Cool, Steampunkish, Victorian Tran-Lady


Hello Summer!
Nov 1, 2005
Cool, Cross-Dressing, Victorian Lady

Just a cool image I found that might inspire someone to a story or just to a wonderful outfit:

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Nice outfit, but I definitely wouldn't call it steampunkish at all.
Having gone to many a Steampunk convention, I would. It can be understated and still be Steampunk, especially if the lady has something interesting under her hat. :devil:
And I was hoping for a more masculine look! :D

I think she looks awesome. A nice example of androgyny... She's wearing a breast binder, to reshape her chest, but she's worn her hair in a way that implies femininity-- a man would have it pulled back into a ponytail.

ETA: It claims to be circa , which means that no man would have had a ponytail at that time. I thought her hair was an unusual attention to detail for current times.
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Having gone to many a Steampunk convention, I would. It can be understated and still be Steampunk, especially if the lady has something interesting under her hat. :devil:

But it's just a suit. While it could certainly go with steampunk, it's not steampunk by itself.
If it is 'circa' it may have been part of a play. If not, it was extremely bold for the times. Very interesting photo.
What would make a suit steampunk by itself?

Brass, copper, leather, a corset, a big ribbon bow on the hat, goggles, a zillion things this picture is missing. Sorry, nothing steampunk about a woman dressing like a man.
Brass, copper, leather, a corset, a big ribbon bow on the hat, goggles, a zillion things this picture is missing. Sorry, nothing steampunk about a woman dressing like a man.

even when ladies do dress as men...

also how is this tran?
gears, googles, brass, leather, something mechanical? ;)

and then my pet peeve- a corset!

I knew what that link was going to be without having to click it. Love that song :)

And if you can't find gears, just dye it all sepia brown!
Personally, I think she's sexy. Definite mix of girl and woman on her face, and that sort of turn-of-the-century tomboy attitude in the way she's holding the cigar. Considering that the term "steampunk" is in reference to thumbing one's nose against the conventions of the time, I'd say this is spot on.

Now, in the modern sense as has been made popular in fiction and at conventions, it needs a little dressing up.
But it's just a suit. While it could certainly go with steampunk, it's not steampunk by itself.
From what I've seen at Steampunk conventions, yes it is. Especially if worn by a woman.
gears, googles, brass, leather, something mechanical?
I can't speak for the Steampunk genre of fiction, but the fans have expanded the look considerably and many don't feel they require any of the above to be in the "Steampunk" world. Of course, once again, we don't know what she has under her hat. Or on the end of a her watch chain. :devil:

I stand by what I said.
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even when ladies do dress as men...

also how is this tran?
The title seems to be tripping everyone up--it's aim was not to be taken literally, but to give the WRITERS here some story ideas--like maybe a lady in a Steampunk story or a Victorian transexual tale. But obviously that wasn't clear. Alas, I can't alter the title now.

I hope this explanation makes anyone who objects to said title happy and that we can all move along?
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I'm amazed at the legs this thread has. (Wonders about her legs.)
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Yeah, "punk" is a misnomer in the case of most steampunk. It seems to have been considered a synonym for "fashion, overall way of life" which it is not.

But yes, I would totally think "Steampunk!" if I saw her walk down the street. and also, "The real thing, minus all those stupid meaningless gears and shit."
From what I've seen at Steampunk conventions, yes it is. Especially if worn by a woman.

I can't speak for the Steampunk genre of fiction, but the fans have expanded the look considerably and many don't feel they require any of the above to be in the "Steampunk" world. Of course, once again, we don't know what she has under her hat. Or on the end of a her watch chain. :devil:

I stand by what I said.

Yes. It's become it's own fashion, and while there is (obviously) a lot of contention between what is and what isn't considered "steampunk," I've seen a lot of variations on the theme. It's the period look that sets it apart, one that has been adopted by steampunk fans.

Looking at the picture, one of the first ideas that came to mind was a guy meeting what he thought was a very effeminate man at a convention, only to find out later "he" is a she.

Hmm, or maybe a shemale, or hermaphrodite. The possibilities go on and on . . . . ;)
Yeah, "punk" is a misnomer in the case of most steampunk. It seems to have been considered a synonym for "fashion, overall way of life" which it is not.

But yes, I would totally think "Steampunk!" if I saw her walk down the street. and also, "The real thing, minus all those stupid meaningless gears and shit."

Yeah, the "punk" part is what a lot of people concentrate on, like they're supposed to be cultural degenerates or outcasts or something. I like the term "brasswork" for the costumes with all the gears and and sci-fi elements. That's becoming used more frequently at local conventions.
I did. Move along.

The fuck you did, the term wasn't invented to describe the people in the genre, it was a tongue in cheek name given to a style of writing.

You puffed up blowhards making shit up, just look stupid, sorry.

Sometimes you need wings to stay above the shit posted here, and yes, I'll "Move along" asshat.