CNN Says McConnell is Too Old To Serve


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

CNN Frets McConnell Is Too Old for Senate, But Biden Is the Same Age​

Ana Schau
July 27th, 2023 8:49 PM

Thursday morning, after Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) had an unfortunate incident where he was unable to speak for a few moments at a press event, CNN News Central featured a segment where they fretted about McConnell’s age despite him being as old as President Biden. They discussed this incident as it could have been related to several of McConnell’s past signs of aging, such as falls, pointing out these signs in a man the same age as Biden, whose aging CNN had always avoided talking about.

Anchor John Berman broached the topic by describing the events of the evening before, adding that CNN had learned since the events that McConnell had “fallen multiple times this year, more times than we knew about,” and asking chief Congressional correspondent Manu Raju for more information on this new reporting.

Raju responded by bringing up McConnell’s age and some of his known past health issues that could have contributed to the incident:

More here:

And Feinstein is even older.
It's not the age as much as the inability to function. Mitch is now in a wheelchair if he thinks there's no photographers around, he's dumb enough to be under the impression that there is anywhere in public view where that's the case. It's likely he had a mini-stroke at the microphone so should be hospitalized straight away.

But if Trump does get elected again he'll be that age before the end of the term. ReichGuide says that Trump is too old to stand for President!
Even the GOP is questioning McConnell's health.

Reichguide's take: waaaaah, CNN, waaaah!

What a fragile man the thread starter is. It's very funny. 😆
Even the GOP is questioning McConnell's health.

Reichguide's take: waaaaah, CNN, waaaah!

What a fragile man the thread starter is. It's very funny. 😆
Funny! Everyone is questioning Biden’s health ! waaah CNN, waaah MSNBC, waaah FOX, waaah NBC, waaah CBS, waaah ABC, waaah PBS and on and on! 🤣
Funny! Everyone is questioning Biden’s health ! waaah CNN, waaah MSNBC, waaah FOX, waaah NBC, waaah CBS, waaah ABC, waaah PBS and on and on! 🤣

Wellness check requested for above poster. 😥
Mitch is too old or more accurately damaged to continue in Congress. So is Fienstein who has had some serious moments. It was genuinely scary watching Mitch have a straight up reboot on live tv and the way his aides have spoken this isn't the first time, just the first time it happened on live tv where they couldn't cover it up. That is not okay. Let the man spend whatever time he has left with friends and family. Its nothing he did wrong, I mean he's done plenty that I hate but that's not the issue at hand.
Wellness check requested for above poster. 😥
For your information jellyfish have existed for over 650 million years without a brain, you should find that comforting.

Hope that helps! 👈 :rolleyes:
For your information jellyfish have existed for over 650 million years without a brain, you should find that comforting.
Oof. Embarrassing attempt at humor.

Deplorables can't do comedy; we've proven this already. Stop trying. ✋
He is too old. Most of them are. Term limits and cognitive tests because this is simply ridiculous.
Yeah, but all it really does is annoy the rest of us who think there might be something of value that got posted.
How about a constitutional amendment, similar to the 25th for the President?

Not a blanket age cap, but whenever an overwhelming number of members and the leaders for each house think the person cannot execute their office…

And look something for everyone to get behind as a country.
I don’t see any humor in people who fan the flames of racism
Pointing it out isn’t fanning the flames. Awareness should help to reduce it. Only those that are racist get offended, such as yourself. So yeah, wouldn’t be funny to you.
Pointing it out isn’t fanning the flames. Awareness should help to reduce it. Only those that are racist get offended, such as yourself. So yeah, wouldn’t be funny to you.
Pointing out racism where racism doesn’t exist is fanning the flames of hatred and racism. You being a card carrying member of the progressive Marxist left *that would be you*.
Pointing out racism where racism doesn’t exist is fanning the flames of hatred and racism. You being a card carrying member of the progressive Marxist left *that would be you*.
Don’t carry that card, just looked in my wallet.