
Nov 22, 2002
Hi everyone,
I am new to writing and am finding all of your observations and queries enlightening. I appreciate that.
I am going to try and write more sensual mysterious stories. It is all your faults!:eek:
I have a few questions.
1) As you can see I have a terrible habit of starting sentances with "I". Besides being annoying to me, and perhaps the readers, is this gramatically wrong. I remember hearing somewhere that it is.
2) I ( here we go again) have several sensual medievil type poems written. Would I be wise to copyright these stories before posting? Or does Literotica have some guidlines set up in that direction, to protect the submission?
Frankly I am more interested in getting feedback on them, than worried about someone ripping me off.

Thank you in advance.........

:rose: Killswitch:rose:
the lit rule of thumb is that you, the author owns the copyright to your work. If you find it stolen on another site, notify laurel and she will help you deal with it (rare, but it happens).

Generally anything you write, you own the copyright to. If you want a formal registered copyright, go to the library of congress website and follow the directions to file a copy of your work with them (although it does cost like 40 dollars). I would only bother with this should you plan to formally publish it (in the context of being paid for it, not here on lit)

I know there's an faq or something like that about it, but I'm too tired to find it.
If you are worried, then print off a copy, date it, and then mail it to yourself. Don't open it and the postmark will prove your date of production of the work. However, although Lit has the right to display your stories, no-one is allowed to reproduce or republish them without your explicit written permission. PM Laurel if you want more details.

Starting sentences with I is not grammatically incorrect. It's just bad style if you use it constantly. Read your work aloud and you'll be able to tell if there are too many sentences beginning with I and where to reword.

Hope this helps.

The Earl
Oh, and to answer your question...there is nothing gramatically incorrect about starting a sentence with "I". Also, contrary to what you may have been told, if the rest of the sentence is also correct you can also start sentences with "Because" and other forbidden words.
Also, contrary to what you may have been told, if the rest of the sentence is also correct you can also start sentences with "Because" and other forbidden words.

Although anyone who starts a sentence with "But then," "Suddenly," "And then," or just plain "then" without a good excuse should be hung drawn and quartered.

The Earl

PS. DN, you just beat me to it.
Hello again,
Yike's. I believe in my second story that I did start a few sentances using "Then"
But its here, and from reading, that I will learn.
Earl and DN. I went ahead and submitted my first poem. If you and everyone else who reads it might be so inclined. I would appreciate any personal feedback and opinion on it.
It is titled " Modern Day Princess" and hopefully will be available in new poetry submissions within the week
Thanks again

TheEarl said:
Although anyone who starts a sentence with "But then," "Suddenly," "And then," or just plain "then" without a good excuse should be hung drawn and quartered.
Can you at least hang me with a new rope. Please! Please! On second thought, I can think of better uses for that rope.
Remember that when using dialogue, you can get away with most anything. Most people rarely speak grammaticaly correct. Most of what people say are incomplete sentences and other abuses of the english language.