computer question

no idea.. what is the URL in your address bar before you hit the refresh button?
freakygurl said:
no idea.. what is the URL in your address bar before you hit the refresh button?
do you mean when the mouse goes over it, it says refresh......i know computer illiterate.....i tried closing the computer off windows and starting again, that doesn't help either.....
Unregistered said:
do you mean when the mouse goes over it, it says refresh......i know computer illiterate.....i tried closing the computer off windows and starting again, that doesn't help either.....
oops, forgot to log back in....
You have rebooted and it's still doing it?

No idea then. Sorry I can't be of any help. I've never had that happen.
thanks anyway.....going to try rebooting one more time just for shits and giggles.......
Mrs Christophe said:
why when i hit the refresh button, i find myself on the home page:confused:

Does it do this on all sites, or just a few?

Does it take you to your home page, or the home page of the site?

If it only happens on some sites and takes youto the home page of the site, then it's probably a site that uses frames. With Frames, a site controls the content of each frame without changing the URL your browser is displaying. Trying to refresh a frame refreshes the base page instead nd returns you to the "home" starting point of the framed site.