Cock Rings

As for tips, all I can say is make sure you can get out of the knots you tie in your excitement, and beware the rope burn on the nutsack! ouch! Depending on what type you use, I'd pull it very slowly past any point where it will rub directly against the skin... unless of course you WANT to give a burn...

I just had a crazy idea on a somewhat related topic - has anyone ever tried pushing the testes up into the inguinal canal and tying off the base of the scrotum to prevent them from falling back down into place? I wonder if there would be any point to doing that...
any one ever put a rope/ring right under the head of the penis?

and only around there possibly just to see what the sensation was?

I'd love to hear more nifty ideas, maybe things to say to someone who was my bottom, some key words... I'm drifting into new territory and was a little blind sided.

i don't know if this'll cross into cbt yet... maybe i'll go poke in that thread.. hm
i'm pacing him slowly, but he loves his rings and ties so far

thanks boys, I wonder if any of the dom/mes have seen this open again *hinthint*
have you tried tying his balls up ? Shoe srings work quite nicely. Wind it around his sack repeatly until his balls are hard knot sticking out then tie it tightly. The skin on his balls will be extermly sensitive to any touch or sensation. Leave a lenght of the string hanging so can use it as a lease or pull ad tugg on his balls. Believ me he will love it.
have you tried tying his balls up ? Shoe srings work quite nicely. Wind it around his sack repeatly until his balls are hard knot sticking out then tie it tightly. The skin on his balls will be extermly sensitive to any touch or sensation. Leave a lenght of the string hanging so can use it as a lease or pull ad tugg on his balls. Believ me he will love it.

my goal is to have his penis oozing from the manipulations... extremely sensitive is a good place to be... then push in the direction of pleasure or discomfort/pain and see what happens. He is far more perceptive to the pleasure spectrum so to get used to the bindings and awareness... to get him to do more, or admit more, I have to make it good first.

last night, for the first time ever, and I nearly stopped what I was doing... he asked if he could please come. By golly, I think he is learning. :) He is far more comfy with bdsm if he thinks it is his idea, so other then subtle suggestions and pillow talk, I've let him set the pace.
This time I want to push though, a little, with the rings, because it is a physical thing that could extend out of the bedroom.

I've read alot about not keeping them on for an extended period of time... yet I also read that someone spent a day in a ring doing housework.

Define "extended period of time" and what are the better rings for prolonged wear?
my guess is the leather ones? possibly metal?
my goal is to have his penis oozing from the manipulations MMMMMMM I love that feeling. I am gald to here he asked if could please cum , I preffer to made to BEG myslef.

I would say the metal rings are better. The elastic ones stay tight but the metal ones only constrict when you are hard so I think they are better for extended wear. I have worn the gates of hell for a whole day with no ill effects. I will post those pictures I promised over the weekend.
We have metal rings at the other store, i MUST put one aside for myself!

when he asked to "please" I nearly paused... but I said no, made him wait until he had the nerve to ask me again, and then made him count slowly to 10. I know he got off easy, but it was all I could think of on the fly
got the 2 inch metal ring!

he loves it (so far) he wanted one in the beginning (long while ago) but as stated before, I had only heard bad things. But after seeing them so much on Lit (for years), and finally getting sound advice - I went for it.
I pulled it out, and was playing with the ring, showed him I got it, then left to walk my pup. When I came back it was gone from where I'd left it.
He put it on right away!
I couldn't find it last night either!

I'm waiting maybe a night or two ... I'm going to start the day early by giving him tasks and check points, involving all sorts of things. I just need him to know his way around all the new rings we have now *grin* so nothing gets (accidently) hurt.
funny story:

My guy has a different schedule that I do, and is often awake later than I am. A few nights ago he was masturbating while wearing his ring, and as he was waiting for his erection to go down afterwards, he fell asleep!

and woke up with it still on!!

he went to go walk the dog and he felt something weird slipping around his cock/balls... and he ran back inside and quickly realized what had happened!

haha... gotta love.
Testicle weights

The testicles don't have to retreat into the scrotum to successfuly ejaculate. This is the most I can fit in the available space and the sensation at ejaculation is quite spectacular.
Hope the picture arrives with this posting.

The testicles don't have to retreat into the scrotum to successfuly ejaculate. This is the most I can fit in the available space and the sensation at ejaculation is quite spectacular.
Hope the picture arrives with this posting.

describe the sensation compared to ejaculation without the weight/spacers?

how do you get that on??
describe the sensation compared to ejaculation without the weight/spacers?

how do you get that on??

Thanks very much for your interest, BlueSugar.

I suppose it's in the build up. It takes a few minutes to put the weights on and by the time I've got a full erection and swung the weighted testicles back and forth between my legs, taken some photos, worked the penis to maintain the erection, taken some more photos and so on I may have had them on and kept my erection for anything up to an hour or so. the resultant ejaculation is, therefore, stronger than if I just "had a quicky" and mearly banged my unfetered testicles against the side if the wash basin, which is very pleasing in itself, if a little brief.

Sorry, you asked for a feels like your balls and the head of your penis are going to explode and you don't give a ...........

I'm getting an erection just writing this......oh what fun.

How do I fit them?
I'll sort out a set of photos and post them if you want?
any one ever put a rope/ring right under the head of the penis?

and only around there possibly just to see what the sensation was?

I'd love to hear more nifty ideas, maybe things to say to someone who was my bottom, some key words... I'm drifting into new territory and was a little blind sided.

i don't know if this'll cross into cbt yet... maybe i'll go poke in that thread.. hm
i'm pacing him slowly, but he loves his rings and ties so far

thanks boys, I wonder if any of the dom/mes have seen this open again *hinthint*

Hello there BlueSugar.
I've dug into my archive and found a few pics that might fit your request.

And one taken years ago. The picture quality is not brilliant.

In case you didn't know you can click on the thumbnails and it'll take you to the larger images. If you can cope with the idea. lol.