C'mere PBW


I think my bitching problem is ingrained at this point. Nothing can save me.

guilty pleasure said:

:kiss: Thanks Guilty & LO! I've been working on getting a little ass pic for an AV but you know it just doesn't have the same paazaz as yours!!

PBW.........nawwwww I'm a certified bitchin fixer upper ;) It's just going to take bit longer honey........ What's your time schedule lookin like?
cowgirl heaven said:
:kiss: Thanks Guilty & LO! I've been working on getting a little ass pic for an AV but you know it just doesn't have the same paazaz as yours!!

PBW.........nawwwww I'm a certified bitchin fixer upper ;) It's just going to take bit longer honey........ What's your time schedule lookin like?

Mmmm... am I going to need multiple "treatments"? Heh.

<checking watch> schedule is .... clear!
P. B. Walker said:
Mmmm... am I going to need multiple "treatments"? Heh.

<checking watch> schedule is .... clear!

LOL.....Can't be helped!!! It's that or I'm going to have to put you on ignore :eek: It's Friday.........no bitching allowed!!

Good thing we got all weekend..........

Hey.........where's my little side kick Flitter?? I think this is going to be more than a one person job!
cowgirl heaven said:
LOL.....Can't be helped!!! It's that or I'm going to have to put you on ignore :eek: It's Friday.........no bitching allowed!!

Good thing we got all weekend..........

Hey.........where's my little side kick Flitter?? I think this is going to be more than a one person job!

All weekend? Have I been that bitchy? Damn.. I didn't know it had gotten that outta hand (no pun intended). LOL.

So it'll just be the two of you? Think ya'll can handle it? LMAO... j/k
P. B. Walker said:
So it'll just be the two of you? Think ya'll can handle it?

Hell, that's a good question. It's going to require some pictures to figure that one out!! One or two......maybe more...........

Honey........you've been bitchin so long I thought PBW stood for

Performing Bitch Waiter :D LOL
cowgirl heaven said:
Hell, that's a good question. It's going to require some pictures to figure that one out!! One or two......maybe more...........

Honey........you've been bitchin so long I thought PBW stood for

Performing Bitch Waiter :D LOL

You two are going to post pics? Yummy! That's a good start already. Heh.

Doh... Waiter my ass. LMAO.
P. B. Walker said:
You two are going to post pics? Yummy! That's a good start already. Heh.

Doh... Waiter my ass. LMAO.

OOOOPS............I meant winner!!! Yeah Bitchin winner :D

Silly, we need pics of you!!

To see what size equipment we're going to need, and whether it takes two more to handle what you got ;)
*sneakin in quietly

I'm here doll.....and I'm all umm, excited.

Hiya PBW ;)
Flitter said:
*sneakin in quietly

I'm here doll.....and I'm all umm, excited.

Hiya PBW ;)

Hey Sweetie!! There you are ;)
I thought you went beer drinkin and hoop watchin without me.

Oh yeah.....he's so damn cute but he's definitely in dire need of a good blow job! He's been bitchin wayyyyyyyyyy too much. I'm needing your most expert advice on where to start!!
hmmm....I like to start diff places, depending on my mood.

tonight I say start at the balls and work your way up.....can't go wrong with that.
I kinda thought since he's been such a hot mouth i would need to take care of that first :D

Just so he isn't going to start bitchin and giving directions like he does all those drivers........we better tie him up too while we're at it!!
LOL... damn. Sounds like you two have this all planned out. I guess I can just sit back and enjoy... and try not to bitch. LOL.

Pictures of me??!! ohhh I don't know about that. Those kinds of things tend to scare people. I'd never put stuff like that up on the internet... :rolleyes: I'm pure, innocent, and all that other stuff. Heh.

P. B. Walker said:
try not to bitch.
Pictures of me??!! ohhh I don't know about that.

LOL......that darlin is why i'm filling that sweet little mouth of yours with me ;) You'll be doing good just to be moaning.........

Well now I do remember some hot little av's being used during cock week, the only problem being the pictures were just to cropped to get a good handle on what we need :p

Flitter honey.........how ya doin down there??

*caressing down PBW's chest to meet Flitter's hands*
cowgirl heaven said:
LOL......that darlin is why i'm filling that sweet little mouth of yours with me ;) You'll be doing good just to be moaning.........

Well now I do remember some hot little av's being used during cock week, the only problem being the pictures were just to cropped to get a good handle on what we need :p

Flitter honey.........how ya doin down there??

*caressing down PBW's chest to meet Flitter's hands*

Oh I don't mind moaning alot.. just as long as I can breath. Heh.

Cock week?! Me?! Nevah. lol. You must have faulty information.

But you can always post pics of ya'll. :)

Little ol' me?? Smoother you till you can't breathe.........only if you're bitchin!!

You post first........then I'll see what I can do!!
cowgirl heaven said:
Little ol' me?? Smoother you till you can't breathe.........only if you're bitchin!!

You post first........then I'll see what I can do!!

I really have no such pictures. lol.

I'm shy like that. ;)

P. B. Walker said:
I really have no such pictures. lol.

I'm shy like that. ;)


*cough Bullshit cough*

Besides I saw some more bitchin.......and you're effectively smoothered from here on out for the rest of the night......LOL!!

cowgirl heaven said:
*cough Bullshit cough*

Besides I saw some more bitchin.......and you're effectively smoothered from here on out for the rest of the night......LOL!!


LOL. Are you calling me a liar??!! <weg>

Mmmm suckling like a baby.
P. B. Walker said:
LOL. Are you calling me a liar??!! <weg>

Mmmm suckling like a baby.

Hell ..................well if I knew you better I'd call you a lot of things but not a liar ;)

*mmmmmmmm..........keep that up and I foresee a bitch free future :D
cowgirl heaven said:
Hell ..................well if I knew you better I'd call you a lot of things but not a liar ;)

*mmmmmmmm..........keep that up and I foresee a bitch free future :D

I've been called worse here :)

Oh there will definitey be more bitching LOL...

Can I start bitching about not seeing enough pics. ;)
P. B. Walker said:
I've been called worse here :)

Oh there will definitey be more bitching LOL...

Can I start bitching about not seeing enough pics. ;)

LOL.....you not bitching I would be worried ;)

Bitching isn't going to get you anywhere for pics honey.....I'm a sweet talker all the way:kiss: