


I luv looking at porn..chatting...but there are people at home I would not want knowing I've been doing it! So, boy was I surprised whan I started finding out about cookies and things that keep track of where you have been or that leave traces inside the computer that someone with an inquisitive mind could find. I dont want to have to give up cumming here, but can't get caught...Any suggestions on ways to keep my mind dirty and my computer clean. Please help. thanks
Hi Julie:

I recommend that you check out Window Washer if you are using windows. The program cleans up everything and it has won tons of awards. There is also a Mac Washer. The company that makes it can be found here:

You might also want to do a search on ZDNET, they have lots of downloads and they also review many of the programs - try here:

Lastly, you might want to check the following site for a way to extend the trial period of any of these programs. Remember, though, you should always register a program that you find useful. Registration is the only way the software will continue to grow and improve! Here's the search engine for trial period extenders:

Hope that helps!

"Trial Period Extenders??"

Having been a faithful user of Astalavista for the past year, that's the first time I've heard it called that.
Or do it the cheap way, (not as comprehensive) Just delete you Temporary internet files in "temproary internet files" folder. and clear history....

Oh yeah easy to do with Internet Explorer...

go tools, internet options, open the "general" tab, and click the relevant buttons...

And make sure you turn off Auto complete theres nothing more embarrasing than typing something unrelated in to the address bar and having it auto complete an address to a porn site! (same as above but under the "content" tab)

that way only someone purposly checking up on you can find out where you've been. And that take a bit of "know-how"...
if you're using netscape, go
and click on the clear history tab and the clear location bar tab.

also, i have same problem - family use the machine too, so I have a separate bookmark file stored on a zip disk, with all porn sites i use marked there ... zip disk looks like part of the archive. (You could use a floopy to, it's hardly a big file, but I also store powerpoint files of pix I like etc....)
Julie everything you looked at and wrote can and may be stored on the computer.

Lets see if there is anything I can add.
Clear the doucments menu from the start button (list of documents last viewed) click start, settings, taskbar, start menu, clear

Cookies may not automatically clear on a delete temp internet files but can be cleared manually.(depends on version of windows I think)A disk cleanup from system tools works on most temp files.

Unless you are willing to become very computer competent or one of the programs is better than I know. Expect to get caught if someone who knows computers goes to looking.

log files, cookies, history, address bar, temporary files, favorites/bookmarks, real player files, got a picture viewer? check its files, empty the trash file

Am I leaving any out you guys?

Try a find jeg, gif, or html file search and check to see if any you don't want anyone else to see are on it. One problem you may have is that in trying to cover your tracks you may lose information that was important to save.

Good Luck and hey it is a good way to learn about computers. Cum back often
All these things are well and you think anyone in your home has the computer savvy to dig around and check up on you? It is easy to get rid of the obvious, history and my documents files...but unless someone is super nosy, chances are they won't check the rest of that stuff....If you do think someone has the know-how to dig around, then by all means go for it, get the software or spend an hour cleaning up after yourself (heehee)....just my thoughts

P.S. I was also concerned about that at first (until I got my own computer) but basically, by cleaning up the documents and the history I got rid of any evidence that the people in my family would see (none of them know about the temporary or the cookies, or any of that stuff)
thanks for all the tips...i dont think anyone is rooting around looking to track me, just that their own curiousity abou the coputer could lead them to some far i've resorted to "cleaning up after myself" which is time consuming, but thing i've found in doing thid is that the "find file" function seems to miss ceratin cookie folders...oh well...if i get caught i guess i'll juts have to be spanked!...thanks again
Take this little hint from me everyone, upgrade your RealPlayer now, today, this minute, It might just be possible that you've got a version that sends Everything, to RealNetworks. I mean everything, sites visited, comp specs etc, the company only fixed the "problem" after there was an outcry over it, this may be old news (for the net) but if you didn't upgrade lately maybe you should...
This applys to some other programs as well.

Most important bit: ->Read up on a program before you download.<-

Also its possible to intercept this info, using simple tools readily avalible on the net. So its not just the owners of the product who get your info, some 13yo script kiddie might try to bribe you, eg Bob I know you visit "" so gimmie $1000 or I'll tell your wife. - this actually happened (only in america eh?)

[This message has been edited by Avatar (edited 02-16-2000).]
Originally posted by julie:
...oh well...if i get caught i guess i'll juts have to be spanked!...thanks again

NOW you got the idea

it's all part of the getting caught fantasy! It's like if anyone you know recognizes the real you on this site - they are going ot have to confess to coming here too in order to face you with it. Hehehe.
Please expand on the RealPLayer comment...I dont know what you mean by it could be "sending" stuff to other users.
As the thread slowly disintegrates...
Avatar: I've heard it as "six degrees of seaparation"...of which there is a great movie by that name on the topic starring stockard channing...since i've been to NZ, i'd bet we could cut ti down to four or five degrees of separation!
Yeah it would be interesting to find out who people are in real life.

Since my country is relativly very small, Chances are I've met people here before that I know in real life!
All it takes is an IP address and a bit of social engineering ;-)

Speaking of that has anybody heard of of 6 points of contact, the theory that you know someone who knows someone...etc up to 6, so that you are 6 people away from knowing everybody in the world?
Hey, if you want to join a website that promotes the 6 degrees of separation, e-mail me and I will give you the info...
Bruiser can confirm this no doubt but I think in NZ they have a version known as three degrees of sepaaaaaaration, as in ewe are always no more than 3 away from someone whose girlfriend is a sheep
(sorry Avatar ...!)
Julie, there was a few articles on the news about it, a month or two ago, you won't get any info from the company that makes it (Real networks). I know that people sometimes don't get the newest version as soon as it comes out, so I recomended people get the latest version, which does not have the "tracking" capability..

and golden... *grrr* I may be in sheeps clothing, but I'm a wolf with a bite underneath!
Hi Julie -- I understand your concern, but it is not likely that you will have any problem

In regard to emails, if you send some hot ones, try and you can send, and receive them as encoded. You can arrange a password with your penpals and after the emails are read they self-destruct. No intermediary provider can read them and no record is left. With the password no one can read them even
after you receive them. They will even
notify one of your regular addys that
mail has come in.
Dear Julie,

To clean out history, cookie, and temp internet folders can be done semi-auto matically, few keystrokes for you. Unlike simple use of "Delete files" applied roughshod to the critical folders, it will not hurt any needed files. It was obtained from AOL, but works (for windows 95, 98 or higher) to clean out files, despite who is your internet service provider. It's not as fast or convenient as a program for the same functions, but you can do it right now!
Steps are:
1. Close all programs,
2. Click Start, Shutdown, Shutdown Cptr in DOS mode...... screen goes black with white copy, comes to rest at the blinking DOS-prompt.
3. with no space before, and with a single space between, type:
deltree history<enter-key>
....and cptr will ask "delete all history files and folders" or similar, then poses Y/N, you type y<enter-key> to choose yes; cptr does it (in just a few seconds)
4. at next prompt, type:
deltree cookies<enter-key>, then at Y/N question answer Y<enter-key>; in a few seconds, done erasing cookies
5. next prompt, type:
deltree tempor~1 (no spaces b4, one space between again, and the ~(a tilde [till-dee])is left of 1 top left of keybd). Then at Y/N answer Y<enter key> This part takes awhile to grind out the erasures, if you've never done it b4, maybe 10 minutes, a little more. Thereafter if once/wk, couple minutes each time.
6. To get back to Windows, at next DOS-prompt type:
exit<enterkey> ... and it boots windows up regular.

Two cautions: there may be a default setting in your ISP program (as in my AOL) which you dont realize is saving each and every email! Every one! Even after you "deleted" each. All you "deleted" was the DISPLAY of the few days'worth kept before your eyes! You took them off display, that's all. If your "Preferences" or something else has the program putting a copy of each inbound and outbound email into a "personal filing cabinet" or the like, and you're unaware (as i was) whoa! For America On Line, just go into MY AOL, Preferences,
Mail, and uncheck the choices checked for automatic PERMANENT saving: "Retain all mail i send" and separatly "Retain all mail I read" [in your Personal Filing Cabinet]. Thereafter, save only by conscious choice, 1-by-1. Then OPEN THE CABINET (My Files), read in horror, and use the delete button at foot of email window. Delete, delete, delete like crazy!

Last,even though you did the "deltree history" routine, go into My AOL, Preferences, Toolbar, then click "Clear history now". It cleans away the nasties already on your search-field's dropdown button. And while in the "history" function, you can check the ongoing automatic cleanup of the drop-down list, in AOL using the check-box at left in same window. Then choose ok, close etc. This last cleans the dropdown every time you close AOL.

The process is much easier then this length may make it seem. Print this by selecting (highlighting) it all,then use Ctrl-p to print it; or print whole page. There's other good stuff i never knew!

Good luck.

[This message has been edited by no bull one (M) (edited 02-20-2000).]
You can use this, too.

Won't keep track of any cookies, and even THE SITE won't know who you are. Takes a little while, and you have to keep going back there, but trust me, it works *remembers trick played on ex-boyfriend at his site*