Commentary: Lancecastor what have you done for me lately?

Dec 13, 2002
I felt it was important to show everyone that I am not just here to pick on RisiaSkye, as much as she just likes to play the victim. I am also not against *them* in the other *place*. I am an equal opportunity commentator. This topic has nagged me for a week or so now, so I felt now was a good time to post it.

So, it has been a few months now since Lancecastor ran cymbidia off the site. You empatically stated that you were doing it for the good of the forum. Then, less than a month goes by and you have all but abandoned the BDSM Talk forum for the General Board. What gives? Are you meerly bored by this forum? Is it not providing enough information or drama for you? Are there no more targets available for you? Or is there a larger scheme in your life? Are you going after people on the General Board now? I find it odd that you put in all that effort to save us from cymbidia (as you saw it) and then you are out of here before the dust even settles.

Some of you may noticed that this post is purely personal in nature. I never said I was just here to comment on the forum.


Dear OO Lance is about

He is just being a solid citizen going about his bussiness, enjoying his life and well what more need I speculate.

Lance will off course speak for himself if he feels like it but I must ask WHY are you posting in a way to bate him?

Come on OO talk to us about something interesting. Had any good dungeon experiences lately or had a new tattoo done while you were tied to the chair protesting and fighting but wetting yourself at the same time.

please discuss

OutsideObserver said:
I felt it was important to show everyone that I am not just here to pick on RisiaSkye, as much as she just likes to play the victim. I am also not against *them* in the other *place*. I am an equal opportunity commentator. This topic has nagged me for a week or so now, so I felt now was a good time to post it.

So, it has been a few months now since Lancecastor ran cymbidia off the site. You empatically stated that you were doing it for the good of the forum. Then, less than a month goes by and you have all but abandoned the BDSM Talk forum for the General Board. What gives? Are you meerly bored by this forum? Is it not providing enough information or drama for you? Are there no more targets available for you? Or is there a larger scheme in your life? Are you going after people on the General Board now? I find it odd that you put in all that effort to save us from cymbidia (as you saw it) and then you are out of here before the dust even settles.

Some of you may noticed that this post is purely personal in nature. I never said I was just here to comment on the forum.



Ha! Nice try.

First, I didn't run Cym out of here...she imploded, as she had every 30-60 days since she signed on at Lit two years her posts and see for yourself, stupid...or pop over to KT and watch her snake out over there. She just had one a couple of weeks ago over Lurkers.

Second, when Outside Observer has as many posts as Lancecastor on the BDSM Forum, drop me a PM and we'll compare for quality...and experiences.

In the meantime, go fuck yourself. You're a vacant, unidimensional microturd clinging to the hair of my ass, looking for a sniff.

No sale. Lick me, loser.

The technical term for unidimensional microturd is "monad". Anal monad.

What is the URL of this "KT" place everyone is always talking about? Can a humble troll get there without an invite?
Re: Re: Commentary: Lancecastor what have you done for me lately?

Lancecastor said:
Ha! Nice try.

First, I didn't run Cym out of here...she imploded, as she had every 30-60 days since she signed on at Lit two years her posts and see for yourself, stupid...or pop over to KT and watch her snake out over there. She just had one a couple of weeks ago over Lurkers.

Second, when Outside Observer has as many posts as Lancecastor on the BDSM Forum, drop me a PM and we'll compare for quality...and experiences.

In the meantime, go fuck yourself. You're a vacant, unidimensional microturd clinging to the hair of my ass, looking for a sniff.

No sale. Lick me, loser.


Lance is my new Superhero. :)

To Sheath

Do you think I could get a fullsize copy of your avatar, Sheath, if you have one? Or could you tell me where you got it? I have a friend who collects erotic pics of women with musical instruments, and this one you're using would be a cool one for her collection.

Re: Dear OO Lance is about

pierced_boy said:
He is just being a solid citizen going about his bussiness, enjoying his life and well what more need I speculate.

Lance will off course speak for himself if he feels like it but I must ask WHY are you posting in a way to bate him?

Come on OO talk to us about something interesting. Had any good dungeon experiences lately or had a new tattoo done while you were tied to the chair protesting and fighting but wetting yourself at the same time.

please discuss


Here's what _I_ want to discuss. Just why do you feel the need to butt in and respond hostilely to every single damn post this OO person writes??? Your obsession, quite frankly, is annoying the hell out of me and I want to know what gives. What is your personal history with this person. Why do you hate them so much. Why are you so willing to refute everything that OO says that you'll even support a creep like Lance? (Solid Citizen in-fucking-deed! He's a chauvnist asswipe who likes to drive away strong-voiced women by telling lies about them. I have him on PERMANENT ignore, after he tried the same shit with me that he tried on this Cym. person.) At any rate, I really really want to understand the source of your beef with this person because it appears so utterly irrational. Why do you go following OO around everywhere he or she posts and respond to everything she or he says? It is extremely curious to the (heh) "outside observer."

Come Clean, Pierced Knight, or you'll tarnish your body-mod armor.

Unda. Crucia. Eximius.
Re: Re: To Sheath

southerndrawl said:
I'm glad you like it!

Of course you can get a copy. :) I'm not sure where it came from myself, but I will definitely send you the largest one I have.

Look for my PM. :)


Ok, thank you! No rush to get it to me. I know my girlfriend will love it. She plays in a gay-girl band and recently started her own private yahoo group where she posts these sorts of pics.

It is hard to find naked women and musical instrument pictures, although once I found a fetish group on MSN that featured hundreds of naked men and instruments--the moderator of that group must have been collecting them for years because those pics are even rarer. If anyone is into that sort of thing, I'd be glad to post the MSN URL.

With all the criticism that you have heaved the way of the regular posters,. is this not just an invitation for more drama, more conflict?

I bet that if you look deep down, you could come up with some insightful, thought provoking or amusing BDSM topics.

I doubt that many of us really want to psychoanalize the forum to death. However, your posting is your choice, I suppose.


OutsideObserver said:
I felt it was important to show everyone that I am not just here to pick on RisiaSkye, as much as she just likes to play the victim. I am also not against *them* in the other *place*. I am an equal opportunity commentator. This topic has nagged me for a week or so now, so I felt now was a good time to post it.

So, it has been a few months now since Lancecastor ran cymbidia off the site. You empatically stated that you were doing it for the good of the forum. Then, less than a month goes by and you have all but abandoned the BDSM Talk forum for the General Board. What gives? Are you meerly bored by this forum? Is it not providing enough information or drama for you? Are there no more targets available for you? Or is there a larger scheme in your life? Are you going after people on the General Board now? I find it odd that you put in all that effort to save us from cymbidia (as you saw it) and then you are out of here before the dust even settles.

Some of you may noticed that this post is purely personal in nature. I never said I was just here to comment on the forum.


I hate condecending and irritating debate about nothing UCE

This last post was not written hostile, I have left that behind. I have no history with OO and just want rid of it unless it wants to talk about something related to the intent of this forum.

Your individual view of Lance is your bussiness. I would not try to tell you how to treat with him. My view is my view!

You are welcome to your view of how I have interacted with OO but you cannot know the whole story and I am not bound to report to you.

On following OO around the following are the facts - I have posted 10 times to OO related threads You have posted 13 times to OO related threads so who is doing the following?

There are reports in Australian Press about wholesale irony bypass operations being performed in the US as part of the War on Terrorism. Are you a victim?

Just kidding UCE Have a laugh. This is a BB for goodness sake, on a porn site. Or are you the evil ~~~~~O+O~~~~~ thingy?

Best to you UCE.

Harry in dented old rusty armour but sense of humour intact
Re: I hate condecending and irritating debate about nothing UCE

pierced_boy said:
You are welcome to your view of how I have interacted with OO but you cannot know the whole story and I am not bound to report to you.

I don't care. I can still ask anybody anything, when I see them doing something queer, like a persecution of another person. You don't have to answer, obviously, but that leaves the queerness of your activities intact.

Pierced said:
"On following OO around the following are the facts - I have posted 10 times to OO related threads You have posted 13 times to OO related threads so who is doing the following?"

This silly numbers fact means absolutely nothing. I'll tell you why. In various OO threads I posted on all kinds of subjects and in all sorts of ways and to various people besides OO. All I saw you post in those threads was one single kind of message: a persecution of OO. And because I haven't seen you post much in anything _except_ the OO threads recently it makes it look like you are following this individual around specifically to harass them. This caught my eye, because online bullies and persecutors are a special interest of mine. I like to figure them out: to find out what makes them tick. Which is why I asked you all those questions about your motivations. I want to know why you pursue the course you pursue.

Your unwillingness to answer just makes me wonder what you have to hide, OK?

You said:

"Just kidding UCE Have a laugh. This is a BB for goodness sake, on a porn site. Or are you the evil ~~~~~O+O~~~~~ thingy?"

It's hard for me to laugh about this particular person's persecution because I saw it heading in such an ugly direction awhile back when it looked like people thought it was justified to "Out" OO and to publicize secrets about him or her just because he or she was saying things that most people disagreed with. I thought then and I still think now that that was really, really sick, and I can't for the life of me understand anybody who would ally themselves with individuals who would perform such insidious and potentially harmful actions.

My therory so far--which is uneducated because you refuse to fess up to the real facts--about you, in case you're interested, is simply that you're a copy-cat bully. After a crime appears in the news there are often a rash of copycat crimes afterwards. And I'm wondering ifafter you saw so many people attacking this OO person, it made you confident that you could get away with the same crime and so you decided to be a copycat and attack OO too?

Uce Here is a repost of my first post to an OO thread

It was posted after reams and reams of other stuff by all and sundry.

If you think this is hostile, bully and copy cat well so be it. OO did not repond except to eventually register in a most condecending way. It (OO) is fair (verbal) game as far I am concerned.

OO even your name gets it wrong. You are clearly not out side nor are you observing very well.

If you had been observing you will have seen mature folk coming and going as they please discussing things that interest them. Just what a BB is for!

Many take heart and interest from the discussion here without needing hystrionics. You don't seem to be one of them.

To paraphrase one of the departed "if you don't like it move on".

Get youself registered then bring some "good" discusion here. I am sure we will all enjoy it.


UCE you are entilted to your view of course but you seem so angry with me. If I make you angry do not read me.

Best to you and yours UCE, Have a great Christmass and safe new year.


PS To OO, no doubt this is what you would rather see. Squabbles and irritation. Enjoy. h
Hold up the mirror

About what I expected, but some response never the less.

Originally posted by pierced_boy
He is just being a solid citizen going about his bussiness, enjoying his life and well what more need I speculate.

Lance will off course speak for himself if he feels like it but I must ask WHY are you posting in a way to bate him?

Come on OO talk to us about something interesting. Had any good dungeon experiences lately or had a new tattoo done while you were tied to the chair protesting and fighting but wetting yourself at the same time.

Lancecastor a solid citizen? You are cute. It's also cute to see you try to speak for him. Does your mother know you are up past your bedtime?

I will repeat, I am here to give commentary, nothing more. You can beat that drum (i.e., the why do you not post about BDSM drum) all you want, but I am not going to change.

Originally posted by Lancecastor
Ha! Nice try.

First, I didn't run Cym out of here...she imploded, as she had every 30-60 days since she signed on at Lit two years her posts and see for yourself, stupid...or pop over to KT and watch her snake out over there. She just had one a couple of weeks ago over Lurkers.

Second, when Outside Observer has as many posts as Lancecastor on the BDSM Forum, drop me a PM and we'll compare for quality...and experiences.

Dear sir, I have watched your style for some time now. I know I have struck a nerve with you, otherwise you would not have responded with such anger and critical words. That is your way, your mode of operation. You strive to push the spotlight off you with harsh words whenever someone points out your faults/evil intentions. You strive to turn the tables by getting people to like you because you so effectively bully the weak. Everybody loves a show. You use witty remarks as your self-defense. Can you not stand to see the reflection in the mirror?

I will not haggle with you about why cymbidia left. I will just say this, if you had not done the things you did, she would not have left. If you care to argue about that point, so be it. However, know this, whatever argument you make, I will simply respond with these five little words, "You are full of shit". I have no doubt you have made up all sorts of excuses in your little mind as to why you are not to blame for cymbidia leaving. Unfortunately, none of those apply to the real world.

Post counts do not correlate to quality. I am an outside observer making commentary. Our posts will never be comparable. But I did like the nice little trick you have tried to pull. Again, move the spotlight away from you and try to put it on me. What is the matter sir? Afraid of the publicity? Are you the Trent Lott of Literotica? Come clean. Repent

Have you declared success in the BDSM forum, only to move onto the next mission, the General Board? Who is your current victim? Who's next on the chopping block? What will the next forum be after the General Board? Please, I have to know. I would really like to get there first so I can have a front row seat.

Originally posted by MissTaken
With all the criticism that you have heaved the way of the regular posters,. is this not just an invitation for more drama, more conflict?

I bet that if you look deep down, you could come up with some insightful, thought provoking or amusing BDSM topics.

I doubt that many of us really want to psychoanalize the forum to death. However, your posting is your choice, I suppose.

I have stated previously that I felt a little drama is a good thing. See my reply to pierced_boy in regards to me posting about BDSM. Thank you for recognizing that it is my choice.

While I am sure Lancecastor will reply again, albeit with more harsh, angry name-calling, I think it is best to move onto the next topic since it is clear that Lancecastor has indeed "left the building". That is probably for the best. I will post a new commentary shortly.

I really have to wonder

What has Lancecastor done to you lately?

Both commentaries involve him or his actions here at the board. The first refers to posters leaving and teh second discusses specific posters leaving because of Lance.

I am just wondering what the motivation is for your posting these threads.
Re: Uce Here is a repost of my first post to an OO thread

pierced_boy said:
UCE you are entilted to your view of course but you seem so angry with me. If I make you angry do not read me.

I'm not the least bit angry at you. I am trying to understand you and you are making that difficult. The most I have felt is some mild annoyance over that. I have also gotten annoyed at certain actions you have taken--one of which I mentioned to you private and won't hash out here--as I think that they are unfair to others.

Your first post to OO was cool, it is the whole pattern of the posts that bugs me. Why is it important for you to put OO to sleep, as the title of one of your threads said?

Wishing me a safe Christmas is all very nice and well, but it seems hypocritical to me, a kind of "see look everybody at what a nice guy I am to UCE" sort of thing when you aren't doing the same thing to everybody else here, including people you like much better than myself. You get my drift? It kind of sticks out.

Since I want to know why you're chasing OO and defying all of his or her posts and since you don't want to tell me that, I guess we have nothing much to say to each other.
Re: I really have to wonder

MissTaken said:
What has Lancecastor done to you lately?

Both commentaries involve him or his actions here at the board. The first refers to posters leaving and teh second discusses specific posters leaving because of Lance.

I am just wondering what the motivation is for your posting these threads.

It seems clear to me, particularly in OO's latest post, that this person just doesn't like Lancecastor...a sentiment I find easy to share with him or her (hey, maybe it's him AND her, lol) as old Lancie has certainly played his dirty little hurtful games with me, too. If you haven't felt Lancie's Lance, MissTaken, count yourself as lucky. I, for one, will never forget it...or forgive the stupid lying asswipe. :) :) :)
Miss T wea are wasting our breath(key strokes)

Lets move on. I doubt Lance will answer. The sooner OO falls off the board with HIS commentary the BETTER.

There is so much good stuff to talk about. Other sorts of strokes for instance slow crop strokes or fast cat strokes or .... Teeth and nails, long Burning strokes of a finger nail down a tethered body, goose bumbs radiating out, a mind spinning down into that amazing place.

best to you Miss T

Just a quickie

Originally posted by MissTaken
What has Lancecastor done to you lately?

Both commentaries involve him or his actions here at the board. The first refers to posters leaving and teh second discusses specific posters leaving because of Lance.

I am just wondering what the motivation is for your posting these threads.

I admit. I have been lucky. I have not had the "pleasure" of Lancecastor's bite.

You erroneously point out that the second (actually the 3rd, but no matter) post is about Lancecastor being the cause of posters leaving. I only say that Lancecastor was the direct cause of cymbidia departing. True, she took some fellow posters with her. I am sure you, like me, will lump all those people into one group. That is fine. In my first post, I alluded to that group, but I also meant other posters, not just that group. That is the distrubing trend I have seen of late. It was not just that group that left. It is many others. If it was just that group, I would not be addressing you now.

This thread was not meant to be about Lancecastor running cymbidia off. It was about his current actions. He goes to all that trouble to "beautify" this place, and then leaves? Does that not smell of hypocracy to you? Does it lead you to believe he really meant to do those things to make this a better community? If he had, why would he drop it like a hot tamale?

I felt this deserved some commentary.

Re: Re: I really have to wonder

UCE said:
I, for one, will never forget it...

I guess what I am trying to say here is that if some other poster whom you are neutral about, even a buddy of yours, has deeply hurt other people but not you..yet, you could still try to have some compassion for those who have been hurt...and maybe even reconsider your views of this individual?
Thanks for sharing your observations, OO.

I sense that you love to read.

To ferret out the things that appeal to you for criticism from your distant perch.

Given that your presence and w ish is to read, observe, criticize.... but not actively participate, I leave you to it.

Enjoy your time here!

Re: Re: I really have to wonder

UCE said:
If you haven't felt Lancie's Lance, MissTaken, count yourself as lucky. I, for one, will never forget it...or forgive the stupid lying asswipe. :) :) :)

I have never been a very lucky person.