Completely pointless.


Really Experienced
Aug 29, 2010
So this post is completely pointless. I'm just restless and have nothing better to do so I thought I'd post something :) Just to make it semi-worth the read, how's everyone and plans for halloween? Love it, hate it. Costumes? Etc etc.
So this post is completely pointless. I'm just restless and have nothing better to do so I thought I'd post something :) Just to make it semi-worth the read, how's everyone and plans for halloween? Love it, hate it. Costumes? Etc etc.

My reply to this post is completely pointless. I just have heartburn and have nothing better to do than have this pain in my chest and acid running up my throat so I thought I would reply. I can't find my son's costume. Time is running short. I like Halloween. Feel pressure because I can't make the costume he wants.:eek:
My reply to this post is completely pointless. I just have heartburn and have nothing better to do than have this pain in my chest and acid running up my throat so I thought I would reply. I can't find my son's costume. Time is running short. I like Halloween. Feel pressure because I can't make the costume he wants.:eek:

Ouch, sounds painful. Hope you get better! :eek: What costume does he want? Good luck though!
Great! Just what the GB needs, another LiFeAnDeAtH :rolleyes: