Column: Has the Republican Party proved to be so anti-government that it cannot govern at all?


Feb 27, 2017

This saga — from former Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s ouster earlier this month, through Republicans’ failure to rally around House Majority Leader Steve Scalise of Louisiana, to Jordan’s humiliation after a third failed vote Friday — has exposed for the world just how bad things have gotten for the Republican Party: It has grown so anti-government that it can’t even govern its own caucus in the House, the one institution where it holds power.

How can the GOP govern us if they can't even govern themselves?
Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi had a similarly thin Democratic majority yet managed to keep her party factions united and to shepherd into law major legislation, some of it bipartisan. But here’s the difference: Democrats believe in governance. Too many Republicans do not; their credo has shifted over the last quarter century from small government to anti-government. We’re watching the result.
Hakeem Jeffries described it best: the GOP is split and is engaged in a civil war.

The MAGAts are leading that civil war within the Republican Party. The ultimate goal of the MAGAt faction is to extend their civil war to the nation as a whole. They hate the changes associated with diversity in the American populace. They will do anything to deny minorities and women of freedom and autonomy. They desperately want to return to the past.

And now, as a cult that has become a full-blown mass psychosis, they are addicted to conflict and chaos.
Paul Ryan said it years ago when repubs had the majority and couldn’t get things done: “We’ve been the opposition party for so long we’ve forgotten how to govern.”
It cannot be emphasized enough that there is a contingent on the far left that has a shared agenda with the MAGAts to “burn it all down”.

That ^ should make the "sensible center" sit up and take notice.

The closest things to "moderate republicans" in the house should force a bipartisan coalition speakership if their favored "moderate republican" nominee can’t secure enough "republican" votes with significant changes in the House rules.

The "republican" centrists in government can seize the moment, or let the kids with matches on the far right AND the far left “burn it all down”.

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It cannot be emphasized enough that there is a contingent on the far left that has a shared agenda with the MAGAts to “burn it all down”.

That ^ should make the "sensible center" sit up and take notice.

The closest things to "moderate republicans" in the house should force a bipartisan coalition speakership if their favored "moderate republican" nominee can’t secure enough "republican" votes with significant changes in the House rules.

The "republican" centrists in government can seize the moment, or let the kids with matche on the far right AND the far left “burn it all down”.

Fortunately, Democrats have been able to maintain a unified front regardless of those extremists.
Paul Ryan said it years ago when repubs had the majority and couldn’t get things done: “We’ve been the opposition party for so long we’ve forgotten how to govern.”

Considering I'm no fan of PR I honestly believe they bought his daughter a pony so he would be Speaker and after that he saw Trump on the horizon and decided he wanted no part of that.
The "republican" centrists in government can seize the moment, or let the kids with matches on the far right AND the far left “burn it all down”.


Sorry missed this. Can we please stop pretending there is an extreme Left in the US? I mean the most radical we get is AOC and her radical scheme is healthcare for all and taxes on the rich. She's not talking socialism or communism and the only reason you know her name is attractive and occasionally gets uppity. I mean for fucks sake there were four members of the squad. I remember AOC and that one who immigrated and that's what I remember about her. After that you arguably have Bernie in the same camp and that's it. And nothing there is that extreme.

On the flip you have Trump, Marjorie Green. Bobert. I mean somehow I live in a world that has gone so insane that the balance between people like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio has those guys pretty much in the center. I remember thinking "Gods these men could be president!" and now I'm like. . .well I don't like Kamala but can we convince Jeb Bush to run? I don't even care that he'll be the third member of his immediate family to be president.
It cannot be emphasized enough that there is a contingent on the far left that has a shared agenda with the MAGAts to “burn it all down”.

That ^ should make the "sensible center" sit up and take notice.

The closest things to "moderate republicans" in the house should force a bipartisan coalition speakership if their favored "moderate republican" nominee can’t secure enough "republican" votes with significant changes in the House rules.

The "republican" centrists in government can seize the moment, or let the kids with matches on the far right AND the far left “burn it all down”.

Who is in the contingent on the far left who wants to “burn it all down”?
They decided to stop governing when they overcorrected to trump from Obama. Obama devastated the entire party and trump made it a parking lot.
Paul Ryan said it years ago when repubs had the majority and couldn’t get things done: “We’ve been the opposition party for so long we’ve forgotten how to govern.”
Bingo. The Republican party has the political equivalent of terminal cancer right now, and at some level they know they're dying, but refuse to admit it. "All is well!"

Remember when President Obama was sworn in and Repubs acted like nothing had changed? Obama gently reminded them that he had won and priorities were different now and AJ and Rightguide immediately began "Obama is BLACK HITLER!".

That's basically when the Republican party lost interest in governing and became the party of soundbytes, performative stunts and grubbing for contributions. Meanwhile, the sheer force of numbers they had as a voting demographic declined 2% each year from 2012 onward. Boomers have begun dying off, (32.78% as of today) and there is no demographic selfish enough to replace them.

2016 was basically their last gasp, they elected the ultimate political theater stooge in Donald J. Trump, who told an aging boomer populace that IT WASN'T THEIR FAULT. Narrator: it was their fault, no matter how much they want to blame homos, blacks, Mexicans and trannies.

Gen-Z is on the horizon and boy are they pissed. They see the boomers for what they are: selfish, entitled people who preach "do as I say, not as I do".

The Republican party today is dysfunctional. The only reliable voting bloc they have wants Christian Nationalism, which is poison to most real Americans.

AJ will be along shortly to remind us that erryone has been predicting the demise of teh Republicans for years, but it hasn't happened yet. The demise is taking admittedly longer than I expected, but when the boomers are down to about 10% of all voters (think: 2045), the Republicans will likely be replaced by something different. Most likely some variety of Fascism Lite.
Who is in the contingent on the far left who wants to “burn it all down”?

• The far left progressive purists / absolutists that trashed Hillary Clinton’s campaign and who declare President Biden to be as bad as republicans or worse.

• Those on the far left that believe good is the enemy of perfect.

We have a few prime examples right here on the PB.

And Nancy Pelosi did a remarkable job of “herding cats”, but the far left in congress has had its moments:

The goals of the far left are FAR more admirable than those of the far right, but the intransigence and intractability is almost on a par.

Also: That intransigence and intractability by the far left, after Bernie Sanders (an "independent") lost the Democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton, likely contributed to the election of Drumpf imho.

That ^ is how the far left contingent chose to “burn it all down” in 2016 imho. - I won’t be surprised if they do it again in 2024.

• The far left progressive purists / absolutists that trashed Hillary Clinton’s campaign and who declare President Biden to be as bad as republicans or worse.

• Those on the far left that believe good is the enemy of perfect.

We have a few prime examples right here on the PB.

And Nancy Pelosi did a remarkable job of “herding cats”, but the far left in congress has had its moments:

The goals of the far left are FAR more admirable than those of the far right, but the intransigence and intractability is almost on a par.

Also: That intransigence and intractability by the far left, after Bernie Sanders (an "independent") lost the Democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton, likely contributed to the election of Drumpf imho.

That ^ is how the far left contingent chose to “burn it all down” in 2016 imho. - I won’t be surprised if they do it again in 2024.

Respectfully disagree. At some level, the Bernie Bros realize THEY were primarily responsible for Clinton's defeat in 2016, whether they choose to admit it or not. They believed themselves the Democratic equivalent of the Republican Freedumb caucus (the proverbial "tail that wags the dog").

Sanders himself has all but admitted this, and as a result we have a 6-3 Extreme Court.

Biden has begun seeding the federal judiciary with unabashed liberal judges (ACLU lawyers, etc) and in 8 to 12 years will be well positioned for the courts to regain a liberal majority, as God intended.
Respectfully disagree. At some level, the Bernie Bros realize THEY were primarily responsible for Clinton's defeat in 2016, whether they choose to admit it or not. They believed themselves the Democratic equivalent of the Republican Freedumb caucus (the proverbial "tail that wags the dog").

Sanders himself has all but admitted this, and as a result we have a 6-3 Extreme Court.

Biden has begun seeding the federal judiciary with unabashed liberal judges (ACLU lawyers, etc) and in 8 to 12 years will be well positioned for the courts to regain a liberal majority, as God intended.

What do you respectfully disagree with???

The part about a 2024 repeat of 2016 by the far left???

Yes. I believe the far left will hold their nose and vote for the mainstream candidate in 2024. Gloves will likely come off in 2028.

I hope you’re right. But I sense a lot of discontent from our friends on the far left because President Biden hasn’t capitulated to Putin over Ukraine, he hasn’t rationalized the Hamas animal’s heinous terrorist attack, he hasn’t abandoned border security, and he hasn’t delivered every single progressive item on his agenda.

I’m not saying the far left will definitely abandon Joe Biden I’m 2024 a la Secretary Clinton in 2016, but the possibility certainly exists - imho.
Remember when President Obama was sworn in and Repubs acted like nothing had changed? Obama gently reminded them that he had won and priorities were different now and AJ and Rightguide immediately began "Obama is BLACK HITLER!".

The January of his first inauguration, there was a guy sitting in front of a Ralph's supermarket where I live with an "Obama as Hitler" poster, trying to get a petition signed. Obama hadn't even taken office yet.

This also goes to show that AJ and Rightguide were - and are - nothing but parrots of the ideology; no original thoughts between the two of them. Too stupid to come up with any.
The one responsible for Hillary losing in 2016 is not the far left. The one responsible is Hillary herself for being such a terrible candidate and running the pied piper strategy propping Trump up, because she mistakenly thought he'd be easy to beat.
The one responsible for Hillary losing in 2016 is not the far left. The one responsible is Hillary herself for being such a terrible candidate and running the pied piper strategy propping Trump up, because she mistakenly thought he'd be easy to beat.

She wasn't a bad candiate. She made calculated risks that didn't pay off but shit happens.
• The far left progressive purists / absolutists that trashed Hillary Clinton’s campaign and who declare President Biden to be as bad as republicans or worse.

• Those on the far left that believe good is the enemy of perfect.

We have a few prime examples right here on the PB.

And Nancy Pelosi did a remarkable job of “herding cats”, but the far left in congress has had its moments:

The goals of the far left are FAR more admirable than those of the far right, but the intransigence and intractability is almost on a par.

Also: That intransigence and intractability by the far left, after Bernie Sanders (an "independent") lost the Democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton, likely contributed to the election of Drumpf imho.

That ^ is how the far left contingent chose to “burn it all down” in 2016 imho. - I won’t be surprised if they do it again in 2024.

re the bold: dribble is a fine example of extreme leftism of late, incessantly pushing for a breakup of the USA with no regard to financial implications for individuals and little for economic/logistical issues that make it an unworkable solution on a par with extreme righties wanting secession and a return to their good ol' days of 'whites only' signs in windows and 'darkies' and women no longer having a voice, a vote....
re the bold: dribble is a fine example of extreme leftism of late, incessantly pushing for a breakup of the USA with no regard to financial implications for individuals and little for economic/logistical issues that make it an unworkable solution on a par with extreme righties wanting secession and a return to their good ol' days of 'whites only' signs in windows and 'darkies' and women no longer having a voice, a vote....

Dribble, RandyRebecca, BD66, etc.

They’re certainly out there - and they’re definitely out there.

I hope you’re right. But I sense a lot of discontent from our friends on the far left because President Biden hasn’t capitulated to Putin over Ukraine, he hasn’t rationalized the Hamas animal’s heinous terrorist attack, he hasn’t abandoned border security, and he hasn’t delivered every single progressive item on his agenda.

I’m not saying the far left will definitely abandon Joe Biden I’m 2024 a la Secretary Clinton in 2016, but the possibility certainly exists - imho.
I think the spectre of another failed Trump administration in 2024 is enough to scare those on the outer rim of the left into voting for the Democratic candidate. If, God forbid, Trump is elected there is a better-than-average chance he will be able to turn the current Extreme Court 6-3 makeup to a goosestepping 8-1 makeup, at which time democracy as we know it will collapse.