College roommate is a past fling


Literotica Guru
Apr 19, 2021
So school will or is starting back this month and with that means Freshmen doing the dorm life. In the past I did a thread about move in day quickies but what if roommate is someone MC fucked but never thought they would see again?

For example: Julie, our bi or lesbian protagonist who normally keeps her same sex attraction a secret from her parents, chatted online over the summer and hooked up with another girl. They both kept things anonymous and after they met up for a day of passion at a hotel, Julie ghosted her. Now she and her parents are walking into the dorm room and she’s face to face with her summer fling who is equally surprised to see her.

Or: Nerdy protagonist lost her virginity over the summer to an athletic girl who loves popping other girls’ cherries, especially shy ones. Protagonist was shocked after it happened and ran off. She was supposed to be paired with a different girl but a flooding incident at her dorm had her get moved to the athlete’s room, who is overjoyed to see her and, believing she scared our MC off, wants to make sure to make it up to her in every way before the semester is out.

Of course guys can get in on it too: our MC went to a post prom party and had his first suck and fuck with his date’s cousin after she turned him down for sex. Now he and cousin (Who might be closeted or is normally a lot more reserved) are staring at each other after one of them comes back from a shirtless jog.

Or (though note: these stories would need to be handled with care). Could even be trans or non-binary stories.

Our cis MC hooked up with someone she thought was a really effeminate guy she got one hell of a good fuck but when her hook up was trans she wasn’t sure how to take it and ghosted them. She saw the name of her roommate but didn’t realize she had gotten a name change over the summer.

Or: our trans male Mc couldn’t take hormones until summer and since he lived in a pretty conservative town, he kept it hidden. He still wanted to have sex though so one night he hooked up with a guy and let him think he was a cis-girl because he wanted to fuck. Now after a summer of hormones he’s getting whiskers and is building muscle, so people see him as a guy now: and the he sees his roommate is the guy who blew his back out while he was going by his dead name.

Like I said, story would have to be handled with care but I think it could be done well. Maybe a secondary twist is that roommate is gay and wanted to hookup with someone to try and prove he was straight, only to unintentionally pick a trans guy.

Of course you can also go extra trashy: school puts together step siblings who hate ducked the night before their parents split, thinking they’d never see each other again, roommate is a classmate who had lots of boundary pushing (but still consensual) sex with them and they swore they’d never bother them again…but a mishap paired them up.
Surprise reunions of one night stands are always a good start and kids moving into dorms is perfect for that. Lots of options here.
If you want to do it with a hetero pair, they could be lab partners, or some other type of teammates, instead of roommates.

Or, they could be roommates, but one of them has a name that causes them to be mis-classified as to sex in the school's database (Pat, Chris, Kelsey, etc.).
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I like the route when the new roomates are step-siblings (boy and girl), and they were assigned a shared room on the basis they're family. They always had some level of attraction, but the parents' vicinity had been quelling it. But now this is not the case anymore and the things are slowly heating up. Maybe he enters the bathroom without knocking, thinking she's away, and catches a glimpse of her boobs before she manages to cover them? Or maybe she secretly watches him masturbates when she's believed to be asleep, bathing in the view of his cock? Finally they have sex and man, the real deal only begins then.
I like the route when the new roomates are step-siblings (boy and girl), and they were assigned a shared room on the basis they're family. They always had some level of attraction, but the parents' vicinity had been quelling it. But now this is not the case anymore and the things are slowly heating up. Maybe he enters the bathroom without knocking, thinking she's away, and catches a glimpse of her boobs before she manages to cover them? Or maybe she secretly watches him masturbates when she's believed to be asleep, bathing in the view of his cock? Finally they have sex and man, the real deal only begins then.
That's a very "What If" scenario though. A college would never house a male and a female in the same room regardless of relation. Perhaps the parents have rented them a two-bedroom, one-bath apartment just off campus? IMHO, plausibility means a lot when it comes to getting into a story.
With Co-ed dorms, family connections may "accidentally" slide through the system. Or dorms that have individual sleeping rooms off a common kitchen/lounge area. Many possibilities for reluctance or blackmail, as well as siblings having less chance of being caught by parents.
That's a very "What If" scenario though. A college would never house a male and a female in the same room regardless of relation. Perhaps the parents have rented them a two-bedroom, one-bath apartment just off campus? IMHO, plausibility means a lot when it comes to getting into a story.
Including when they're married?
Yes, I would think so. If dorms are classically segregated by gender. However, a Google search has revealed that there ARE schools that do have coed dorms, much to my surprise. So perhaps your original idea isn't as far off base as I assumed. My apologies. I would think though, that college housing would still separate siblings. Unless there was just one room left and the parents signed off on it?
I don't know, but assume, the coed dorms are more likely, rooms assigned by gender share common hallway and kitchen or similar. It's just that there's no strict segregation on a building level.

That doesn't in my opinion preclude heterosexual situation when the previous fling is moving in just across the hallway. Depending on how closely those living conditions are policed, it's just a little unofficial room swap away from direct cohabitation if that's what's sought after.
A classical "dormitory" is a large room with dozens or more beds. They were rarely coed. I don't think many modern universities use those anymore.

However, most universities in my experience, nowadays, do have coed dorms, in the sense that one building will house male and female students. Maybe even one suite or one floor will. But I think they still assign roommates (as in sharing a bedroom) on a same-sex basis.
Yeah, I went to university at a dorm that was co Ed and that meant each floor was a different sex (I think they did amend that to be by gender more recently but regardless) but we never had mixed gender/sex rooms or suites.
Yeah, I went to university at a dorm that was co Ed and that meant each floor was a different sex (I think they did amend that to be by gender more recently but regardless) but we never had mixed gender/sex rooms or suites.
At Univ of Wisconsin, in 75, same deal. At 0600 the halls were full of kids going back to their own rooms.....