Close Encounter


Really Experienced
May 8, 2007
Heather unlocked the door and entered her parents empty home. She drops her suitcase unceremoniously onto the floor just inside the door. Her parents are back in Italy for another month visiting family. This gaves her some much needed alone time to decompress from another year at college.

She heads up to her room leaving her bag at the door. She will just change into somethe she left behind. In her room she slides out of her jeans and into a pair of sweats. Hmm, these used to be looser. She has nver been fat but working out was never much an option either.

She then takes off her shirt and bra. "Well, those didnt get any bigger. Still 32b". Heather thinks about going to make herself something to eat, then thinks better of it. "Frig is probably empty anyway" Instead she flopps herself on her bed. Her black hair, that reaches down to the middle of her back, cascades neatly behind her as she drifts off to sleep.
Gio parks the car in the drive, he has driven along way through the mountains to be there. It has been along drive with lots of snow and bad weather. If he isn't mistaken he see's a light on. Strange he thinks, no one was supposed to be here.

Gio parks the car and gets his bag, wearily he goes round the back of the house and reaches under the bin as told in the holiday firms letter. He reaches for the key, and opens the door. Throws his bag on the floor and searches for wine.
His name was unpronounceable by these organisms, but he has found their vocal nature to be very intriguing. As he slowly drops his cloaked ship out of orbit he descends down to an isolated area to a secluded residence. Inside resides his next specimen. He is one of the forerunners charged with developing the best understanding of the dominant species of the planet, humans. After extensive work on the male species, and discovered the power that sex has over them, his next move is to understand the sexual nature of the female of the species.

His ship hovers low over the house and emits a pulse of energy that he knows to render them unconscious and plyable. Then he suits pulls his extraction apparatus to the loading bay and rides down on the tractor beam. His multiple limbed body is dressed inna humanoid construct that allows him to interact with the house as it was designed, a building suited to bipeds with arms

The extraction bed floated along behind him as he silently strode intonthenhouse. His sensors quickly led him to tue room where the female lay. A cursory glance told him she was sleeping and he found himself pleased. His arms deftly slid underneath of her prone form as he lifted her onto the floating bed

Moments later his sample was in ship, and she had been placed in the manipulator. Tue device levitated her form and allowed him access to her. He deftly slid from his suit, his bulky body supported by a series of tentacles, his form partially resembled an octopus, but his body had an abdomen, a chest and a head. Large saucer like eyes centered over a long wide slit that was his mouth

He sent the ship into auto pilot, commanding it to orbit the earth in the previous pattern, before he had retrieved his specimen

A few more commands had her limbs stretched out and the field generator up. The field generator would allow her to regain consciousness, while paralyzingly her muscles. It would allow her to see, and react to him, but no memories of the event would be formed

He grabbed a blade and began toncutnher clothes away, one long purple tentacle deftly wielding the knife as it slid up her stomach and between her breasts.
((Closed for shizzz. Sorry forgot to put that in))

Heather woke from a groggy sleep. It felt like she had been asleep for a week. The ride home must have taken more out of her then she thought. She lazily tried to roll over but founnd she could not! "What the-"

Her eyes shot open as she found she could not moveany part of herself! She looked up at-at whatever that purple thing is and screamed at the top of her lungs! It was coming at her with a knife! "Oh god I'm goina die!" She thought in panic.

Heart racing and unable to move she says, "WHAT ARE YOU!?WHERE AM I!? LEAVEVE ME ALONE" She spoke so fast and in such panic she doughted it could understand her even if it spoke her language.
After a significant effort on his earlier studies he had managed a basic grasp of thier language. The small holes on the sides of his head just behind his eyes resounded with the excessive volume as she woke suddenly and began to scream. He had been working on a device to translate his own language into an audible form for his patients, but as yet it was not working

Instead he decided to simply continue with his work as she screamed. The knife blade tore up through her shirt, sliding down with a silent whisp as it neatly sliced through her top

Two other tentacles slid up, sliding along the skin of her stomach, then flipped tue material to the sides. He examined her flat toned stomach, and the rapid rise and fall of her chest as her heart raced and her rapid breathing made the pert full breasts on her chest rose rapidly. He noted that her nipples were stiff, and wondered curiously, that was a reaction that males had indicated as a sIgn of female arousal. He curiously slid one glistening purple tentacle up over her flesh, the tip slipping over her nipple, in simulation of how males had reacted during the cyber routines he had run

The gleaming knife did not pause in it's work, the large saucer eyes glancing down towards her waist as the blade dipped into the waistline of her pants, soon those dropped to the floor, her body hovered in the manipulation bay in her panties alone

His attention returned to her breasts, two more tentacles joining the first, as the alien groped at her flesh, treating her breasts tue way the males had when he studied them
Despite herself, Heathers small dark pink nipples started to get hard. She was not attracted to-to this thing, but her bod y reacted none the less.

Realizing her screams and pleads where getting no response she stopped. Perhaps this thing could not under stand her? Or maybe it just did not care. Instead she just closed her eyes tight and said over and over again, "please stop please stop".
His monitors were recording her heart rate and breathing, and picking up the scattering if brain waves that she was emitting. His ears picked up on her words as she stopped screaming, but didn't stop speaking

He knew from the male simulations that innthe makes eyes, being told to stop meant to continue.

His probing tentacles twirled and wrapped around her firm pert breasts, slippining back and forth over her aching nipple. Another tnetacl rose
Up from
His body and slithered along her silky firm thigh, the tip deftly slipped under
Her panties and parted the warm wet core of her body

He was instantly intrigued at the warm tight sensation of her sex, mentally recording his observations, he began to thrust his long thickntentqcle deep inside if her, intrigued at the mix of data coming from her. She was angry and scared....and becoming aroused
"This cant be happening" Heather thought as the purple things explored her naked body. Or did she say it aloud? Everything is becoming a blur now. This cant possibly be real! Her body shook in disgust, it couldn't have been pleasure, as one of the tenticles slid over her dripping wet and neatly trimmed pussy.

"No! Not there please!" She yelled as it slid inside her. "God, it feels so big and deep!" She thinks. "I'll just lay here and when it is done it will let me go. " She has only had sex one other time and it was nothing like this !
Her words registered to him and he smiled, or what passed for a smile. It would not be over any time soon. Well this would be, the forced stimulation as he gathered data on a baseline orgasm.

His study of the males had shown him things they did to females. His large purple head leaned closer over her, the wide slit of his mouth opening as he approached her perky breast, the slit of his mouth opened as a long forked black tongue unfurled from his mouth. His tongue slithered free and slid up over the swell of her breast, the forked tip sliding up to glide over her nipple leaving a hot wet trail of saliva over her skin. Her other breast being expertly snared in his tentacles, gripping and sliding along her silky flesh.

Between her thighs the thick tentacle that penetrated her drove deep and continued to pump in and out of her sex, slackened by her yielding flesh as her body responded, despite her resistance
Heather turned her head in disgust as its tongue slide over her nipple. The nipple hardened further dispite her protests. "God! What's wrong with me?! Why does this thing make me feel so good?"

As if in respones to her thoughts the things tentical stared pounding her pussy harder. She was on the verg of cumming! She gritted her teeth trying to will herself not to cum. But the pleasure the thing provide was to great. Like a tidel wave she strarted to cum. Her wettness flowing over the purlple monster inside her. she tried to arch her back but was still pinned to the table. Wave after wave she came her body shaking uncontrollably.
A burst of data fled across his screens as her body climaxed. The most amazing sensation was the tight slick heat that flooded around his thrusting tentacle. It soon glistened in the light with her juices, wet and warm as he slowed his thrusting tentacle, slowly bringing his to hue back into his mouth. He found himself slightly saddened the baseline work was over. He had enjoyed this car more then he had thought he would. He couldn't deny the attractive nature of the female form at all

His eyes slid over her high firm breasts and slender silky thighs as he retracted his tentacle from her sex. He turned and dipped his tentacle into the cleaning var before addressing the interface for his equipment

Now the simulations would be run. He would test her in different arousal states and different copulation methods via virtual means. He pressed in the first set of commands

The machine had recorded her brain waves during the baseline measurements and during her unconscious state. Now it fed those waves into her brain, first putting her to sleep, then inducing arousal as manipulator arms slid from the apparatus to simulate the sensations she would feel in her simulated dream. The firs was set to drive her arousal high, and see how she would behave in a normal setting. The display showed him essentially what she dreamed

The school was slowing down from the daily bustle as six o clock approached and her teacher had her held in detention. His tall muscular form was garbed in a shirt and tie, with a pair of slacks. She found herself sitting behind her desk. The machine began to arouse her as she was tested in the way sex could override normal established behavioral patterns
Heather looked around the room at the other students in detention. They all seemed as bored as she did. She looked up the teacher at his desk. `Never noticed how sexy he is. Mmm I wonder what hiscock looks like` Heather shocked herself with her thoughts and she sat upright abruptly. She shook her head and tried to think of something else.

She looked around, puzzeled for a second, `Wait, how did I get detention? I have never gotten it before.`
The bell rang and Mr Morgan dismissed the other students

"Heather I need to see you for a minute" he said as he stood to his 6' height and walked around to the front of his desk, his cool blue eyes taking her in, the school uniform looking delightful in her

The door closed behind the last student

Tlalock watched the data being collected, ensuring her brain was responding to the amplified arousal state, then he subverted himself into the persona of Mr Morgan as he donned the articulated helmet taking a last glance of the prone naked form in the chamber, her pink lips beginning to glisten as the machinery directed her body to a state of rabid lust
Heather felt like she was getting horny by the second. She could not explain it and at the moment she did not care. She could feel her weteness starting to soak her black thongs. Thongs? When did she by those?

No matter. It's time to give Mr. Morgan a show. As he was distracted by the other students leaving she undid the top two buttons of her school blouse. Her perfect round tits were almost to the point of falling out and the top of her pink lace bra clearly visible.

When he called her up after the students left she spread her legs wide in an exaggerated movement giving him a clear view up her short skirt as she stood up

With an innocent sad look she stops in front of him and says, "Yes, sir?" Given his hieght compared to her short 5` 5 she knew he could see right down her shirt and probably see her hard pink nipples poking through the thin pink lace of her bra.
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Mr Morgan watched as heather approached, his eyes dipping to the sudden display of firm rounded cleavage. Not to mention the peek he had received of her black panties

She strode up to stand directly in front of him, his eyes glancing from her to the exposed lace of her bra.

"Heather I have noticed how distracted you have been, and I need to know what's bothering you. Your a fine student, but you've been altering your uniform too much" he said as he gestured at the exposed cleavage

" men are going to get the wrong idea with you exposing so much cleavage like that" he told her as his eyes openly gazed at the swell of breast spilling out from her unbuttoned shirt

"Just exactly what are you trying to do?" He asked as his eyes slid back up to hers.

Tlalok felt the equivalent of his pulse rising in the simulation. His emersion in these beings had him finding the appeal of their curvy pink forms and his own sex organ began to respond as he stood beside the pro e form of his subject
"Well Mr. Morgan. I just can't stop thinking about someone in class." She takes one finger and lightly traces the edge of her bra, drawing more attention to her young firm tits. "You see. I really want this persons cock. I just can stop thinking about it. I keep wonder what his hard cock will fill like in my mouth." She moves her finger to her mouth and lightly sucks the tip.

"I just get so distracted by the thought. It's all I can think of.

That hard cock sliding in and out of my mouth. Pre cum coating my lips. And then..." She lets out a soft moan she can not hold back and her hand cups her pussy almost not thinking about what she is doing.

"...And then I think about that cock inside me! Oh god!

And can almost not control myself now!" He eyes goes to his cock hungerly staring at it.

"I-I just need it Mr. Morgan." She then locks her bluish eyes to his, "Can you help me sir? I can't go on like this."
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His eyes slip down to watch her fingers play over the swells of her firm titty as her fingers trace her bra. His cock throbs as she explains what's been distracting her. She slips a finger to her lips and his cock stiffens again as her succulent lips tease the tip of her finger

He clears his throat as his eyes slide up to hers. One hand slips to her thin waist as he answers her

"Well I think I have exactly what you need" he says as his hand slips up her waist, fingers sliding over the shirt to the top button. He deftly undoes the button, his eyes watching the lacey bra become exposed, showing off her high perky breasts

"I think we can help eachother out. Why don't you see what I have for you. While I get a better look at you" he says as he undoes the rest of the buttons, tugging her shirt open to expose her firm chest and flat stomach. His hands slide up to cup her firm tits, fingers hooking into the bra. He deftly sweeps his hands to the side, slipping her bra down, and scooping her tits out

"Oh yes. I think we can be very helpful to one another" he says as his cover her breasts, his thumbs sweeping back and forth over her rigid nipples.
Heather's nipples reacted immediately to his touch. They instantly got hard and very sensitive. So sensitive that she almost came just from that. 'God! What has come over me? I have never been this horny before!' Her rational thinking did not last long when her attention was drawn back to his cock.

Her hands lightly traced his chest his chest and then circled his nipple through his shirt. She then traced down his hard abs and stopped at the button of his pants. She undid his pants and slowly unzipped them. She kneeled in front of him and pulled them down. She licked the length of his cock through his underwear and then looked up at him.

"Is this as big as it seems?" She said licking her lips in anticipation.
He groaned as she slowly slid from his grip

The feel of her fingers playing over his chest had stoked the fire in his loins, but watching the young beauty drop to her knees in front of him had his cock throbbing before she even touched the button

A deep groan escaped his lips as he felt the heat of her tongue through his underwear as she licked him

The look in her eyes was fascinating as she asked about his cock

"Oh it is darling, just have a look for yourself" he told her. His cock was a bulge ten inches long and thick around, aching to be freed

As the simulation ran its course tlalok stood next to her prone form. Her pussy was glistening as the machine drove her arousal to its limits, but he found his eyes drifting back and forth between her firm pert tits and her succulent slit. All the time examine the males seemed to have imparted him with a bit of his own zeal for the female human

He stepped closer as he felt his own organs beginning to stiffen with the virtual situation that was unfurling in the simulation. He suddenly found himself jealous of the holograph, even though it was directed by him, their was no physical feed back for him. He just watched and steered
Heather smiled up at him as she set free his cock. Her hands lightly stroked it up and down in admiration of his size. She then bent it forward a bit and took the tip into her mouth. She lightly suck the head of his cock. Some relief washed over her as she finally was able to suck on a cock. But, at the same time sucking on it also made her hornier and greedier.

Her tongue flicked the tip in her mouth as she continued to suck it and one of her hands continued up and down the shaft. Her one free hand moved to his balls and gently massaged. Then with one surprise and quick move she took as much of his length as she could. Held her head down savoring the feeling. Then she pulled it out, but still lightly stroked it.

After it was out she got an odd feeling that she could not explain at first. Then she realized in surprise, 'It's not big enough!', she thought. How could she feel this? He is bigger then her first and only other partner. Yet she felt she needed something more!
The feel of her hot mouth wrapping around the head of his cock made him groan with satisfaction, her busy hands stroked his exposed shaft and massaged his heavy balls, making him lean his head back in satisfaction as her mouth and tongue worked his cock. He gasped suddenly as she drove her pretty little face down on his cock. She held him there letting him revel deep in her warm mouth

Them she pulled free, her hands still working judiciously over his member as she stared at his cock. He reached down with one hand, gripping her handful of breast hungrily as the other hand slid to the back of he head

"Surely that wasn't enough to satisfy your need to suck on my cock. You've been such Abbas student, your going to have to work harder then that to fill your needs" he said as he forced er back down on his cock, pulling her head down to swallow even more of his long thick cock. His meat penetrated her throat as he shoved her down on his dick, forcing her to take more. He held her there briefly, then pulled his hips back for a moment before he began to to thrust them into her face as he held her head still. Fucking her face, driving deeper with each thrust to fuck her tight hot little throat.
Heather tried to pul free at first then quickly gave in when she realized how much this turned her on. Being forced to suck a cock made her pussy start to drip and demand attention.

As her face was being fucked she reached down between her leg and shoved two finger in her soaking pussy. The extra stimulation was just what she needed and she immediatly began to cum. Her body stifened and she screamed onto the cock in her mouth. She would not have taken it out even if she could. Her body convolsed in an odd rythem that did not match the thrusts into her. mouth.

When she was done cumming she expected some kind of relief from the uncontrolable passion she was feeling. The exact opposite happened however. Her lusst seemed to have doubled. She resumed finger fucking herself and hungerly started sucking and bobbing her head on his hard cock.
He felt her body seem to surrender as he fucked her face harder and faster, pulling her deep again and again as he stuffed his cock into her tight throat

Suddenly he felt her tense up and groan over his cock, her own orgasm racking her lithe firm body. Bit she soon redoubled her efforts, diving down on his cock as much as he stuffed it into her face. Thick gobs of saliva dribbled from his shaft and dropped onto her tits as she gobbled up his cock

Suddenly he pulled her off of his cock and yanked her to her feet. He spun her around and pushed her onto his desk. Her firm tits bounced as she was forced onto her back, Mr Mlrgan stepped between her thighs, and quickly rammed his cock deep into her wet hot pussy. Slamming to the hilt as he began to fuck her tight cunt with the fervor that he had been taking her throat.

Tlalok lifted a tentacle up, letting it slither along her thigh, deftly slipping into the wet hot slit of her sex, the simulation bringing his own body to a level of arousal he had not anticipated, and finding himself gravitating towards the young firm flesh of his subject. Her sex felt decidedly delicious as he gently thrust his tentacle in and out of it. His own sex organ slipping from his base, rising thick and rigid, a deep purple that was almost black, one of his tentacles wrapping around it and slipping along it as he stroked the glistening member. As the simulation grew in intensity

Mr Morgan leaned down to wrap his lips around one hard nipple, biting at it as his hips bucked furiously into her tight pussy. His other hand sliding down to grip he waist and hold her still as each thrust filled the air with a slapping sound, and made her firm tits bounce, the nipple in his teeth tugging slightly as it tried to escape his grip
Heather screamed in passion when he ramed his dick into her. When he bit her nipple that sent her over the edge again. She thrust her hipps up into his cock forcing him deeper in her. Yet, as she was cumming her fire was only intensified. Nothing seems to satisfy her.

Through grited teeth she demands, "Fuck me harder damit!"

As she was being fucked she noticed something odd. Hi cock did not feel...right, yet oddly familiar. It felt hard yet softer and just different. But she felt like she knew this feeling before.
Mr Morgan let her nipple slip from his teeth as he leaned up. His hands slipping to her curvy hips. He gripped her tight as he complied with her wishes. Pulling her onto his cock as he slammed home inside of her. Harder and faster, the desk began to scoot across the floor as he fucked her hard and fast, the juices if her soaking wet pussy coating his cock

"Oh fuck you tight little slut" he cried out as his balls tightened and his own orgasm wracked his body. Thick gouts of cum spewed inside of her as he leaned bak and pulled his cock free, his sed firing onto her body, spattering her chest and stomach, thick pearly streamers spurting from the head of his cock. His slowly ebbing orgasm dribbled his seed onto her tight spent pussy.

Tlalok felt himself compelled to her flesh, his monitoring of her virtual experience fading as he slid over her. The thick stalks of his central tentacles lifted him between her soft silky thighs

He pulled his probing tentacle free of her sodden sex, slipping it up to his mouth as his tongue slithered over the glistening rope, tasting her ecstasy.

His thick member was rigid at the base of his abdomen as he delicately probed at the entrance of her sex, his curiosity over riding his caution as he slowly sunk the too thick member into her, unaware her virtual experience hac ended and she regained consciousness as the thick purple shaft of his member spread her to the brink of tearing as the hot wet orifice called to him, and he pressed the two foot member deeper inside