Copyrighted Images


Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001
Hello all!

Hello all!

In following up with a previous announcement by RisiaSkye, I need to remind you that the posting of copyrighted images is not allowed at lit. Attached is a link to Risia's thread a few months ago.

I will be spending part of the weekend removing copyrighted photos and entire threads in which there are more than 20 copyrighted images. In the even that I remove your thread or post, I will pm you as I do any time I need to edit a post or in any way moderate something you have added to the forum. IN the even that I remove a thread, only the thread starter will be notified.

Since Risia brought up the issue, I have been told that attaching URL's is also not acceptable. There was some confusion over this issue earlier on.

In any event, I wanted to give you the head's up so that if you have photos that you need to download for whatever reason, you may have an opportunity to do so.

A copyrighted image is anything that isn't your personal property. The best practice in the future is to post photos of you, your stuff, you getting all kinky or whatever! I am sure you get the picture by now ;)

Please, refer to the "Forum Guidelines" at the bottom of the page for all of the lit wide rules and expectations.

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding,
Forum Moderator

uhm ... may I ask a probably "anal" question? are we violating that rule by using "copyrighted" avs and sig lines? I mean that is not different from posting a pic? We are using them as "ours" without giving credit to the creator ....

OK, ok ... the thought just popped into my head as I am still in "analyzing work mode" right now ... and just curious.
Actually that is a good question and one I had intended to address in my original post.

For the sake of legal liability, the site is responsible for what is posted. The poster is liable for their av and sig line.

So, if an artist or photographer etc wanted to file suit for using some of their art in my av, I would be the person sued, not Laurel and Manu.

However, by posting their art in a thread, the site could face legal action.

Hope this helps!


edited to add that av's are okay because they are thumbnails and fall under Fair Use guidelines.
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But ..... isn't the sig line as much "in the post" as is any link and thus on the board? and isn't my profile that "hosts" said copyrighted image on the site?

*chuckels* it's ok MissT, just trying to scare those horrid picture sig-line users to get rid of them so I can turn my sig lines back on ...
The Lit forum moderators do not have the capacity to edit sig lines, av's or profiles.

Hence, they are the user's responsibility.

(And I felt it was only responsible for me to turn my sig lines back on when I became a mod! *sigh*)
MissTaken said:
Since Risia brought up the issue, I have been told that attaching URL's is also not acceptable. There was some confusion over this issue earlier on.

Hi Miss T.

Since this board seems to be the one taking ont he issue of copyright and trying to come up with a workable method of operation; I thought I'd take a look.

Sounds like you, and Risia int he past, have been pretty clear in the changes to be made which is all we can expect.

But one question, above where you say posting URLs is unacceptable... Does this refer to posting images with IMG tags, i.e. inline images?

Or does it mean that simple links to images are unacceptable?

If simple links are unacceptable is it kosher for a poster to link to a webpage that contains said image?
Hmm tough question!

In the past, I have editted images with image tags, but not webpages.

Assumably, by sharing a web page, you are not only sharing the image, but the host/owner or whatever you chose to call it.

If I am incorrect in my assumption and practice, I will let you know.

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Hi MissTaken,

I hope you do not think I am being presumptuous, that is not my intention - I just want to assist by refering you to a definitive resource.

Have you taken a look on the picture forum at the thread entitled Copyright Myths.

Laurel's Sticky directs people to read the following.

"Registered: Aug 1999
Location: Here & Now
Posts: 16441
Copyright Myths
Anyone posting photos in this forum should read this: "

As usual I have pressed something wrong and quoted part of Laurels sticky. - Hell I am a writer not an editor.

The crux of the URL question is how it is used. If it is a simple reference then it is no different to a footnote in a book.

In point of fact anyone publishing images on the web should take a look at this link and maybe the thread.

jon :devil: :devil: :devil:
Thanks Miss Taken.

My assumption is that by linking to a page you are providing a fellow poster an avenue to a webpage, and therefore including any advertising that may assist such page in remaining financially viable. It also allows posters to then peruse that page as they wish. Being more a of a shared bookmark than a direct link to only a picture, which is what is commonly called an inline image.

My guess is that with the continued copyright issues on other forums at Lit that Laurel will be forced to limit picture posting through other means than merely asking people to follow the rules. In that way the BDSM forum is providing a window to what the rest fo the forums will be in the near future. In that light I'd just like to see what is allowed and what is not.
Thank you, Hecate, for asking the question I was going to ask.

Thank you, MissT, for the answer.

I had read about copyrights here and couldn't figure out the avatar issue.
I just gave in and joined the crowd. ;)

Helena :rose:
Thank you, jon for the link. It is exactly the link that Laurel referred me to some months ago and a good, quick read.

I am enjoying the discussion as there are things that I don't know about the internet at large and I do hope to handle this transition as well as possible.
MissTaken said:
Hello all!

Hello all!

In following up with a previous announcement by RisiaSkye, I need to remind you that the posting of copyrighted images is not allowed at lit. Attached is a link to Risia's thread a few months ago.

I will be spending part of the weekend removing copyrighted photos and entire threads in which there are more than 20 copyrighted images. In the even that I remove your thread or post, I will pm you as I do any time I need to edit a post or in any way moderate something you have added to the forum. IN the even that I remove a thread, only the thread starter will be notified.

Since Risia brought up the issue, I have been told that attaching URL's is also not acceptable. There was some confusion over this issue earlier on.

In any event, I wanted to give you the head's up so that if you have photos that you need to download for whatever reason, you may have an opportunity to do so.

A copyrighted image is anything that isn't your personal property. The best practice in the future is to post photos of you, your stuff, you getting all kinky or whatever! I am sure you get the picture by now ;)

Please, refer to the "Forum Guidelines" at the bottom of the page for all of the lit wide rules and expectations.

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding,
Forum Moderator

I have the author's permission to post "What slaves need" MissT. He is a nice leatherman. Maybe it is time to bump it again.


I read this as soon as you posted.

Did a search and by the find my very slow pc found the thread, you had already bumped it!

MissTaken said:

I read this as soon as you posted.

Did a search and by the find my very slow pc found the thread, you had already bumped it!


You know Me! lol
Update and Clarification

Everyone has been great thus far! Thank you for understanding and working with me on this.

A couple of questions to answer:

1. Just because a pic doesn't have www. somebody.whatever...doesn't mean it is not copyrighted. Read the link jon.hayworth posted for further clarification.

2. Links to complete websites are acceptable. Links to specific photos or edited web pages are not acceptable. This holds true until I am told differently, if I am ;)

3. I can't pm every person for every post or pic that I have removed. I really thought I could, but there just arent' enough hours in the day. I will pm you with a brief synopsis of any posts I have had to remove and/or post to the thread, if necessary.

Thanks again, everyone.

Anyone I have contacted thus far has been most understanding.

Re: Re: Copyrighted Images

modest mouse said:
Hi Miss T.

Since this board seems to be the one taking ont he issue of copyright and trying to come up with a workable method of operation; I thought I'd take a look.

Sounds like you, and Risia int he past, have been pretty clear in the changes to be made which is all we can expect.

Just a quick comment on this remark.

The "zero tolerance" rule has been used effectively on the Story Ideas forum as well as the Personals forum, the Playground in particular.

I believe it can be implemented here.
