Conspiracy Theorists Think a Town was Destroyed by a Massive Laser


AntiSocial Extrovert
Dec 16, 2010
Conspiracy Theorists Think a Town Destroyed by Wildfire Was Decimated by a Massive Laser

The shirtless, grey bearded man meandered amidst the burned out of husk of what was a B.C. village while excitedly speaking to his Facebook Live audience. He spoke about how suspicious it was that some trees didn’t burn while others did and walked up to a greyed and ashy collection of burned out cars and trucks abandoned by the residents who had to flee immediately as a sudden wildfire ripped through the place they called home.

As the man put it, it looked like a “fuckin’ war zone.” He was in the midst of explaining how these “cars aren't really flammable” when he spotted it, a fruit-bearing tree. A tree that was just what he needed to prove a conspiracy that a giant laser may have actually burned down the village.

“That tree still has leaves on it, those cherries might actually be tasty," he said and marched up. Sadly when he approached the cherry tree, the fruit did “not look tasty” and therefore was unable to support his cause.

The man is just one of the many conspiracy theorists focused on Lytton where, on June 30, a ferocious wildfire forced the residents to flee at a moment's notice. The fire proceeded to burn down 90 percent of the village and two residents died. Just days before the fire Lytton garnered international headlines after setting multiple records for the hottest temperature in Canadian history. An investigation into the fire's cause is still ongoing with a clear focus on the possibility that the fire was started by a passing train.

Like almost every newsworthy event these days, the devastating fire is being used as proof of nefarious conspiracies that, of course, touch on globalists and vaccinations. Some conspiracy theorists are going so far as to journey to the small village to search the wreckage for evidence and try to interview the evacuees who are trying to piece their lives back together. Their evidence for the conspiracies ranges from the conventional, ‘look how weird it is that this tree burned and this one didn’t; to the downright inane, a fire information worker's name is Forrest Tower and that name is so apt therefore the entire situation must be fake.
Read some of the crap that the trolling individual behind the various Rightguide/Bud Spencer/Renard Ruse usernames posts on this board, and it's alive and well, and downright scary what some people believe (and how passionate they are about expressing those beliefs.)
it was probably those lasers that mtgreene says george soros is controlling. am i right?
If there really were "Jewish space lasers", wouldn't they have already wiped out "the squad"???

Just sayin'........
Heard claims that a hostile government used a direct energy weapon from a satellite to start wildfires on the west coast last year.
Heard claims that a hostile government used a direct energy weapon from a satellite to start wildfires on the west coast last year.
the litmus test, here, would be 'did you believe it?'
They'll believe anything but the actual reason. Fucking proof, beyond proof, beyond proof. Yet, space lasers make the cut. That or the western US doesnt vacuum and dust its forests.
They'll believe anything but the actual reason. Fucking proof, beyond proof, beyond proof. Yet, space lasers make the cut. That or the western US doesnt vacuum and dust its forests.

Don't forget the HAARP.
What is this Canada?

One sometimes hears rumors of a large English-speaking (by some accounts French-speaking) country to the north of the U.S. The people supposedly put maple syrup on everything including beans, and the police wear some kind of over-the-top D&S bondage gear.

Needless to say, all this is pure UL. You'd have better luck finding the Seven Cities of Cibola.