Comments being deleted


Bad Doggie
Jul 13, 2009
The last couple of weeks I have had several people leave a comment on a story and say "I hope you don't delete this" and "Hope this one stays, a lot of comments are disappearing."

Anyone else see this? Is the site randomly deleting things? From what I'm gathering based on who these people are-and none are anon-the comments aren't nasty and wouldn't have spam in them. These are legit commentors, not trolls.
In the last month I have seen comments drop off significantly (only 17 for all of my stories during this time), but I attribute that to the holidays.

I have seen none disappear.
I can't remember who, unfortunately, but I do recall someone referring anecdotally to this happening not so long ago. However, the only comment I've seen disappear recently was when I pressed delete ;)
In the last month I have seen comments drop off significantly (only 17 for all of my stories during this time), but I attribute that to the holidays.

I have seen none disappear.
Possibly the timing or...maybe you're getting them and they're going away before you see them.

I get a lot of activity on my page and I don't always go down to load more so I don't always see all my comments to know whether or not someone left one but its not showing up.
I personally have deleted comments that I found offensive, but that was 2 or 3 out of 900, but I haven't heard of comments disappearing that weren't disappeared by the authors.
I personally have deleted comments that I found offensive, but that was 2 or 3 out of 900, but I haven't heard of comments disappearing that weren't disappeared by the authors.
Same. The only time my comments disappeared without me was one specific incident when all the meta data on a single story got binned by accident while swapping categories.
I've only seen a comment automagically disappear once... years ago, and it wasn't offensive in any way so dunno what happened.

Readers can now delete their own comments, though. I've seen one reader purge their comments on my stories, and probably on the stories of others. Looks odd when you've replied to the comment and it no longer exists.
Possibly the timing or...maybe you're getting them and they're going away before you see them.

I get a lot of activity on my page and I don't always go down to load more so I don't always see all my comments to know whether or not someone left one but its not showing up.
I compare a download from one week to the next to show me any change in the numbers for all my stories. Comments are just one of the numbers tracked this way
Since in order to delete comments one has to have some to delete, I kind of wish I was seeing this problem regarding my own stories, which don’t garner many comments to begin with. I wonder what it’s like being the escort who can be choosy about, even reject, some of her clients versus the prostitute standing on the sidewalk in front of Joe’s Bar who can’t. It’s cold standing out here all the time.
Since in order to delete comments one has to have some to delete, I kind of wish I was seeing this problem regarding my own stories, which don’t garner many comments to begin with. I wonder what it’s like being the escort who can be choosy about, even reject, some of her clients versus the prostitute standing on the sidewalk in front of Joe’s Bar who can’t. It’s cold standing out here all the time.

I'm with you on that.
Our appeal is just more selective.

You might not get comments but you are making it rain with all those red Hs!
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I've only ever deleted one comment. Laurel deleted another but that was a personal threat of violence and she caught it just as I was about to report it.
I'm with you on that.
Our appeal is just more selective.

You might not get comments but you are making it rain with all those red Hs!
Thanks. A pair of sunglasses to filter out the blinding red glare on your profile page list of stories would come in handy as well.
In the last year I've noticed a couple of comments disappear, but my supposition was that they were linked to users (i.e. non-anonymous) and probably those users had left the site.
I delete comments I find more annoying than worth reading. I’ve had a few. But to my knowledge no one’s ever deleted my story comments besides me.
In the last year I've noticed a couple of comments disappear, but my supposition was that they were linked to users (i.e. non-anonymous) and probably those users had left the site.
That could be but registered users can delete their own comments on a story now too, even if they're still registered. I've done it twice (I think) but only after copying the original comment so I can correct whatever boneheaded mistake was in the original and repost.
I got an email from a reader who asked whether I had deleted his 'favourite story' on one of my stories and also that his comment hadn't appeared. I told him I didn't think that writers could remove favourite tags and told him to retry with the comment and three days later it appeared, but he still couldn't add 'favourite story'. When I went to 'my home' page there were four more readers who had favourited the story than what was listed in 'my stories' giving a total of 10 instead of the listed 6. I finally put it down to the algorithm not accepting the number as honest as the reader numbers at the time were just on 1100 and voting on the story was turned off. I never would of realised if it hadn't been bought to my attention, I posted a note on my profile for a month and called it all good.