Coffee, coffee, coffee coffee, coffee, coffee

This morning I ran out to buy what is probably my 10th coffee pot. I really need to clean them in a more timely manner. By the time it takes an hour to make a pot is too late for cleaning...

oh, did you want coffee? drink me!
shush. this is like being at work for me. Do you have any idea how many lattes I made today?
This morning I ran out to buy what is probably my 10th coffee pot. I really need to clean them in a more timely
manner. By the time it takes an hour to make a pot is too late for cleaning...

oh, did you want coffee? drink me!

I think I'll pass, although you
look very tempting it sounds as though your brew would be a bit pungent for me.

IaD thanks...fresh brewed would save my, may be.
I am a Dolt said:
Coming up!

And LG is much better than IAD :)

Thanks, and I agree about LG being better that IAD but thought I might be possibly opening healed wounds. :)
No no, I just changed my email address but I screwed it up and I can't post as LG until the lovely Laurel or someone fixes it for me!!

:) But thanks for your thoughtfulness!
I am a Dolt said:
No no, I just changed my email address but I screwed it up and I can't post as LG until the lovely Laurel or someone fixes it for me!!

:) But thanks for your thoughtfulness!

Bowing as I hold out my mug for a refill. :D
I am a Dolt said:
**pours the refill**

Can I get you a donut or bagel to go with your coffee, ma'am?

Oh no, thank you. I am just grateful for the java jolt. :)
If it were not for Juan Valdez and his beans I would be on welfare.
guilty pleasure said:

I think I'll pass, although you
look very tempting it sounds as though your brew would be a bit pungent for me.
Are you suggesting that my offer is for more than the required 'java jolt'? :p
JerseyBoy said:
Are you suggesting that my offer is for more than the required 'java jolt'? :p

*look of shocked surprise* Certainly not! It's too early.
Work at Starbucks, huh ? ~ guilty pleasure

It will probably be another twenty years before a Starbucks shows up here in these mountains. I think Juan Valdez is Maxwellhouse.

I meant that I would not be able to get it together to go to work without the buzz.

I do own an espresso pot though, circa 1975 San Francisco :cool:
Make mine black.. no sugar thanks... I need a big bad jolt this morning. :cool: