I was reading the recent news article about the search for the 3 American's being held hostage by Columbian narco-communist terrorists and came upon this little inconsistency between the BBC report and the CNN article:
From the BBC
and this:
From CNN
So which is it, what did he really say? My bet is that the liberals at CNN still have residual sympathies for their fellow leftist terrorists in the jungles of Columbia and made up half of their version of the quote or conveniently edited out the "not Vietnam" part alluded to in the BBC report.
Colombian politicians on Sunday expressed concern at Mr Bush's decision to send in US troops.
"This is not Afghanistan, this is not Iraq, this is not Vietnam," said Congressman Gustavo Petro, a former guerrilla.
"If Americans get more deeply involved, it's going to get worse."
From the BBC
and this:
"Colombia is not Afghanistan, it is not Iraq," Petro told Radionet. "With the type of violent conflict we're living here, what the United States is going to get tangled up in is a new Vietnam."
From CNN
So which is it, what did he really say? My bet is that the liberals at CNN still have residual sympathies for their fellow leftist terrorists in the jungles of Columbia and made up half of their version of the quote or conveniently edited out the "not Vietnam" part alluded to in the BBC report.