Cookies, paranoia, and unintended consequences


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
Recently there have been a couple of threads concerning 'cookies'. Sextracker cookies to be specific.

I thought that I'd share my thoughts on the matter with the board in a single thread.

Sextracker cookies contain no personal information. Much like was mentioned in another thread, they act very much like the Neilsen ratings system. It was pointed out that Neilsen families are willing participants whereas the sextracker cookie is more or less hidden. This is true, but it's the difference in the technologies that makes Neilsen work the way it does. If they could 'snoop' your channel choices without their 'boxes' they would.

Now, Lit is a free site. Why is that? Well Laurel and Manu sell advertising space on the story side of the site so that we all can come in to the BB and play for free. The more they sell, the better bandwidth we'll get and the more reliable the servers will get. More stories will be posted in a shorter time because more editors can be paid. Not to mention the technicians that maintain the servers.

If everyone were to panic and turn their sextracker cookies off, and in turn got their friends to do the same, well the Literotica sites 'hit' count would drop. If that happens, the advertising revenues drop. If that happens, lower bandwidth, lame servers, poor maintenance, fewer editors, fewer stories. A downward spiral that ultimately would result in the real closing of Lit.

There is no doubt in my mind that there are some on the board that would look forward to that. Those that in one form or another have tried to panic or coerce fellow Lit'ers to "kill the goose that laid the golden egg", unwittingly aware of the consequences of their actions.

I for one am going to do my best to see that that doesn't happen. How?

I'm going to turn my sextracker cookie back on and make sure I visit the story side of the board at least twice a day. I want Laurel and Manu to succeed. The dollars they make from their advertising isn't coming out of my pocket and the enjoyment that they provide me for free is more than worth this small sacrifice.

I ask you fellow board members to do the same. Turn your cookies on and visit the story side. You can always delete the cookie later.

I also ask you to keep this thread bumped to the first page for two days to make sure all have a chance to read. They may not agree, and that's fine too. But everyone should know that all actions have consequences.

Quit conspiring to make this a successful website, asshole!
Who else thought this was going to be a thread about stealing from the cookie jar?
Ish, you and I have disagreed many times in various political-type threads, but I'm with you 100% on this.
storm1969 said:
Quit conspiring to make this a successful website, asshole!

It's a habit I picked up while with the CIA.

Well, I'm glad to see you've changed your tune on this, Ish.

I was on my way to a meeting today and I was wondering while driving....

"Why would Ishmael, Killer Muffin & Cheyenne be providing links to software that kills persistent cookies when those very cookies are the basis of much of L&M's Income?!"

Because, as you note, if everyone turned their cookies "off" like you and the others suggested....they'd lose a LOT of money.


This program would pay Lit around $10,000. USD per month just for one banner on the entry page at current traffic rates.

When you look at all the different banners, the profiling from persistent cookies, fees for traffic referred to other sites, traffic sent to other Laurel owned sites, sign ups and credit card $$$ for other pay per view'd be costing Laurel a TON of money, Ish.

People like You, Muffin, Cheyenne and Wierd Harold are hard to understand sometimes.....making it look like I'm trying to harm Lit, when You are the people encouraging others to sign up at AdultAdventurers and turn off your cookies at Lit!

Anyway, I'm glad you've come around to my point of view.

I think it's good that people know the facts and make their own decisions about these things.

Hopefully you'll work on Muffy to join the cause.

I'm sure people will be happy to keep their Privacy concerns on the backburner and in the dark to protect Laurel's revenue stream with our profiling.

Thanks again for your support;

Lancecastor said:
I'm sure people will be happy to keep their Privacy concerns on the backburner and in the dark to protect Laurel's revenue stream with our profiling.
Forgetting for a moment that you are unaware of the actual figures it takes to run this site, how would you propose people keep their "Privacy concerns" [note the capitalization] on the frontburner and in the light while allowing this free website to continue its operations? What Privacy concerns have been darkened by Lit?
Y'all just crack me up with this shit. Berate Lance for starting a thread about cookies and then start your own. Classic. I love it. :D
Lancecastor said:
People like You, Muffin, Cheyenne and Wierd Harold are hard to understand sometimes.....making it look like I'm trying to harm Lit, when You are the people encouraging others to sign up at AdultAdventurers and turn off your cookies at Lit!

Isn't that the site that KM calls "Shiny Happy Land" with only barely disguised disdain? That site?

The site I have frequented myself and where I've never seen any of the aforementioned people posting?

The site that was the landing spot for a lot of members of the last Great Lit Diaspora which at least two of the above mentioned people derided for its Disney-like tone?

Lie Number Two tonight.
Lancecastor said:
Well, I'm glad to see you've changed your tune on this, Ish.

I was on my way to a meeting today and I was wondering while driving....

"Why would Ishmael, Killer Muffin & Cheyenne be providing links to software that kills persistent cookies when those very cookies are the basis of much of L&M's Income?!"

Because, as you note, if everyone turned their cookies "off" like you and the others suggested....they'd lose a LOT of money.


This program would pay Lit around $10,000. USD per month just for one banner on the entry page at current traffic rates.

When you look at all the different banners, the profiling from persistent cookies, fees for traffic referred to other sites, traffic sent to other Laurel owned sites, sign ups and credit card $$$ for other pay per view'd be costing Laurel a TON of money, Ish.

People like You, Muffin, Cheyenne and Wierd Harold are hard to understand sometimes.....making it look like I'm trying to harm Lit, when You are the people encouraging others to sign up at AdultAdventurers and turn off your cookies at Lit!

Anyway, I'm glad you've come around to my point of view.

I think it's good that people know the facts and make their own decisions about these things.

Hopefully you'll work on Muffy to join the cause.

I'm sure people will be happy to keep their Privacy concerns on the backburner and in the dark to protect Laurel's revenue stream with our profiling.

Thanks again for your support;


Nice try, won't work. You are pegged and the word is spreading.

Don't patronize me again. EVER.

estevie said:
Y'all just crack me up with this shit. Berate Lance for starting a thread about cookies and then start your own. Classic. I love it. :D

Just a matter of thinking it through. ;)

Ishmael said:
Just a matter of thinking it through. ;)



Uh huh.

Last night the answer to the problem was to just turn them off, you can't deny saying that. Today, its turn them on AND click the banners. K, got it.

So, is this stance going to stick or should I check back tomorrow to see if you're done thinking things thru?

Can we just go back to the chickens...we had such a lovely time discussing the chickens. ;)
Ishmael said:
Nice try, won't work. You are pegged and the word is spreading.

Don't patronize me again. EVER.


I'l patronize, cajole and just flat-out make fun of you whenever I like, Ish....but particularly when you are on another of your "My Penis Is Bigger Than Yours" rants.

Except I'll keep doing it right here in front of you instead of behind your back on the phone.

Word is spreading. Indeed.


Lancecastor said:
Well, I'm glad to see you've changed your tune on this, Ish.

I was on my way to a meeting today and I was wondering while driving....

"Why would Ishmael, Killer Muffin & Cheyenne be providing links to software that kills persistent cookies when those very cookies are the basis of much of L&M's Income?!"

Because, as you note, if everyone turned their cookies "off" like you and the others suggested....they'd lose a LOT of money.


This program would pay Lit around $10,000. USD per month just for one banner on the entry page at current traffic rates.

When you look at all the different banners, the profiling from persistent cookies, fees for traffic referred to other sites, traffic sent to other Laurel owned sites, sign ups and credit card $$$ for other pay per view'd be costing Laurel a TON of money, Ish.

People like You, Muffin, Cheyenne and Wierd Harold are hard to understand sometimes.....making it look like I'm trying to harm Lit, when You are the people encouraging others to sign up at AdultAdventurers and turn off your cookies at Lit!

Anyway, I'm glad you've come around to my point of view.

I think it's good that people know the facts and make their own decisions about these things.

Hopefully you'll work on Muffy to join the cause.

I'm sure people will be happy to keep their Privacy concerns on the backburner and in the dark to protect Laurel's revenue stream with our profiling.

Thanks again for your support;


Since I thought I already made it clear that I don't give a fuck about cookies on my machine, what would make anyone believe that I'd be "providing links to software that kills persistent cookies when those very cookies are the basis of much of L&M's Income?!"

Find a place where I've ever even mentioned such software much less provided a link. I wouldn't have a clue where to get it and I wouldn't use it if I did.

When did I encourage anyone to sign up at Adult Adventurers? I registered Cheyenne at AA as my name when the place opened more than a year ago, just so no one else would take it and make people think they were me. If I have 5 or 6 posts there in total in that time, that would be a lot.

I think you ought to pay more attention to your driving and less to your fantasy world, it would be safer for the other poor people on the road around you.
Lancecastor said:



Clowns serve a purpose. At least they provide some humor or pathos.

Liars serve no purpose at all.

estevie said:

Uh huh.

Last night the answer to the problem was to just turn them off, you can't deny saying that. Today, its turn them on AND click the banners. K, got it.

So, is this stance going to stick or should I check back tomorrow to see if you're done thinking things thru?

Can we just go back to the chickens...we had such a lovely time discussing the chickens. ;)

I'm not going to argue or deny my post. At least I didn't go back and edit it to reflect my "new" postition. Did I?

I thought it through, changed my mind. Do what you want. That choice is yours.

Ishmael said:
Clowns serve a purpose. At least they provide some humor or pathos.

Liars serve no purpose at all.


We agree again.

So, were you lying when you said:

1. Turn off your cookies.


2. Turn on your cookies.


Originally posted by Lancecastor
Cheyenne said:
I registered Cheyenne at AA as my name when the place opened more than a year ago

What, can you only read half of a sentence at a time, Lance?


Manipulative partical quotes won't work around here any longer either, most people here have caught on to your old tricks. Got any new ones?
Last edited:
Ishmael said:
I'm not going to argue or deny my post. At least I didn't go back and edit it to reflect my "new" postition. Did I?

I thought it through, changed my mind. Do what you want. That choice is yours.


Relax, Ish, I never said you can't change your mind. I just have a chuckle because you argue with Lance just to argue. You don't even know what your stance is, as long as it doesn't agree with Lance you'll take it. Thats what makes me laugh.
estevie said:
You don't even know what your stance is, as long as it doesn't agree with Lance you'll take it. Thats what makes me laugh.

Me too.

Relax, Ish....have a bit of fun for once fergawdsake!

You're far too easy a mark.

Cheyenne said:
What, can you only read half of a sentence at a time, Lance?


Manipulative partical quotes won't work around here any longer either, most people here have caught on to your old tricks. Got any new ones?

Why don't you ever say this to everybody else who quotes the only part they want to reply to? It happens all the time but no one else ever gets called on it. Why not?