

scarred wanderer
Jul 7, 2004
I apologize in advance if the subject has already been addressed to in another thread ... and I expect it has ... I would like some advice about how or where to find / buy a collar for my s.o. as I've surfed many websites but don't feel at ease with doing it online
I apologize in advance if the subject has already been addressed to in another thread ... and I expect it has ... I would like some advice about how or where to find / buy a collar for my s.o. as I've surfed many websites but don't feel at ease with doing it online

What sort of collar do you have in mind?

If you are after a stainless steel Turian style slave collar, then I know several people who have purchased from Ring of Steel and been very satisfied with the service and quality.

A :rose:
Thank you.

What they have there on sale looks rather nice. As I told you buying online presents the inconvenience that you can't touch what you get beforehand
While the topic *has* come up on a few occasions in the past ;) it has been a while, so don't apologize too much for bringing it up again. It's one that many people have an interest in.

If you click the "Search" button (near the top of the page), select "Advanced Search," then enter the parameters "Collar," "Titles Only," and select "BDSM Talk" and "BDSM Café" for the applicable fora (of course, you do not enter the punctuations around the parameters listed above), you should end up with slightly fewer than 30 threads containing the word "collar" in their title, dating back to 2004. Many of them ask a similar question.

OTOH, if you go to the BDSM Library and look for Collar, you'll find it redirected to Symbols of Ownership, where you'll find ~30 thread titles on the same general topic, dating back to 2002. (Some are, of course, duplicates.) It appears that most of these are *not* related to finding appropriate collars, but to topics concerning such things as, "Exactly why can't a Dom have a collar?" and other such philosophical conceits.

Perhaps if you peruse some of the threads found in these two areas, at least from title threads, you'll be able to locate more information than I can provide at this point.

Good luck to you and your s.o.!
If you are in the UK there are various fetish markets and the London erotica show where you will be able to look at and feel the different collars.
One of my friends wears the most beautiful sterling silver necklace with a heart shaped silver padlock. The chain has quite big links and looks quite substantial. Possibly something like that would suit.
Depends on the kind of collar you're looking for. For a very basic leather one, a pet shop might be one option (gauche, I know), and for anything more sophisticated I'd recommend a fetish market / event.
OP, it really does depend on what you're looking for as there are just some styles that you're not going to find in person. Many of the more "hardcore" ones are made by tiny business that probably aren't going to be represented by local shops and things. So if you want leather, there'll be dozens of options for you I'm sure-- but if you want metal, or something more exotic, the artisans and jewelers aren't going to come to you.
Thanks everyone for taking your time :)

OP, it really does depend on what you're looking for as there are just some styles that you're not going to find in person. Many of the more "hardcore" ones are made by tiny business that probably aren't going to be represented by local shops and things. So if you want leather, there'll be dozens of options for you I'm sure-- but if you want metal, or something more exotic, the artisans and jewelers aren't going to come to you.

We gathered as much ... I guess it could be worth trying with a trusted jeweller: surely those items are not displayed in their windows but may be upon request
One of my friends wears the most beautiful sterling silver necklace with a heart shaped silver padlock. The chain has quite big links and looks quite substantial. Possibly something like that would suit.

Got a picture by any chance?
Got a picture by any chance?

Ask and ye shall receive... ;)

I was clearly mistaken about the heart shaped padlock. I think this is more in the Gorean style. I believe this was made by a silversmith who is a mutual friend.

Very nice!

It does seem Gorean style, which is fine, although the Gorean collars I've seen so far were not made of chain
My sub has to earn the neck choker.. I think one should get wrist restraints first to take subs for walks and teaching. My new sub has matching pink restraints of leather.
Ask and ye shall receive... ;)

I was clearly mistaken about the heart shaped padlock. I think this is more in the Gorean style. I believe this was made by a silversmith who is a mutual friend.


How pretty!

What about something for men that can be worn 24/7 while still offering a bit of discretion? :kiss:
Currently looking for the perfect 'everyday collar' something I can wear at work or out for a night out that won't draw attention or look like 'a collar' but is significant enough that it means more to myself and my Master than just a necklace.

He's tasked me with looking but I keep finding either gorgeous jewlery I just like but doesn't have the connotation, or things I find a bit too 'obvious'.

I THINK the issue is I'd prefer him to choose it for me but before I tell him this if anyone has some inspired suggestions with links do let me know or preferably post here incase relevant to others.

I think I'm going to tell Him my views but be good to have some suggestions to go to him with as well even if none feel perfect to me, maybe one will if he chooses from them

Thanks xx
Currently looking for the perfect 'everyday collar' something I can wear at work or out for a night out that won't draw attention or look like 'a collar' but is significant enough that it means more to myself and my Master than just a necklace.

He's tasked me with looking but I keep finding either gorgeous jewlery I just like but doesn't have the connotation, or things I find a bit too 'obvious'.

I THINK the issue is I'd prefer him to choose it for me but before I tell him this if anyone has some inspired suggestions with links do let me know or preferably post here incase relevant to others.

I think I'm going to tell Him my views but be good to have some suggestions to go to him with as well even if none feel perfect to me, maybe one will if he chooses from them

Thanks xx

When I was looking, I found this site. They seem to have a WIDE variety... Good luck! c...view_type=gallery&ship_to=US&includes[0]=tags