Commercials I find truly annoying....


Apr 10, 2001
1) The Staples commercial with the fat guy talking about how he stopped traffic to stare at an accident.

It's not funny, its not even clever.

What about you? Any ones you find tasteless/annoying/stupid? Remember, people, we're talking about commercials, not seemingly omnipresent Lit. posters.

hmmm... the Aflac commercials were funny to begin with and now they are just tiresome.
PacificBlue said:
hmmm... the Aflac commercials were funny to begin with and now they are just tiresome.
boooooooooooooo on you.

ducks are always funny.
I don't know about annoying commercials (I don't even own a TV [poor me]) - but, I have two fave commercials from A&W Root Beer. You can download them from their website - they're hilarious. Check out Thick-Headed Husband and Mr. Dumas -
Root Beer commercials