cojiendo una colita de cuadril y rellenandola de leche

Well that wasn't what I expected. I thought it was finally an answer to my question "Do cows in China say moo?"
I dunno, man. It's pretty fucking creepy.

And would you happen to know if cows in China say moo?

I agree. I've always said that gentle bestiality should be legalized. I mean, the fucking cow isn't even gonna feel it.

There aren't any cows in China.
Iggy. Adios

i will wear it as a badge of honor.

Well that wasn't what I expected. I thought it was finally an answer to my question "Do cows in China say moo?"

i don't know about you, but i heard a mooo.

Was it at least at room temperature first?

i really hope so. i was also hoping for a bbq at the end.

You are one perverted something!

Gives new meaning to the words "treated like a piece of meat!"

it was damn sexy. admit it.

That's somehow less creepy than if it were alive.

Was there a follow up of this with him grilling and eating it?
It appears as though he lubricated it with baby oil, which would likely have rendered it inedible. The wastefulness continues. He should have used canola or olive oil.