Collin Powell Speach


lost in the world....
Jan 30, 2003
Collin Powell Speech

Did anyone see Collin Powell's speech? I did and I thought he did a fabulous job. Most of those to respond after him want to give more time to the inspectors, what do they think the inspectors are going to find if Saddam is blocking them at every opportunity and knows every move they make?
When the Iraqi's responded to this speech they dimissed it as lies and fabrication by the US as a means to attack Iraq. When is the UN and the world going to wake up and see this manipulitive dictator for what he really is?
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I am a Canadian however I have been living in the US for the passed 6 months and I am married to an American. So I consider myself to have both worlds as in outsider and an insider. I agree and disagree with a lot of Pres. Bush's tactics and other things. Saddam is much like Hitler in his ways. Hitler was an evil dictator in the eyes of the World. To the people of Germany he was almost a god. Hitler was a genius, he was a powerful public speaker and great creator of propaganda. I believe Saddam has the same characteristics and is more than likely dangerous.

Now where I disagree... Saddam isn't the only one using propaganda. I have watched and read almost all of the speeches made by Bush and Powel and the rest of the WhiteHouse. As a Canadian I think I have a different view on things. Firstly, there are many other countries that have nuclear weapons, including the US. What about them? Who is next? First it was Afghanistan. Bush bombed them to hell. Now it is Iraq... again. Just like his father, I believe Bush is trying to fight his daddy's war. Once Bush is finished destroying Iraq, next he will focus on North Korea. Then who?

Probably a useless fact... listen carefully when Bush or any other member of the whitehouse refer to one of the three countries above. They will be referred to as a "regime". A little bit of propaganda for you. The Whitehouse feeds people what they want them to know and tells them how they should think. Do you really believe that after all the bombing in Afghanistan that no innocent people were killed? Also, where is Ossma Bin Ladin now? Was he killed, nope, not likely. Problem solved? Yes, for now.

Each year there are Billions of dollars spent, more recently than in past year for military and weapons and such. Instead of going to war with every country under the sun the money could be used for better things. Here in Ontario we have a things known as OHIP, Ontario Health Insurance Plan. When I go to the doctor I don't get a bill for $500 later. The government pays it for me. If I go to a doctor I am not going to be turned away because I do not have an insurance. How many people in the US don't go to the doctor because they can't afford it? Does Bush care? I don't think so, he just wants to create his legacy.

From my personal experience the US needs to be looking at it's people rather than focusing on total world domination. My father-in-law had cancer and required several surgeries for it. With the insurance plan from his place of employment paying the major portion he is left with the small amount of $30, 000. Almost every day he has creditors calling him and harassing him for the money. Is the US a free country? If that is what you want to call it.

Now let's talk about the United Nations. The second word is Nations... not States. The US is only one country out of the many which make up the UN. I suppose I will stop now. I have many more opinions and facts and stories to back them but, this post is quickly growing in length.

This is my opinion, take it for what you want.
-Tim (niceguy2002tim)
Didn't one of those guy's talking on the tape sound like the Pakastaini guy on Seinfeild.

Ha Ha, they try and link Sadam with AlQuasack and Osama and try and ignore the fact that all the support is coming from Saudi Arabia.

If you ain't gonna play this shit straight up you might as well jerk off.
Re: Outsider/Insider...

niceguy2002tim said:
I am a Canadian......This is my opinion, take it for what you want.
-Tim (niceguy2002tim)

Repeat posting to different threads is not reeeelly admired...

Re: Outsider/Insider...

niceguy2002tim said:

This is my opinion, take it for what you want.
-Tim (niceguy2002tim) [/B]
As a resident of Ontario I understand the luxery we have with our health care system compared to the US. This is something that has been over looked by many presidents before Bush.
I do understand that there are many country in the world that pose a threat to world peace. North Korea being just one of them. Have you heard the latest press release from them by the way? There is the ongoing threat of India and Pakastan, who are both nuclear, using those weapon on each other.
There is Isreal and Palastine, how long can that go on?
I, like most people fear and do not want war, but Suddam is a huge theart to the world.
Saddam is far from being a threat to the world.
He is a regional despot with little influence.
He is only hyped up to be a great threat by Bush's government because they couldn't catch Osama.
Coolville said:
Saddam is far from being a threat to the world.
He is a regional despot with little influence.
He is only hyped up to be a great threat by Bush's government because they couldn't catch Osama.

It's only Bush's America's hype which is building Saddam up into something he ain't...

Saddam is a local 'Mafia' boss who has no ambition to become a Godfather...

But like Castro before him, he can become bigger than he deserves simply because America doesn't like him.

America creates more monsters than the rest of us just by paying them some attention, a bit like feeding trolls on the Board...

Re: Re: Re: Outsider/Insider...

foxinsox said:
Nor is repeatedly posting the same threads ;)

Well, when you don't have much to say...

Back to the topic: I think that it was one of the best performances by a secutary of state ever, ranking with Stevenson's exposure of the Cuban missels. Brilently concieved and executed.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Outsider/Insider...

Back to the topic: I think that it was one of the best performances by a secutary of state ever, ranking with Stevenson's exposure of the Cuban missels. Brilently concieved and executed. [/B][/QUOTE]
I agree.
Re: Outsider/Insider...

niceguy2002tim said:
Here in Ontario we have a things known as OHIP, Ontario Health Insurance Plan. When I go to the doctor I don't get a bill for $500 later. The government pays it for me. If I go to a doctor I am not going to be turned away because I do not have an insurance. How many people in the US don't go to the doctor because they can't afford it? Does Bush care? I don't think so, he just wants to create his legacy.

We're far too selfish for national health care. We don't have it because we don't want it. Not because we haven't thought about it. It's far too socialistic an idea for our capitalist ways. Even the small amount of assistance Welfare provides is often portrayed as too much. If Canadian tax rates were imposed overnight here to support national health care, I'm sure we'd have a nationwide riot.

And for the record, Bush isn't trying to finish what his daddy started. He's trying to finish what Clinton started. It's called the Iraqi Liberation Act. Signed by Clinton, calling for regime change in Iraq due to their lack of cooperation with U.N. resolutions.
Re: Re: Outsider/Insider...

TallOne said:
We're far too selfish for national health care. We don't have it because we don't want it. Not because we haven't thought about it. It's far too socialistic an idea for our capitalist ways. Even the small amount of assistance Welfare provides is often portrayed as too much. If Canadian tax rates were imposed overnight here to support national health care, I'm sure we'd have a nationwide riot.

And for the record, Bush isn't trying to finish what his daddy started. He's trying to finish what Clinton started. It's called the Iraqi Liberation Act. Signed by Clinton, calling for regime change in Iraq due to their lack of cooperation with U.N. resolutions.
It would have been better for all if Suddam could have been taken out during Desert Storm, and the UN wouldn't be faced with this problem now. He will never comply with any UN resolution, or allow the inspectors to work freely. It is an extercise in futility.
Coolville said:
Saddam is far from being a threat to the world.
He is a regional despot with little influence.
He is only hyped up to be a great threat by Bush's government because they couldn't catch Osama.

Pull the bag off your head if you believe that, you sound like Chamberlain for Christ sake's.
p_p_man said:

Saddam is a local 'Mafia' boss who has no ambition to become a Godfather...


The invasion into Iran was a friendly gesture I suppose.

That little spat in Kuwait was also a misunderstanding to right?

Saddam is a thug.
Re: Re: Re: Outsider/Insider...

Magical_Mother said:
It would have been better for all if Suddam could have been taken out during Desert Storm, and the UN wouldn't be faced with this problem now. He will never comply with any UN resolution, or allow the inspectors to work freely. It is an extercise in futility.

Saddam wasn't taken out during Desert Storm because those that would replace him were equally or even more disturbing individuals. Lucky for us he's killed off a few of his would be successors all by himself since then. So it's looking like a better option now that we're thoroughly fed up with him.
HeavyStick said:
The invasion into Iran was a friendly gesture I suppose.

That little spat in Kuwait was also a misunderstanding to right?

Saddam is a thug.
There are a lot of people out there who will not see him for what he is until it is too late. And how about using chemical weapons on your people? That I guess was an accident?
Magical_Mother said:
There are a lot of people out there who will not see him for what he is until it is too late. And how about using chemical weapons on your people? That I guess was an accident?

I should have put more sarcasm into my post to ppman.

I believe he intentionally gassed them.
HeavyStick said:
I should have put more sarcasm into my post to ppman.

I believe he intentionally gassed them.
I know he intentionally gassed them. I was just following along with your lead. The thing that pisses me off is that he denies many of these things as falsehoods and fabrications by the US as a reason to attack Iraq.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
The case for removing Saddam was made in 1980

Let's stop mincing about with these slimey Euro's and do the job.

Powell's speech was well delivered, a polished performance.
That is probably the way it will turn out anyway.