Computer Help Please


Apr 4, 2003
I had to restore my PC a few weeks ago. When doing so I saved all my files no problem In reinstalling my OS I removed things I do not use such as Microsoft Works as I have office 2000 and I like it better. The problem I have some files still saved as Works and no way to open them! Is there some sort of translator or something so I dont have to completely reload my PC to get works back??

Should be able to open them from the program, excel, word etc by selecting the right file type to open.
Alvin Brickrock said:
Should be able to open them from the program, excel, word etc by selecting the right file type to open.

I have tried that but they open encripted all squares and squiggles.
You can convert the files, I forget how. I'll be back after I google it unless someone beats me to it.
~¤MzJones¤~ said:
I have tried that but they open encripted all squares and squiggles.

Not sure then. May have to reinstall works and save them as office files. Sorry. Good luck.
~¤MzJones¤~ said:
I had to restore my PC a few weeks ago. When doing so I saved all my files no problem In reinstalling my OS I removed things I do not use such as Microsoft Works as I have office 2000 and I like it better. The problem I have some files still saved as Works and no way to open them! Is there some sort of translator or something so I dont have to completely reload my PC to get works back??


Go to the microsoft office website and there will be downloads for translators for works.
Re: Re: Computer Help Please

TWB said:
Go to the microsoft office website and there will be downloads for translators for works.

*edited to say I cant find it...and if you perhaps could find a link??
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Re: Re: Re: Computer Help Please

~¤MzJones¤~ said:
*edited to say I cant find it...and if you perhaps could find a link??

Do you know what version of Works you had?
Thanks I got it. Doesnt seem to be working. I had whatever version of works that came with windows ME. *sigh*
a few options

the works files, try opening it in Nopepad as a text file the copy across to Word.

Best bet, reinstall Works and then copy across or try to save as a document Office can read.
I do not know how to reinstall works without restoring my whole computer which I do not want to do....:(
~¤MzJones¤~ said:
I had to restore my PC a few weeks ago. When doing so I saved all my files no problem In reinstalling my OS I removed things I do not use such as Microsoft Works as I have office 2000 and I like it better. The problem I have some files still saved as Works and no way to open them! Is there some sort of translator or something so I dont have to completely reload my PC to get works back??


There are some extra folders of files included in the new word processor you wish to run. Among those are the translators you are seeking. Your version of OS and Word is different from mine, so i cant give you better directions than this. But if you muck about in the word help file, it will eventually reveal where the translators are hidden.

Best wishes.
bknight2602 said:
That should work.

I never used Works because it is a stripped down version without all the good features. Better to buy Office. :)

buy? pfffft.
4laterer said:
a mate went to turkey, and managed to get £2000 of software for about £30

I got photoshop for 50p!

You are a thief - you are stealing the milk from some babys mouth

You are going to hell and damnation .

on another note are you coming to the Lit get together ?
Hmmm...let me hazard a guess, Compaq or HP? (Same shit, different Case)

Congratulations, you bought a useless piece of shite paperweight.

Do your self a favour and shoot the fucking thing.

Any company that sells PC's with restore partitions with the O/S and Applications loaded on them should be lined up against the nearest wall and terminated with EXTREME prejudice.

Also, the warrnty companies that take almost 3 weeks to get that same machine "fixed" and return that said PC to their client need to be rogered up their collective asses with pineapples....really big pineapples.

(Rant over. Return to normal programming ...3 - 2 - 1 - NOW)
If all else fails let me know and I'll give ya my copy of Works. I got a complete stand alone copy with my PC and I've never even taken it out of the packaging. You could swing by on your way home from work and pick it up one evening...