires that matter more."
he said, snapping me out of my thoughts. My eyes caught him just in time to see that he was licking his lips while looking at me "For example, I happen to be fond of leggy brunettes with huge tits."


"That's right, sweet cheeks, I've been lusting after your hot bod for a while now, so I'm willing to take it in trade. Here's the deal: my dirt on your father is good for the next year. I agree not to tell the feds during that time, so your entire family's life doesn't get blown to pieces. In exchange, you become my willing and enthusiastic fuck buddy. For the next year, you will fuck me and suck me whenever and wherever I want."

All of a sudden, I felt my heart race at an unbelievable pace. Was he really doing this? Was I really being blackmailed like this, in my home by someone who was nearly a damn stranger to me? I thought about this whole predicament and I would be lying if I said that I wasn't thinking about running out of that room and call for help. But...He had the means of destroying my family and thus could do whatever he wanted right now. So, this dirty troll was about to get what he wanted...

"You bastard." I replied angrily "Fine. Okay, I'll do this but I want you to prove that you won't back stab me."

"Fine. Okay, I'll do this but I want you to prove that you won't back stab me."

I laughed. "You want?" I pointed my index finger at her and taunted. "You? You?!" I guffawed mockingly. "You're not in a position to demand anything, sweet cheeks."

When my chuckles subsided, I continued in a calmer voice. "There are no guarantees here, Candy. At least, not for you. The feds already have everything they need to convict your father. He gave those false reports to them every quarter, like clockwork. It's just that they don't know it yet because it's one of few dozen reports filed by a few thousand companies. No one actually reads the damn things. They just file it away because the law says they have to. No one will ever look at what your father did." I flashed a mean smile. "Not unless someone tells them to. Someone like me."

I shrugged. "Of course, I won't do that if you keep up your end of the bargain. And you're just going to have to trust that I will." I spread my hands wide. "But then a bright girl like you knows I will. You've got a boyfriend, so you know how men are. We really, really like getting laid. I might like to see your father upset, but not nearly as much as I like getting my dick sucked. So as long as you hold up your end, you know I'll hold up mine."

I clapped my hands together and rubbed my palms eagerly. "Right! Let's get down to brass tacks. First, you're going to do whatever I say willingly and with at least a little enthusiasm. I'm not going to drag you kicking and screaming into this. When I say jump, you jump.

" Second, I assume you don't want anyone to know you're fucking me. If so, fine; I'll help keep this secret. But if you tell anyone or if someone figures it out, your official story is that you're sleeping with me because you just can't get enough of my cock. You'll tell no one - no friends, no family, not even your boyfriend - anything that suggests that you're doing this against your will.

"Third, you'll need this." I reached into my shorts pocket and withdrew a small Mobil phone. I tossed it to her. "This prepaid burner will be how I contact you. When that rings, I want you to do something. Keep it with you. I don't like to be kept waiting.

"Fourth, as you'll soon find out, I've got a big cock. Yeah, I know I'm short, but don't think a guy's height determines what he's packing in his pants. I bet I make that hunky boyfriend or yours look like he's got a pencil. I've fucked a lot of women over the years and the consensus is clear - it's really fucking big. Consequently, fucking me might be uncomfortable. It might even hurt like hell. But the key takeaway for you I'd that I don't give a rat's ass whether it hurts. You're going to take every damn inch I can stuff inside you and like it. If that's painful, you'd best learn to cope.

" Fifth, I am not wearing a condom with you. I plan to pump you so full of cum that it shoots out your ears. As such, I suggest you get on the pill if you aren't already. If you get knocked up, then you'd best blame it on your boyfriend, because I'm not taking care of it. But don't think that gets you out of anything. I'll fuck you right up till you're in labor if I choose

"Sixth, you'll keep up your figure. If your tits keep growing, that's fine, but don't start stuffing your face till you're a fat bucket of lard. And no starving yourself till you're skin and bones, either. You keep on looking like skin and bones, either."

"That about covers it. If you've got questions, let's hear it." I stood up from the desk. "Otherwise, it's time to for you to show me that you're on board. Since it's our first time, we'll start simple. You'll pull down my shorts and suck me off. I won't even make you go down very far - just the head will be fine."

I looked down into her big, blue eyes. "What's it going to be, sweet cheeks?"
"You want? You? You?! You're not in a position to demand anything, sweet cheeks."

My face flushed with a red hue, given the mixture of embarrassment and anger over what was happening. There wasn't much that I could do and from the looks of things, I wouldn't be able to get so much as a promise from him that he wouldn't try anything fishy if I kept my end of the deal...

"But then a bright girl like you knows I will. You've got a boyfriend, so you know how men are. We really, really like getting laid. I might like to see your father upset, but not nearly as much as I like getting my dick sucked. So as long as you hold up your end, you know I'll hold up mine."

"Fine! Okay, I understand..." I said, trying to get this conversation to an end already. I didn't enjoy his language at all, so I wanted him to get to the darn point.

"Right! Let's get down to brass tacks. First, you're going to do whatever I say willingly and with at least a little enthusiasm. I'm not going to drag you kicking and screaming into this. When I say jump, you jump."

I guessed as much, as me fighting back and all would probably 'spoil' his fun. I wasn't planning on resisting him too much...when it'll come to making love. He had the means of getting my father some jail time, so I had to be careful around him and with my attitude...

" Second, I assume you don't want anyone to know you're fucking me. If so, fine; I'll help keep this secret. But if you tell anyone or if someone figures it out, your official story is that you're sleeping with me because you just can't get enough of my cock. You'll tell no one - no friends, no family, not even your boyfriend - anything that suggests that you're doing this against your will."

Oh god, I haven't even thought of the possibility of someone finding out about this whole ordeal. Now I had to, if we were ever caught in some way, say that I actually liked it? The very notion made me sick to my stomach. I was apparently dealing with a very, very evil man.

"Third, you'll need this." he said as he tossed me some phone. I barely was able to catch it in time, given how my mind was a little preoccupied "This prepaid burner will be how I contact you. When that rings, I want you to do something. Keep it with you. I don't like to be kept waiting."

This just got worse and worse...

"Fourth, as you'll soon find out, I've got a big cock. Yeah, I know I'm short, but don't think a guy's height determines what he's packing in his pants. I bet I make that hunky boyfriend or yours look like he's got a pencil. I've fucked a lot of women over the years and the consensus is clear - it's really fucking big. Consequently, fucking me might be uncomfortable. It might even hurt like hell. But the key takeaway for you I'd that I don't give a rat's ass whether it hurts. You're going to take every damn inch I can stuff inside you and like it. If that's painful, you'd best learn to cope."

My eyes must have shown some form of panic here, as I never had sex before so I didn't know what to expect. I wasn't clueless enough to not know that every woman's first time is supposed to hurt. But if he was as big as he said he was, then uncomfortable would be the greatest understatement there is. Oh god, and he seriously expects me, when the time comes, to not complain and pretend that I like it? This was disgusting...

" Fifth, I am not wearing a condom with you. I plan to pump you so full of cum that it shoots out your ears. As such, I suggest you get on the pill if you aren't already. If you get knocked up, then you'd best blame it on your boyfriend, because I'm not taking care of it. But don't think that gets you out of anything. I'll fuck you right up till you're in labor if I choose."

Again, I must have looked every more horrified. No protection?! Was he insane? I wanted to tell him right then that I wasn't on the pill, so that he wouldn't try anything right now, but he continued...

"Sixth, you'll keep up your figure. If your tits keep growing, that's fine, but don't start stuffing your face till you're a fat bucket of lard. And no starving yourself till you're skin and bones, either. You keep on looking like skin and bones, either."

What a shallow pig.

"That about covers it. If you've got questions, let's hear it. Otherwise, it's time to for you to show me that you're on board. Since it's our first time, we'll start simple. You'll pull down my shorts and suck me off. I won't even make you go down very far - just the head will be fine. What's it going to be, sweet cheeks?"

"I...I have a few questions."
I said nervously, as he seemed to raise the tone of his voice whenever I would say anything. "First, we aren't going to...make love, right now are we? Because I'm not on the pill and it wouldn't be fair to do anything..."

"Second, if anyone ever finds out, I'm supposed to tell them specifically that I like your cock?
" I said, showing a bit discomfort said that last word "I can't come up with anything else?"

"Finally, well, it's just that I'm a god forbid anything happens, what am I supposed to say? I can't really say that it's my boyfriend's since we didn't do anything..."

First, we aren't going to...make love, right now are we? Because I'm not on the pill and it wouldn't be fair to do anything..."

I rolled my eyes. Boy, was she clueless. "First off, sweet cheeks, we're going to do a lot in the coming months, but ain't none of it gonna be 'making love'." I added air quotes at the end and laughed derisively. Making love. As if.

"Second, I know your family is all prim and proper and you're Snow White, but surely you know what a fucking blow job is. I hear you teenagers do it so much that you don't even consider it sex anymore. You don't need to be on the pill for that.

"Third, if you're not on it, best hit up your doctor for a prescription. I can get by a few days on blow jobs, but I'm not gonna wait forever."

She didn't seem pleased with any of my answers, but she moved on. Second, if anyone ever finds out, I'm supposed to tell them specifically that I like your cock? I can't come up with anything else?"

I rolled my eyes again. Was this girl naive, or just dumb? "No, sweet cheeks, you don't have to tell them exactly that. But just because someone knows doesn't mean you get to stop fucking me, so you're going to need a reason why you're still riding my cock. It can't be ' because he's blackmailing me', so I figure 'because I like fucking him' is your best option. But I don't care what bullshit reason you give them as long as you keep your end of the arrangement. And if lying to your friends and family bothers you, then I suggest you avoid it by not getting caught."

She couldn’t hide her disgust. I found it amusing how she almost flinched every time I said 'cock'.

"Finally, well, it's just that I'm a god forbid anything happens, what am I supposed to say? I can't really say that it's my boyfriend's since we didn't do anything..."

"Seriously?!" I responded with enthusiasm. "An actual virgin?" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Oh, that's hot." I sat for a moment, a warm surge of lust running up my spine at the thought. My eyes opened and I grinned lasciviously. "I'm going to enjoy plucking your flower, sweet cheeks."

"As for your pregnancy scenario, I figure you have two options. If you catch I early enough, you can Plan B it out get it terminated or whatever. But if you're a right to life type, then you're going to have the baby. Now since I don't want another kid, I suggest you find some other sap to pin it on, like say that towering meathead you're currently dating. I guarantee that if you put your hand on his cock and ask him to fuck you, he'll gladly oblige. Wait a month to tell him that you're pregnant and that he's the baby daddy. Bam! Problem solved."

"Of course, I'd suggest stuffing, swallowing, or snorting whatever contraceptive you need to make sure you don't get pregnant in the first place. Whole lot easier avoiding the problem than fixing it."

"So that it, sweet cheeks? You got more to ask or can my balls get some relief now?"
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"Seriously?! An actual virgin?" he said, almost excitedly after mocking me so much "Oh, that's hot. I'm going to enjoy plucking your flower, sweet cheeks."

Oh god, it took me so much restraint to not show pure and utter disgust towards him when he said that; hopefully I did a good enough job doing so. I couldn't believe that not only did me telling him that I was a virgin not phase him, but he actually got turned on by it. Part of me wondered, since he said that he could wait a few days before...making love to me...that maybe I ask Tyler to do it with me first. Would that be right? My mom always told me that my first time was supposed to be sweet and loving. And yet now...

"As for your pregnancy scenario, I figure you have two options. If you catch I early enough, you can Plan B it out get it terminated or whatever. But if you're a right to life type, then you're going to gave the baby. Now since I don't want another kid, I suggest you find some other sap to pin it on, like say that towering meathead you're currently dating. I guarantee that if you put your hand on his cock and ask him to fuck you, he'll gladly oblige. Wait a month to tell him that you're pregnant and that he's the baby daddy. Bam! Problem solved."

Get it terminated?! Just how on earth could he be so nonchalant about it? I grimaced at that suggestion and tried not to when he suggested that I should 'find some other sap to pin it on'. Did he have to mock Tyler too? I wanted to just tell him that he's disgusting but I restrained myself.

"Of course, I'd suggest stuffing, swallowing, or snorting whatever contraceptive you need to make sure you don't get pregnant in the first place. Whole lot easier avoiding the problem than fixing it. So that it, sweet cheeks? You got more to ask or can my balls get some relief now?"

"That's it...let's just get on with this." I said, as my dignity sunk to a new low.
"That's it...let's just get on with this."

"Fine," I replied. I stood up from my perch on the desk. I waited. And waited. She didn't do anything. Surely she couldn't be this clueless. "It would probably help to remove my shorts first," I prompted.

She gave me a look that indicated she wanted to do pretty much anything but touch my shorts. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine, I'll do it." Like pretty much everyone at the party, I wore swim trunks. As such, a swift shove on the elastic waistband was all it took.

My soft cock flowed out from the wiry nest of my pubic hair and dangled down between my thighs. Even flaccid, it was thick and heavy. I looked at her stunned reaction and grinned. Even when I warned them, women always assumed I was embellishing as to my size. Heh, I bet I was already bigger than her jock boyfriend out there on his best day.

I rubbed my belly and smiled down at her. "Nice, huh? Sure hope you can open that mouth big and wide." I chuckled, then continued. "Oh, and it'll take a little while to get me going. I'm not a teenager anymore, so it won't spring to attention immediately. Just play with it a minute to get the blood flowing."

I waited for her to act, but she remained in her seat. I sighed. There definitely was a downside to working with virgins.

"Look," I said with some exasperation. "This arrangement isn't going to work with you just sitting there. Get down there and go to work. Otherwise the deal is off!"
"This arrangement isn't going to work with you just sitting there. Get down there and go to work. Otherwise the deal is off!"

"Okay! Please let me suck your dick." I said in sheer desperation, before I slowly made my way to this...this disgusting excuse of a man! Slowly would be understating it - I walked there, looking down and averting the sight of his shaft (as if that was going to make a damn difference). I moved down and brushed aside a lock of my brown hair before I looked at it -

His dick was huge. I hate saying this. I wish that I could tell you that this sicko's penis was the size of a toothpick and that his attitude was clearly compensating for something. I wish that I could tell you that I didn't feel a little impressed over how, while even semi-flacid, that it was huge. Most importantly, I wish that I didn't tell you that, deep down, I wasn't a little bit curious of how that massive chunk of meat was going to feel in my mouth.

I closed my eyes before I brought my mouth to the tip of Jacob's cock. My hot breath blew on it for a few seconds, while I mustered the courage to bright it inside of my mouth. Truth be told, while I was sexually inactive (and again, as I mentioned, a virgin), I did suck Tyler's cock like once or twice. So...I wasn't completely hopeless in this. It's just that Jacob's dick was at least twice as big as my boyfriend's so I had um...a lot more room to cover.

Right, so where was I?

My tongue applied pressure on the tip while I breathed into it, my saliva running on the tip while my tongue went around in circles. My right hand played with the middle of his cock - giving this pervert's shaft a slow, but constant movement. I was jerking him off. I couldn't believe that I was doing this to some sick, old fuck who didn't see me anything more than a pair of melons with legs!

His dick grew in my mouth. I guess that he was enjoying himself and I guessed that I needed to continue putting an effort.

I began to bob my head up and down as much as I could without choking, god knows that was the only thing left to completely destroy my dignity. With my movements, my tongue began to taste some of the pre-cum on his dick; giving me just a taste of the salty, sticky liquid that was waiting for me somewhere down the line.
I chuckled slightly at her reaction. I'd been getting something similar from women ever since my late teens.

I'd gotten pretty good at reading such reactions over the years. Candace had the usual look of shock - "a cock isn't supposed to be that big" - and intimidation. But mixed in with that anxiety was a bit of curiosity - maybe even arousal. Some part of her wanted to find out if I really would be too much for her.

Still, she couldn't quite bring herself to touch my cock with her fingers. She knew low before to put her face in line with my dangling shaft. Closing her eyes, she leaned forward till her mouth contacted the tip.

She began to lick the tip. The angle must have been uncomfortable, so she gingerly reached for my shaft. Her fingers gripped it as best they could. Even somewhat soft, it was a bit more than a handful.

But it wasn't staying soft for long. Her efforts soon had me plumping up even further. As I'd told her, it took a minute or so to get fully engorged, during which time it rose from dangling to an upward angle.

Candace had taken the head in her mouth by then. Her face looked positively delightful as she she tried to manage. Her cheeks bulged cartoonishly as the thick helm brushed against them.

Still, she'd had some experience. Her technique showed some practice. She used one hand - now barely able to grip the massive girth - to caress my shaft while the other cradled my balls. Despite her discomfort at the thick knob in her mouth, she showed no sign of gagging. All of this suggested she might have some talent for this.

I decided to school her a bit. Candace was essentially mouthing the head like it was a big lollipop. I put a hand on her head and pulled it towards me. "Let's try a little deeper, sweet cheeks."

Her eyes got round as saucers as the head of my cock brushed against her soft palate. I felt the tip began to push against the entrance to her throat. Her nostrils flared as she began breathing sharply and a plaintive moan began. Few women had ever tried to take me deeper and I could see Candace wasn't ready to attempt a deep throat insertion.

"It's okay, " I murmured. " We won't go any further this time. I don't want you to choke. Just bob on the end."

Candace did as directed. Though it wasn't a great blow job, it certainly was good enough to get me off. "Oh yeah, almost there. Almost there. Oh, fuck!" I grunted loudly as the first of several thick jets of cum erupted from me.
Truth be told, I didn't give his dick much of a look when it got fully erect. I don't think it would have mattered much; whatever size it was, it felt really big. Like...almost too big. While I was sucking on it, bobbing my head up and down as much of it as I could, the horror of knowing that he would try to fit this thing inside of me, sometime in the future, was almost too much to bear.

Was there even a way out of this, or was I really trapped?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard him moan out and then felt in my mouth, a sudden wave of warm, sticky cum.

He just cummed in my mouth!

I opened my eyes widely as I tried my best to swallow every bit of it so that none would drop on the floor. That was the last thing that I needed; a memento of this sick fuck doing this to me, forever staining my own home.

And when he pulled out, I simply stayed there, on my knees and breathed in some much needed air.
The lackluster blow job meant I only came with medium pressure. Probably just as well, though. Candace was a novice and probably couldn't have handled me at full blast.

As it was, she managed to swallow most of it. A bit dribbled out the corners of her mouth and dripped off her chin, but a quick wash would take care of top. She popped my softening cock out of her mouth and just looked up at me, breathing hard.

I didn't bother getting dressed. She still kept glancing at my drooping cock, so I let it hang out for her to see.

"That's an okay start, Candace," I declared. "You'll need to practice opening your mouth wide and relaxing your throat for next time."

"Speaking of which, here's my address." I scribbled it down and handed it to her. "8 PM tomorrow. Wear something nice," I continued, glancing disdainfully at her hoodie. "Surely you have something that shows off some skin."

I reached in my back pocket and withdrew my wallet. "I'm guessing Mommy and Daddy are outfitting their daughter in wholesome cotton undies. That's plenty cute for school, but breasts like those deserve some silk and lace." I fanned out a few hundred and handed it to her. "Go shopping and buy some proper lingerie."

I gathered my cock and stuffed it back in my pants. "See you tomorrow, sweet cheeks." I grinned at her and then headed for the door.
I cried in that room for a few minutes - sure, I saved my dad from criminal chargers but just look at the mess that I got myself into? It wasn't until I heard people walking past the room that I snapped out of my thoughts (and self-pity) that I wiped my mouth and got out before people would be asking questions. I bumped into Tyler and I pretended as if nothing was wrong, but I guess that deep down, he knew that something was troubling me.

Good thing that I'm good at acting, I suppose...

I got through the rest of my day and slept pretty early. After all, I had a big day ahead of me tomorrow...


It was humiliating, the very next day, going bra and panties shopping. I didn't have much choice in the matter and in my panic, I quickly grabbed the first silk bra that I could find in my size, and a matching pair of panties (which looked more like a thong than anything else). Needless to say that I wasn't too happy with the result, given that the bra wasn't as supportive as I would have liked but I guess that my tormentor would be happy with the result.


But of course, I couldn't go out to meet him like this - so after doing my hair and putting on some lipstick, I searched my closet for some clothes that wasn't too loose, to say the least. I settled for a dark blouse, skirt and a pair of three inch heels.

It...had been a while since I last worn something that wasn't loose; hence why I panicked at the sight of myself in the mirror. The blouse looked like it was in the verge of exploding, what with the strain that my chest was doing to every fiber of the top. Thankfully, I managed to sneak out of my place without either of my parents seeing me. I drove off as quickly as I could to meet him at the given address - my heart pounding every second of the way.
I met Candace at the door wearing only a silk robe. Candace's decision to wear heels had only emphasized our height difference. When I stepped in close to hug her, my chin brushed against the top of her breasts.

"Good that you are punctual. I like that."

I lead her inside and sat her down on the couch. I mixed her a cocktail - heavily sweetened to disguise the alcohol - and handed her the chilled glass. "I assume that you might like a drink or two to settle your nerves. Knock a couple of those back and then let's get you out of your clothes."

I glanced down at my crotch. " But don't take too much time. My cock is hungry."
Even hugging him was gross - he was short and because of my height...and putting together my heels, his face was almost in my cleavage. I quickly let go of our little embrace and went straight inside. I couldn't risk being seen here, as unlikely as it was. I was a bit paranoid and rightfully so, given the circumstances...

He gave me a drink (How awfully considerate of him. As if.) and I gladly drank from the glass. The alcohol was sweet, much sweeter than I thought it was going to be. I mean, I thought for sure his plan was to get me to chug hard liquor or anything to get my inhibitions out of the way.

Not that I would let that happen, mind you.

"I assume that you might like a drink or two to settle your nerves. Knock a couple of those back and then let's get you out of your clothes. But don't take too much time. My cock is hungry."

"O-Okay..." I answered quietly - trying not to speak out in anger.

My hands slowly went to my blouse as I unbuttoned it one button at a time - slowly revealing my yellow silk bra underneath...
I watched her slowly unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a yellow bra. "Nice," I praised. "Odd color, but the quality is better than that one from before."

The look in her eyes was far from excited. I sneered up at her. " Don't cop an attitude with me, sweet cheeks. You should count yourself lucky that you get to suck my cock."

I circled around behind her to admire her round ass. I then gave it a sharp slap - hard enough to make her right cheek jiggle. "Now get out of those clothes," I directed. "I want you naked when you start licking my dick."
I whimpered when he gave me that harsh slap on the butt. It made me feel so dirty, especially with everything else that I was doing for his amusement. He made me feel like such a slut...even if I wasn't. I didn't want any of this. I just wanted to go home.

"Now get out of those clothes, I want you naked when you start licking my dick."

"But I...I got the clothes like you wanted." I said, taking off my blouse before placing my arms on the waistband of my tight skirt. I spoke against him, thinking that I didn't have to suck his dick again.

I don't know what the hell I was thinking.
But I...I got the clothes like you wanted," Candace whined as she turned to face me.

I gave her bra another look now that her blouse was off. "Eh heh," I grunted dismissively. "You think you did what I asked?"

I grabbed the right bra strap on her shoulder and pulled it hard towards me. "This is nice material, but look at the color. It's not bold enough to be exciting, but it doesn't blend with any of natural coloring. What, did you pick the first thing you could find?"

I let the strap go. It snapped back into place. Judging by her face, it stung a bit.

"Just because you're wearing it under your clothes doesn't mean it doesn't matter what it looks like." I had to reach above me in order to slap the back of her head. "If you are so fucking clueless, ask the sales girl for help."

"Now quit standing around and get those clothes off."
He was so...rude and inconsiderate. From the way that he positioned himself, spoke to me and touched me, I'd say that he would purposely cause me to feel embarrassed or put down.

"Just because you're wearing it under your clothes doesn't mean it doesn't matter what it looks like."


With his a swift movement on his hand, he slapped me right in the back of the head. I shut my eyes from the unexpected assault and rubbed the area. "Don't do that!" I whimpered out.

"If you are so fucking clueless, ask the sales girl for help. Now quit standing around and get those clothes off."

"F-Fine!" I answered nervously, before going for my skirt. I slowly pulled down my skirt, revealing the silk yellow panties. Embarrassed and shy, I covered myself (without even thinking about it) with my arms.
Candace complied. Reluctantly, but she complied.

"Well, at least the bra and panties match," I grudgingly acknowledged. "When they don't, it's like you got dressed in the dark. Don't ever do that."

Candace blushed and attempted to cover herself with her arms. The effect was so ridiculous that I laughed aloud.

" What the hell do you think you're doing? You think I can't see your huge tits behind those skinny little arms?" I guffawed.

Candace's face turned a brighter shade of pink, but she held her ground. Fine. We'd do it the other way.

"I can see you're a bit stubborn. I know how to deal with that."

I put my hands on her upper arms and pulled her downward. "On your knees." Candace reluctantly yielded.

I stepped behind her and untied the sash of my robe. I reached around in front of her and grabbed her forearms. "Hands behind your back," I directed.

Candace resisted, so I put my knee between her shoulders for greater leverage. "Don't fight me," I snarled. "You're taller, but I'm stronger and I'm definitely meaner." My fingers squeezed into her forearms till the surrounding flesh went pale. "Give me your fucking arms, or I'll really hurt you."