Confession of a sub in learning.


Mar 12, 2002
Someone asked me today why I enjoy being a submissive. This was the best answer that I could come up with.

I was raised to be a strong woman. My mother raised me to never let someone have the best of me, to always work hard, to always strive to succeed, to never admit defeat, and most of all, to be self-sufficient. She raised me to be strong. Not unbreakable, but resistent to breakage. And I've found that, even in a relationship, it is a lonely way to live. I've always been the kind of person who wanted to make others happy. My mother knows this. I was raised to be a giver. I was raised to not expect anything in return. And I am a product of my upbringing in that sense. But I am rebelling against the idea that I need to be able to go through life so hard that the world around doesn't touch me.

It is the ultimate challenge for me to give up control to people.. but I believe that doing so is a great gift of myself. I have never yet been able to give up all control. I am still learning. I have found different people along the way who have taught me a little bit at a time, and I enjoy learning.

Have you ever kept a secret so long and so thoroughly that it begins to wear on you? And then when you tell someone, you feel a rush of freedom? Being made to be strong is like that. I was raised to keep my emotions to myself, I was taught not to trust people around me (seriously, my mother is paranoid). And giving up a little piece of control each time, is that same rush of freedom. By giving up all that I am, I will arrive at the ultimate freedom. I will be free to be emotional, free to give, free to trust, and free to break. And if I break, I will reconstruct myself, and begin again.

Being a submissive is giving the gift of yourself to the One who deserves it. Granted, I have no true-to-life experience yet, but even in my own vanilla relationship, I find ways to give of myself to my partner. He doesn't realize it, but when I sit at his feet, I am awaiting his action. And I am the most comfortable when I sit there. And when I anticipate his needs, I am giving of myself, because I have dedicated time into learning his patterns. I often tend to his needs before he knows he's got them. And I derive great pleasure from making him happy, making him content.

In my journey as a sub, I will eventually seek to make Him proud of me. I seek His protection and love, and His absolute adoration of me, as I have of Him. I have not yet met Him. Not in real life, but I have hope for the future.
Just wanted to say that was very well put, and I enjoyed reading it. I feel much the same.

We all have different reasons for submitting, and it's important to get in touch with them. It seems you have done that. I wish you the best of luck in finding someone who will appreciate your gift and your reasons!!
Cirrus said:
Just wanted to say that was very well put, and I enjoyed reading it. I feel much the same.

We all have different reasons for submitting, and it's important to get in touch with them. It seems you have done that. I wish you the best of luck in finding someone who will appreciate your gift and your reasons!!

Thank you, Cirrus. :) I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. It was a difficult question to answer... I've thought about my reasons before, but never had to explain them. This was an experience in self-exploration.

And have you have the One yet that you wish to give all to? Do you think you'll be able to?
Re: Sub

Tazz said:
And have you have the One yet that you wish to give all to? Do you think you'll be able to?

I have not yet met the One in person. And when that time comes to meet Him, I will do my best to give my all. Though I hope He will be understanding of my slowness in learning, and I hope He will be gentle and kind as a teacher. I know I will deserve many reprimands... but I know He will never harm me. And so... if He is as I imagine Him... yes... eventually I will be able to.
So you have a One, just have yet to meet in person. Congrats, He's a very lucky man to have you.

And I'm sure He'll appreciate your eagerness and will be very open and understanding.

Will you wait until your vanilla relationship sours or ends to meet him, or will you persue 2 paths at same time?
I think out of respect for the relationship I am in, and I do hope it is a happy one for some time, I will not pursue both relationships in person. My SO has given me freedom to play online, and he knows I am learning from a Dom, but I do love my SO, and I will do what I can to give my all to that relationship. If it should sour, and if it should end, then I would meet that One.

And thank you, for saying he is lucky. I feel I am lucky to have His attention.
What if....

And if your Sir said to pick between He and your SO?

I doubt and hope He never does, but I am interested in how you'd react.

As I know many Dom's are jealous and possesive
I don't know. I believe i would stay in the relationship I am in, so that it will not end unnaturally. Bad Karma would come to me for breaking my So's heart.
vixenshe said:
I don't know. I believe i would stay in the relationship I am in, so that it will not end unnaturally. Bad Karma would come to me for breaking my So's heart.

I see and what of breaking One's heart and losing on the opportunity He offers?
Tazz said:
I see and what of breaking One's heart and losing on the opportunity He offers?

*sigh* I don't know. I hope He doesn't ask me to leave where I am.
He won't unless He has more opportunity to offer where He is
I must edit the last few lines of my confession to say that my SO and I have talked about a BDSM relationship, and though we both know it will take years of learning and trial and error, we are interested in embarking slowly on that road, and that we will do what is comfortable between us.

This makes me incredibly happy.
Thank you for posting this; everything I have thought is that which you have written. New, and learning - learning to want, learning to please, learning to let go. It's good to see that I'm not alone.
Fierce said:
Thank you for posting this; everything I have thought is that which you have written. New, and learning - learning to want, learning to please, learning to let go. It's good to see that I'm not alone.

I think you will find here in the BDSM board that you are never alone. All of us understand learning and journey, no matter what stage of ours we are on. Welcome to the boards. Make yourself comfortable. And let go of inhibition.
Hi vixenshe

If I were the present SO, I'd be a little uneasy about my replacement 'waiting in the wings' as it were.... Just my take. So let me put the issue into a question:

Let's say your present SO fades out of the picture, and then you're with the new Dom for a while; thing settle down. For him, things go a little stale, though he isn't exactly able say that to you.

He says, he wants to go online, in a BDSM community, and meet some people and you agree; then, he finds and begins to 'groom' (instruct, train) a possible successor. But he tells you--presume truthfully-- he won't connect with her, or push things, so long as you two are together.... Would you have a problem with this course of action?

Just wondering. It is good to see how those involved are being above board. Good luck!! :)
:) Well-deserved questions... in my last little explanation:

"I must edit the last few lines of my confession to say that my SO and I have talked about a BDSM relationship, and though we both know it will take years of learning and trial and error, we are interested in embarking slowly on that road, and that we will do what is comfortable between us.

This makes me incredibly happy." ,

I guess I didn't mention that I had called off all online playing, so that I could focus that energy on my SO.
vixenshe said:
:) Well-deserved questions... in my last little explanation:

"I must edit the last few lines of my confession to say that my SO and I have talked about a BDSM relationship, and though we both know it will take years of learning and trial and error, we are interested in embarking slowly on that road, and that we will do what is comfortable between us.

This makes me incredibly happy." ,

I guess I didn't mention that I had called off all online playing, so that I could focus that energy on my SO.

I'm sure you and your SO will be very happy now, and in the future.

Nice post. It shows a level of maturity and acceptance and growth. But, we need to talk soon.;) :rose:
Very nice post enjoyed reading it. I think you and your SO will be very happy. It is nice to see someone who know what she wants and exploring new possibilities.

I hope that everything works out with your relationship.
Must praise your eloquent way of saying exactly how I feel.... I was raised similarly and have been on the learning path myself... Best of luck in your future!!

vixenshe said:
Someone asked me today why I enjoy being a submissive. This was the best answer that I could come up with.

I was raised to be a strong woman. My mother raised me to never let someone have the best of me, to always work hard, to always strive to succeed, to never admit defeat, and most of all, to be self-sufficient. She raised me to be strong. Not unbreakable, but resistent to breakage. And I've found that, even in a relationship, it is a lonely way to live. I've always been the kind of person who wanted to make others happy. My mother knows this. I was raised to be a giver. I was raised to not expect anything in return. And I am a product of my upbringing in that sense. But I am rebelling against the idea that I need to be able to go through life so hard that the world around doesn't touch me.

It is the ultimate challenge for me to give up control to people.. but I believe that doing so is a great gift of myself. I have never yet been able to give up all control. I am still learning. I have found different people along the way who have taught me a little bit at a time, and I enjoy learning.

Have you ever kept a secret so long and so thoroughly that it begins to wear on you? And then when you tell someone, you feel a rush of freedom? Being made to be strong is like that. I was raised to keep my emotions to myself, I was taught not to trust people around me (seriously, my mother is paranoid). And giving up a little piece of control each time, is that same rush of freedom. By giving up all that I am, I will arrive at the ultimate freedom. I will be free to be emotional, free to give, free to trust, and free to break. And if I break, I will reconstruct myself, and begin again.

Stunned silence...

I feel the exact same way.... my mother treated me the same way..

I cant wait to feel that freedom!

Unfortunatly, that quest wont be easy for me.... but thank you for your excellent post!
Re: Re: Confession of a sub in learning.

Gorath_00 said:
Stunned silence...

I feel the exact same way.... my mother treated me the same way..

I cant wait to feel that freedom!

Unfortunatly, that quest wont be easy for me.... but thank you for your excellent post!

I don't think the quest is easy for anyone. It's a journey of self-exploraton, it's a journey where you have to shine light into your deepest, darkest corners, to see who you truly are, what you're truly made of. OFten, those of us on the journey won't like what we see, but it is that dislike that provokes change and growth. We become what we are meant to be, firstly, for US, and our own good, and then for the One, should we find Him/Her.

I wish you all the best, and my PM box is always open if you need to talk.
A Generation taught to be alone?

My mother died at an early age but my father still taught me independence or as I see it to be raised as a male.

Many people I have come across (I am a Gen X-er) in my age group were not given the choices I feel today's girls will be given. The understanding that if we want to persue a career we can. But I may want to stay home and be something else and that is ok too?

I felt pressured to succeed, to be successful and master the male dominated business world and flourish. But I suffer now, not able to have real girl friend relationships and find as I get older Males friends are harder almost impossible to find. Many men are married and wives become jealous and single men are more interested in mate finding than male/female friendship.

Submission to me is very feminine and a return to me realizing that I need someone. I am not in control of everything and sometimes life will take me to great places, scary places and yet I can cope. I am learning a softer side. A side that can cry when I need to. A side that can let someone hug me. Submission is also my journey...just as it is yours.

Where I will end up is well worth the adventure.

Re: A Generation taught to be alone?

maddi said:
My mother died at an early age but my father still taught me independence or as I see it to be raised as a male.

Many people I have come across (I am a Gen X-er) in my age group were not given the choices I feel today's girls will be given. The understanding that if we want to persue a career we can. But I may want to stay home and be something else and that is ok too?

I felt pressured to succeed, to be successful and master the male dominated business world and flourish. But I suffer now, not able to have real girl friend relationships and find as I get older Males friends are harder almost impossible to find. Many men are married and wives become jealous and single men are more interested in mate finding than male/female friendship.

Submission to me is very feminine and a return to me realizing that I need someone. I am not in control of everything and sometimes life will take me to great places, scary places and yet I can cope. I am learning a softer side. A side that can cry when I need to. A side that can let someone hug me. Submission is also my journey...just as it is yours.

Where I will end up is well worth the adventure.


*hugs to you*

like I said, anytime you need it, I have an open PM box.