Conservatives bitch about drones in Yemen, Obama ignores them and kills Al-Awlaki

*turns up the elevator music*

Do I hear a coward whimpering, MORON.

Uh oh, the real LT Col. is home! Did you vacuum sweetie?????:D

The place was a shithole until I hired a local national that does PCS cleaning to fix everything up. Now it looks great.
I just named and linked the four I was talking about.

I think he thought you were talking about actual conservatives in the media and in the public eye instead of the no-job-having lifer losers that come here and burn through their lifespan posting blurts from sunup to sundown.
Try this link:

The Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).

Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.

From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate - Roland Burris, Bernie Sanders and Tom Udall (NM).

Gullible... So fucking gullible. That's "Key Wiki". It's a public site that anyone can fill with excrement, worth as much as your link. Click on the discussion tab at the top of the page and you see these comments:

Talk:Congressional Progressive Caucus

- "A quick note: this page is being used by others to support the false claim that "The Socialist Party of America announced in their October 2009 newsletter that 70 Congressional democrats currently belong to their caucus." I encourage the collaborators writing this page to distance themselves from that clearly untrue and uselessly distracting hoax.

- Whether any congressional Democrats belong to DSA, CPUSA, or any other far left organizations, this article on the CPC is damning enough evidence of the apparent fact that socialists have infiltrated the Democrat party to its core."

Hmm okay, the guy who wrote the page is an anonymous ideologue who believes that socialists have infiltrated the democratic party to its core - "regardless of the evidence". Doesn't sound very neutral to me.

You see? Here you are AGAIN basing your position on un-sourced, reference-free internet hoaxes.
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I think he thought you were talking about actual conservatives in the media and in the public eye instead of the no-job-having lifer losers that come here and burn through their lifespan posting blurts from sunup to sundown.

I haven't heard any conservatives in the media speak against Yemen droning other than Paul.
Just like the other Wiki eh?:rolleyes:

No not at all. Wikipedia isn't an unmoderated shit-fest like Key-Wiki. Key Wiki is owned and run by a man named Trevor Loudon, a McCarthy-istic arch-conservative blogger. It is NOT a community site like Wikipedia. There are not policies or guidelines like Wikipendia. There's no requirement for evidence or backing of any points made like there is on Wikipedia.

The entire site is propaganda that exists to promote hoaxes such as these, and to revive Red Scare. Here's his blog where he carries on about how Russian communism is currently destroying the world:

Of course they are going to deny it. The CPC was founded by an avowed Socialist. Do you think Bernie founded it for conservatives or Blue Dog Democrats? Talk about gullible.

The CPC was founded by half a dozen congressmen, only one of which was Bernie Sanders.
A president who is an interventionist on the Wilson level. Finally!! Go Drones, Go USA.

Talking about the recent Bush + Republican years again?


- corporate welfare bridge loans

- temporary tax breaks to intervene in the economy

- a range of new tax credits

- The Bush stimulus checks

- $1 trillion in new welfare through Medicare Part-D

- No Child Left Behind - the biggest increase and control and funding the Dept of Education has ever seen

What I hear you saying is that government interventionism is only a problem when Democrats do it. :rolleyes:


Here is someone bashing NIGGER for NIGGER's actions

State Dep’t offers condolences to family of … American jihadi killed in Awlaki strike

, the surreal postscript to Obama’s decision to target an American citizen.

An official from the U.S. State Department has called the Charlotte family of al-Qaida propagandist Samir Khan to offer the government’s condolences on his death in a U.S. drone attack last week in Yemen, according to a family spokesman.

“They were very apologetic (for not calling the family sooner) and offered condolences,” Jibril Hough said about the Thursday call from the State Department to Khan’s father, Zafar.

The phone call came a day after the family released a statement through Hough that condemned the “assassination” of their 25-year-old son – a U.S. citizen – and said they were “appalled” that they had not heard from the U.S. government to discuss their son’s remains or answer questions about why Khan was not afforded due process…

Hough said the Thursday conversation lasted a few minutes. “It wasn’t just ‘I’m sorry’ and hang-up,” said Hough, who added that the phone call included no discussion of the status or condition of Khan’s remains.

Khan wasn’t just pals with Awlaki, caught in the crossfire of a drone strike. He was allegedly the editor of Al Qaeda’s magazine “Inspire,” which contained articles on bomb-building and Khan’s own musings on how he’s “proud to be a traitor.” The Jawa Report guys tracked him from the time he was a keyboard commando in North Carolina, fantasizing about jihad, until he actually followed through and decamped for the Middle East, ending up by Anwar al-Awlaki’s side. The fact that the State Department is now apologizing for the fact that collateral damage in the Awlaki strike happened to be an American citizen who ranked as one of Al Qaeda’s chief English-language propagandists tells you two important things. One: They’re very nervous, as they should be, about public reaction to the news of Americans being targeted, no matter how filthy and treacherous they were.

There’s simply no way to spin a headline like this. Two: They’re being careful to draw a distinction between people like Awlaki, whom the White House suspected of operational planning, and Khan, who appears to have been exclusively a propagandist. That was a distinction that got lost in the aftermath of the drone strike, I think. Some people thought Awlaki was targeted only because he was an especially effective jihadi messenger, churning out English-language sermons about the kaffir to recruit western Muslims into terrorism. Not so. Obama’s first public comments about Awlaki’s killing took care to describe him as AQAP’s “external operations” chief to emphasize that he was doing more than just talking. If they’re targeting people only for their rhetoric, no matter how toxic that might be, it puts them on even thinner ice with civil libertarians given the very high bar for dangerous speech under the First Amendment. I assume that’s what the call to Khan’s family is about: If he did nothing more than talk, even though he was obviously in cahoots with the guy running AQAP’s external operations, then they’ve got to pretend that they’re sorry. Even though, almost certainly, they’re not sorry.