Community Chat - Evening everyone


Really Really Experienced
Jul 25, 2002
Well, BDSM flirt didn't go over too well, and I am not certain if this one will either, but sometimes when I come into bdsm talk, I just want to say hello to people I like. I do not want to interrupt on-topic threads to say hello so I thought I would try a thread for that purpose.

So, does anyone want to just be friendly?

I will start.

Hello Ebony, how are you this evening? How is your search for a 24/7 going? ~smiles~
good evening MsW

I understand just wanting to say hello sometimes, so Hello !
I'm pretty good, lilRed.

We are getting ready to grill out. ~smiles~ I know it's late, but it is cool now. I make a *mean* BBQ chicken. Of course a requirement of cooking out is drinking beer, don't you think? *LOL*

~should I admit that my partner does all the prep work and I just do the cooking?~
Does she do laundry? ~grin~ i have been procrastinating laundry all evening but i have to get my sons football stuff washed by 9 AM tomorrow (not that i haven't washed it twice already this weekend) but he has his third and final game of the weekend in the morning :D
Hello LTR, I liked the flirt thread too but it sunk pretty quickly.

So, what type of books do you like to read?


I enjoy a good book, no matter what kind.

Right now I am reading Fantasy.
lilredwolph said:
Does she do laundry? ~grin~ i have been procrastinating laundry all evening but i have to get my sons football stuff washed by 9 AM tomorrow (not that i haven't washed it twice already this weekend) but he has his third and final game of the weekend in the morning :D

Yes, she does ~smiles~ although I help her with the laundry (her words, not mine lol). I do the floors, dusting, and the bathroom. She does the rest.

~do you think that is fair? *LOL* Yes, I am spoiled~

Good evening Maa'm .. can i have about 6 of those beers ? I fel like getting good and drunk..
also your pm box is full , Maa'm , just so ya know ( a dream public service announcement)
MsWorthy said:
Hello Ebony, how are you this evening? How is your search for a 24/7 going? ~smiles~

Good evening MsW, I am fine. If I tell you a little secret, you would not tell anyone would you?

I have found my 24/7. In fact, he is in lurk mode.

His name is proud stallion. He can post if he wants to, but he is shy.

Congrats Ebony.

Welcome proud stallion.

Hello all. There is a full moon out anyone for some howling?
Congradulations Ebony as well. proudstallion.. most of the board doesn't bite... well hard... so I've noticed. Been lurking a lot myself too. But slowly coming out.

A full moon huh?? So thats why the animals in my house are acting half crazed... couldn't see the moon under all the clouds
Re: Re: Community Chat - Evening everyone

Ebonyfire said:

Good evening MsW, I am fine. If I tell you a little secret, you would not tell anyone would you?

I have found my 24/7. In fact, he is in lurk mode.

His name is proud stallion. He can post if he wants to, but he is shy.


thats great to hear Eb, (mums the word)

welcome proud stallion !

on another note ever get the feeling everybody is out doing the spanky spank and your just sitting here waiting for them to come home?
Re: Re: Re: Community Chat - Evening everyone

lilredwolph said:
<snip> on another note ever get the feeling everybody is out doing the spanky spank and your just sitting here waiting for them to come home?

I thought I was the only one feeling that way!
nope your not alone

i am sitting here thinking hmmm, i wonder what this one is doing or oh didn't so & so have big plans, maybe they will come home and post about it. a bad spanking is better than doing laundry :(
I used my time and cleaned the bathroom and there is that basket of clean laundry over there that needs to be folded. <Sigh>

All dressed up and no where to go.
Hello Lost and Silken.

Ebony, how wonderful! ~smiles~

Hello proud Stallion, nice to meet you.
Warm welcome, everyone...and then I proceed to qualify that statement. o)

Y'know, I have no problem with T having a life. Just so long as I'm it. *grumbles good-naturedly* So you lovely people get the dubious pleasure of my company yet another night.

MsWorthy, I've always preferred nice red meat myself. Some pressure-cookied BBQ ribs always makes me a happy girl. And nix on the beer, as it's a taste I have yet to acquire, let alone legally purchase.

Edited to add: Ebony, how wonderful! He must realize what a stroke of luck it is to be chosen by wouldn't take anyone less. o)
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LOL Quint I do understand. I will do steaks or smoked chicken next weekend. It's great after the meat has been marinated.

We are happy to have you, hon, even tho it is his loss. ~smiles~
Re: Re: Re: Community Chat - Evening everyone

lilredwolph said:
on another note ever get the feeling everybody is out doing the spanky spank and your just sitting here waiting for them to come home?

UH, yes all the time.
