Conservatism and Fascism Are Not the Same Thing

The Help America Vote Act would not do that.

Of course it would, that's the whole point of it.

And allowing state legislatures to overrule voters would not do that.

Considering that's what it is, you're gravely mistaken.

You have to begin by admitting here, that any reasonable definition of "democracy" would in principle allow for even Communists to win legitimately.

Sure. What's that got to do with anything??
Of course it would, that's the whole point of it.

How would the HAVA destroy American democracy?

Considering that's what it is, you're gravely mistaken.

And how would letting legislatures overrule voters preserve American demcracy?

Sure. What's that got to do with anything??

I think Nixon once remarked that he wasn't about to allow any country, such as Chile, to go Communist through the irresponsibility of its own people.

Closer to home, there seem to be a lot of RWs who assume the Reagan Revolution was once-and-for-all, and no subsequent Democratic victory can be legitimate -- that such is an impossible reversal of history, like a Jacobite restoration. Rush Limbaugh's short-lived TV show always opened with "America Held Hostage: Day ___" of the Clinton Administration.
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How would the HAVA destroy American democracy?

And how would letting legislatures overrule voters preserve American demcracy?

States rights are a thing in American democracy.

I think Nixon once remarked that he wasn't about to allow any country, such as Chile, to go Communist through the irresponsibility of its own people.

Closer to home, there seem to be a lot of RWs who assume the Reagan Revolution was once-and-for-all, and no subsequent Democratic victory can be legitimate -- that such is an impossible reversal of history, like a Jacobite restoration. Rush Limbaugh's short-lived TV show always opened with "America Held Hostage: Day ___" of the Clinton Administration.

I don't care and that's a leftist fantasy, not a RW assumption.
States rights are a thing in American democracy.

Legislative supremacy over the choice of state voters is not. That wouldn't even pass the constitutional "republican form of goverrnment" test.

I don't care and that's a leftist fantasy, not a RW assumption.

Limbaugh's is the kind of joke that, with enough repetition, can seduce people into taking it seriously.

Most recently, we saw that kind of thinking manifested on 1/6. I recall contemporaneous news accounts of Trump rallies around the country, with redhats shouting, "America will never be a Communist country! Never!" As if Biden somehow represented that.
And, going back not too far, we saw the same kind of thinking reflected in the endless and preposterous controversy over Obama's citizenship.
Legislative supremacy over the choice of state voters is not.

Yes, it absolutely is.

States have the right to run their elections how they see fit.

That wouldn't even pass the constitutional "republican form of goverrnment" test.

That is republicanism in the extreme....that's why Democrats hate it so much. :D

Once again, you're as backwards as it gets.

Limbaugh's is the kind of joke that, with enough repetition, can seduce people into taking it seriously.

Most recently, we saw that kind of thinking manifested on 1/6. I recall contemporaneous news accounts of Trump rallies around the country, with redhats shouting, "America will never be a Communist country! Never!" As if Biden somehow represented that.

He does, he supports and protects them.
And, going back not too far, we saw the same kind of thinking reflected in the endless and preposterous controversy over Obama's citizenship.

No, this is just some bullshit you pulled out of your ass.