Computer question


Head Fish
May 14, 2002
My sister has asked me to help her open a file. It was created an a Mac and saved as a text file. She cannot open it with MSWORD. I had her forward the file to me. The file extension is .txt.+sit.
Is this a correct file extension? I m concerned that this might be a virus. I am off to google to do some checking, but know there is a great deal of expertise here.


it appears that the .+sit file extension indicates that the file has been compressed using stuffit. Any Mac users out there that can confirm this?
sounds reasonable.

there is a utility called 'mac opener' that will open mac files on a windows system. you may want to look into this if you and your sister are going to pass files back and forth
Carp said:
it appears that the .+sit file extension indicates that the file has been compressed using stuffit. Any Mac users out there that can confirm this?
Yes, that is generally the convention. Get rid of the "+" in the filename, and get a Wintel version of Stuffit to decompress it. You may also have problems with carriage returns as the Mac uses a different data pair from the PC, but that is a minor inconvenience.
Thanks for the replys- I downloaded stuffit, opened it and sent it back.

Thanks again!