clits are lickish

Viva Cuervo

It also makes one bullet proof, and extremely attractive to the interesting gender.
LukkyKnight said:
And here I thought it was the tequila.

Be it Oh-Three or Agua d'Agave - it matters not! You are indeed a strange and twisted fellow, Sir KnighT. :confused: :devil:
cutie pie said:
Oh. It's just an observation. I though it was an offer.
Seek and ye shall find, ask and ye shall receive, flirt and ye shall come... :p
lavender said:
I was feeling quite freakish.
Well, sure, but don't base it on how ticklish your clit is. There's a remarkable range in responses from those delightful organs.
LukkyKnight: but then, I have an oral obsession.
You know what we need? A support group. That way when the need to put something in our mouths becomes too great to bear, there'll be someone there for us who understands us.
J.B. said:
LukkyKnight: but then, I have an oral obsession.
You know what we need? A support group. That way when the need to put something in our mouths becomes too great to bear, there'll be someone there for us who understands us.
You are sooooo right, J.B. How often shall we meet?

If you are what you eat then you should be purring already.....

Re: Re: Clit-lickerish

LukkyKnight said:
What I am is hungry for more.

Just another observation?

And why is it that flirting has never made me cum? I must be worse at it than I thought.
Hmmm... perhaps. But is that better or worse than desisting too late and being assumed a stalker?